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8th physical science exam Flashcards

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16303928547Forcea push or pull applied to an object0
16303928549ScienceProcess that uses observation and investigation to gain knowledge about events in nature1
16303928550Net Forcewhen two or more forces act on an object at the same time2
16303928551Scientific Methodan organized set of investigation procedures used by scientists3
16303928552Controlstandard for comparison4
16303928554HypothesisA testable prediction5
16303928556Static Frictionfriction in which two surfaces are not moving past each other6
16303928557experimentorganized procedure for testing a hypothesis7
16303928559sliding frictionfriction where two surfaces slide past one another8
16303928560controlstandard for comparison9
16303928561constantfactor that doesn't vary in experiment10
16303928562independant variablefactor that is adjusted by the experimenter11
16303928563rolling frictionfriction between a rolling object and the surface it rolls on12
16303928564independent variablevariable that we change13
16303928565fluid frictionThe friction when an object moves through a fluid meaning fluid or gas14
16303928566dependent variabledependent on the independent variable15
16303928567air resistanta friction-like force that opposes motion of object that move through air depend on speed, size and shape16
16303928568scientific lawpule of nature that sums up related observations to describe a pattern in nature17
16303928569velocityincludes the speed of an object and the direction of its motion18
16303928570scientific theoryexplanation based on experiments, the most logical explanations19
16303928571accelerationrate of change of velocity20
16303928572grapha visual display of information or data21
16303928573line graphshows trends or how the data changes over time22
16303928574bar graphuseful for comparing information collected by counting23
16303928575Motionoccurs when an object changes position relative to a reference point24
16303928576distancehow far an object has traveled25
16303928577Displacementdistance an direction of an object's change in position relative to the starting point26
16303928578speedThe distance an object travels per unit of time27
16303928579Energythe ability to do work28
16303928581electric chargesare from protons which are positive and electrons which are negative29
16303928582Electric chargesMade from protons and protons attracting each other30
16303928583law of reflectionthe angle of incidence of a wave is always equal to the angle of reflection31
16303928584PowerThe rate at which work is done32
16303928585waveA repeating movement or disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space33
16303928586electricityComes from protons and electrons34
16303928589Law of Conservation of chargeelectric charges can be transferred from object to object, but it cannot be created or destroyed35
16303928590static electricitythe accumulation of excess electric charge on an object36
16303928592Reflectionoccurs when a wave strikes an object or surface and bounces off it37
16303928593mediummatter through which a wave travels38
16303928594Energythe ability to do work39
16303928595potential energyEnergy that is stored40
16303928596Work formulaforce x distance41
16303928597Mechanical waveswaves that require a medium to travel42
16303928598Refractionthe bending of a wave caused by a change in its speed as it moves from one medium to another43
16303928599Law of conservation of chargeelectric charges can be transferred from object to object, but it cannot be created or destroyed44
16303928600Atomsbecomes charged by gaining or losing electrons45
16303928601ConductorA material in which electrons easily flow46
16303928602Frictionthe force that opposes the sliding motion of 2 touching surfaces47
16303928603elastic potential energyEnergy stored by something that can stretch or compress like a rubber bad or a spring48
16303928605kinetic energyEnergy in the form of motion49
16303928606InsulatorsA type of material in which electrons do not easily flow50
16303928607Law of conservation of chargeelectric charges can be transferred from object to object, but it cannot be created or destroyed51
16303928608conductorA material in which electrons easily flow52
16303928609Diffractionan object causes a wave to change direction and bend toward it53
16303928610transverse wavesmatter moves back and forth at right angles to direction that waves travel54
16303928611compressional wavematter moves back and forth as the wave travels through it55
16303928612Interferencewhen 2 or more waves overlap and combine to form a new wave56
16303928613positive, negative chargesCHARGES EXERT FORCES ON EACH OTHER ;THE LIKE CHARGES REPEL57
16303928614Electric currentthe net movement of electric charges in a single direction58
16303928615Power formulawork/time59
16303928616Chemical Potential Energy (CPE)Energy stored in chemical bonds60
16303928618InsulatorA type of material I'm which electrons do not easily flow61
16303928619potential energyEnergy that is stored62
16303928620rolling frictionfriction between a rolling object and the surface it rolls on63
16303928621gravitational potential energyanything that can fall has stored GPE64
16303928622Creststhe highest points on a transverse wave65
16303928623constructive interferenceResulting wave is bigger66
16303928624charging by contactthe process of transferring charge by touching or rubbing67
16303928625conductora material in which electrons easily flow EXAMPLE: METALS68
16303928626voltage differencethe force that causes electric charges to flow; charges flow from high voltage to low voltage69
16303928627Troughsthe lowest points on a transverse wave70
16303928628destructive interferenceResulting wave is smaller71
16303928629charging by inductionthe rearrangement of electrons on a neutral object caused by a nearby charged object72
16303928630InsulatorA material in which electrons are not able to move easily EXAMPLE: rubber,wood,plastic73
16303928631fluid frictionThe friction when an object moves through a fluid meaning fluid or gas74
