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8000 B.C.E. Flashcards

Beginnings of agriculture

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1623225778000 B.C.E.Beginnings of agriculture0
1623225783000 B.C.E.Beginnings of Bronze Age- early civs1
1623238021300 B.C.E.Iron Age2
1623238036th century B.C.E.Life of Buddha, Lao Tsu, Confucius3
1623238045th century B.C.E.Greek Golden Age4
162323805323 B.C.E.Alexander the Great5
162323806221 B.C.E.Qin unified China6
16232380732Beginnings of Christianity7
162323808180end of Pax Romana8
162323809220end of Han Dynasty9
162323810333Roman capital moved to Constantinople10
1623238114th centuryBeginning of Trans-Saharan trade routes11
162323812476Fall of Rome12
162323813527Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire13
162323814622Founding of Islam14
162363864732Battle of Tours15
1623638651054Great Schism in Christian Church (Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox)16
1623638661066Norman conquest of England17
1623638671071Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turk defeat Byzantines)18
16236386810951st Crusade19
1624971271258Mongols sack Baghdad20
1624971281271-1295Marco Polo's travels21
1624971291324Mansa Musa's pilgrimage22
1624971301325-1349Travels of Ibn Battuta23
1624971311347-1348Bubonic plague in Europe24
1624971321433End of Zheng He voyages/Rise of the Ottomans25
1624971331453Ottomans capture Constantinople26
1624971341488Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope27
1624971351492Columbus sailed the ocean blue/Reconquista of Spain28
16249713615021st slaves to America29
1624971371517Martin Luther/95 theses30
1624971381521Cortes conquered the Aztecs31
1624971391533Pizarro toppled the Inca32
1624971401571Battle of Lepanto (naval defeat of the Ottomans)33
1624971411588Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British34
1624971421600Battle of Sekigahara- beginning of Tokugawa35
1624971431607Foundation of Jamestown36
1624971441618-164830 years war37
1624971451683Unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna38
1624971461689Glorious Revolution/English Bil of Rights39

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