16303928632Circuita closed path that electric current follows75
16303928633machineA device that makes work easier76
16303928634mechanical energyTotal amount of kinetic energy and potential energy77
16303928635CompressionsThe parts where the coils are close together in a compressional wave78
16303928636electromagnetic wavesmade by vibrating electric charges and can travel through space79
16303928637electric currentthe net movement of electric charges in a single direction80
16303928638charging by contactthe process of transferring charge by touching or rubbing81
16303928639Dry cell batterychemical reactions occur in a moist paste causing the transfer of electrons82
16303928640elastic potential energyEnergy stored by something that can stretch or compress like a rubber bad or a spring83
16303928641The law of conservation of energyenergy may change form but it cannot be created or destroyed under ordinary conditions84
16303928642air resistanta friction-like force that opposes motion of object that move through air depend on speed, size and shape85
16303928643workThe transfer of energy that occurs when an object moves86
16303928644velocityincludes the speed of an object and the direction of its motion87
16303928645Input forceThe force applied to a machine88
16303928646wet cell batterycontains two connected plates made of different metals in a conducting solution89
16303928647charging by inductionthe rearrangement of electrons on a neutral object caused by a nearby charged objects90
16303928648Frequencynumber of vibrations per second91
16303928649RarefractionLess dense region; coils are farther away ; In a compressional wave92
16303928650voltage differenceforce that causes electric charges to flow; charges flow from high voltage to low voltage93
16303928651Frequency# of complete wavelengths that pass a point in a given time94
16303928652Radio wavesLow frequency waves with wave lengths of about 1-10 cm( used for radio stations, microwaves, radars)95
16303928653circuita closed path that electric current follows96
16303928654electric currentthe net movement of electric charges in a single direction through a wire or conductor97
16303928655Resistancethe tendency for a material to oppose the flow of electrons, changing electrical energy into thermal energy and light98
16303928656Chemical Potential Energy (CPE)Energy stored in chemical bonds99
16303928657accelerationrate of change of velocity100
16303928658Infrared wavesHave a slightly higher frequency than radio waves(remote controls, warmth of a fire and satellites)101
16303928659Wave formulav=fλ; wave speed(m/s)= frequency(Hz) *wavelength(m)102
16303928660dry cell batterychemical reactions occur in a moist paste causing transfer of electrons103
16303928661voltage differencerelated to the force that causes electric charges to flow; measured in volts104
16303928662Motionoccurs when an object changes position relative to a reference point105
16303928663Ohm's Lawthe current in a circuit equals the voltage difference divided by the resistance106
16303928664Output forceForce applied by machine107
16303928665Amplitudemeasure of the energy in a wave108
16303928666visible lightthe range of electromagnetic waves that you can detect with your eyes109
16303928667wet cell batterycontains two connected plates made of different metals in a conducting solution110
16303928668circuita closed path the electric current follows111
16303928669series circuitAn electric circuit with a single path112
16303928670gravitational potential energyanything that can fall has stored GPE113
16303928671distancehow far an object has traveled (area between 2 reference points)114
16303928672dry cell batterychemical reactions occur in a moist paste causing a transfer of electrons115
16303928760the ratio of the output force to the input force116
16303928673parallel circuitA circuit that contains more than one path for current flow.117
16303928674Resistancethe tendency for a material to oppose the flow of electrons, changing electrical energy into thermal energy and light caused by making wires longer and thinner and hotter118
16303928675ROYGBIVred, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet119
16303928676Displacementthe distance and direction of the object's change in position relative to the starting point120
16303928677radio transmissionradio converts electromagnetic waves into sound waves121
16303928678Ultraviolet waves (UV)Frequencies slightly higher than visible light( the sun(sunburns, vitamin D production, fluorescent materials absorb)) kill bacteria122
16303928679carrier wavespecific frequency123
16303928680Ohm's lawCurrent in a circuit equals voltage difference divided by resistance124
16303928681wet cell batterycontains two connected plates made of different metals in a conducting solution125
16303928682mechanical energyTotal amount of kinetic energy and potential energy126
16303928683speedThe distance an object travels per unit of time(rate of change in position)127
16303928684Electric fuseSmall pice of metal that melts if current is too high128
16303928685Resistancethe tendency for a material to oppose the flow of electrons, changing electrical energy into thermal energy and light129
16303928686machanical advantage formulaoutput force/input force130
16303928687average speed formulatotal distance/total time131
16303928688X-rays and gamma raysUltra-high frequencies that can travel through matter, damage cells( bone images, radiation therapy)132
16303928689televisionaudio is sent by FM radio waves and video is sent by AM radio signals.133
16303928690cathode ray tubeProduce images you can see on tv. Surface is covered in spots that flow red, green, or blue when struck by electron beams134
16303928691circuit breakersmall piece of metal that bends when it gets hot, opening circuit and stopping current flow135
16303928692Resistancemeasured in ohms136
16303928693The law of conservation of energyenergy may change form but it cannot be created or destroyed under ordinary conditions137
16303928694instataneous speedspeed any given point in time138
16303928761Measure of how much work is put into a machine is changed into useful output work139
16303928695Telephoneselectrical signal creates radio wave that is transmitted to and from a microwave tower140
16303928696Magnetismrefers to the properties and interactions of magnets in which there is a force of attraction or repulsion between like or unlike poles141
16303928697Ohm's Lawthe current in a circuit equals the voltage difference divided by the resistance142
16303928698average speedtotal distance travel divided by total timme143
16303928699Magnetic fieldexerts a force on other magnets and objects made of magnetic materials144
16303928700workThe transfer of energy that occurs when an object moves145
16303928701Global Positioning System (GPS)system of satellites, ground stations and receives that receive high freq microwave signals, amplify it and return it to Earth.146
16303928702electric currentmeasured in amperes147
16303928703constant speedspeed that does not vary148
16303928704Newton's first law of motionan object in motion stays in motion or an object rests, until an unbalanced net force acts on it (also law of inertia)149
16303928705Simple machineA machine that does work with only one movement150
16303928706series circuitAn electric circuit with a single path151
16303928707Magnetic domainsgroups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles152
16303928708permanent magnetMade by placing a magnetic material in a strong field , forcing magnet domains to line up153
16303928709LeverA bar that is free to pivot around a fixed point (fulcrum)154
16303928710InertiaThe tendency of an object to resist any change in motion155
16303928711parallel circuitA circuit that contains more than one path for current flow.156
16303928712Complex Circuita circuit composed of both series and parallel circuits157
16303928713Electromagneta temporary magnet made by wrapping a wire coil carrying a current around an iron core158
163039287141st class leverfulcrum in the middle159
16303928715Newton's Second Law of Motiona net force acting on an object causes the object to accelerate in the direction of the force160
16303928716Force formulaF=ma161
163039287172nd class leverOutput force is between input force and fulcrum ex: wheelbarrow162
16303928718Electric motorsa device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy163
16303928719circuit breakersmall piece of metal that bends when it gets hot, opening circuit and stopping current flow of electrons164
16303928720Direct Current (DC)Electric current that flows in only one direction165
16303928721Newton's Third Law of MotionFor every action there is an equal and opposite reaction166
163039287223rd class leverInput force is between output force and fulcrum ex: broom167
16303928723electric fusesmall piece of metal that melts if current becomes too high, opening circuit168
16303928724momentumproperty of moving object resulting from its mass and velocity (momentum=mass *velocity169
16303928725Magnetismrefers to the properties and interactions of magnets in which there is a force of attraction or repulsion between like or unlike poles170
16303928726Alternate Current (AC)Reverses the direction of the current flow in regular patterns171
16303928727PulleyA simple machine that consists of a grooved wheel with a rope or cable wrapped around it.172
16303928728magnetic fieldexerts a force on other magnets and objects made of magnetic materials(strongest closest to the magnet)173
16303928729Gravityany two masses that exert an attractive force on each other174
16303928730fixed pulleyattached to something that doesn't move175
16303928731weightthe gravitational force exerted on an object, measured in units called newtons176
16303928732moveable pulleyA pulley that is NOT attached to a structure177
16303928733poleall magnets have a north a south178
16303928734Block and tacklecombines multiple fixed and moveable pulleys179
16303928735repellike poles180
16303928736projectileanything thrown or shot through the air181
16303928737attractunlike poles182
16303928738wheel and axleConsists of an axle attached to the center of a larger wheel so that the wheel and axle rotate together183
16303928739horizontal motionmotion parallel to Earth's surface184
16303928740inclined planea sloping surface, such as a ramp, that reduces the amount of force required to do work185
16303928741vertical motionmotion perpendicular to Earth's surface186
16303928742magnetic materialsiron, cobalt, nickel187
16303928743screwAn inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder188
16303928744magnetic domainsgroups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles to small to be seen with our eyes189
16303928745centripetal accelerationacceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path190
16303928746wedgean inclined plane with one or two sloping sides191
16303928747permanent magnetsare made by placing a magnetic material in a strong magnetic field, forcing magnetic domains to line up192
16303928748magnetism and electricitywhen electric current flows through a wire , a magnetic field that forms around a wire193
16303928749compound machine2 or more simple machines that operate together194
16303928750the amount of current flowing through the wire.what does the strength of a magnetic field depend on ?195
16303928751electromagneta temporary magnet made by wrapping a wire coil carrying a current around an iron core196
16303928752By adding more turns or coils to the wire coil or increasing the current through the wirehow can you increase the strength of the magnetic field?197
16303928753electric motorsa device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy198
16303928754simple electric motorthe electromagnet rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet199
16303928755DC current (direct current)Current flows in one direction only through a wire EXAMPLE: battery200
16303928756AC (alternating current)reverses the direction of the current flow in regular patterns EXAMPLE: PLUGGING A TOASTER INTO A WALL OUTLET201

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