A-4 ap spanish grudzien
11029424 | ajo | garlic | |
11029425 | alcachofa | artichoke | |
11029426 | apio | celery | |
11029427 | batata | sweet potato | |
11029428 | berenjena | eggplant | |
11029429 | brécol | broccoli | |
11029430 | calabaza | pumpkin | |
11029431 | calabacín | squash | |
11029432 | cebolla | onion | |
11029433 | champiñón | mushroom | |
11029434 | col | cabbage | |
11029435 | coliflor | cauliflower | |
11029436 | espárrago | asparagus | |
11029437 | espinaca | spinach | |
11029438 | garbanzo | chickpea | |
11029439 | guindilla | small red chilli pepper | |
11029440 | guisante | pea | |
11029441 | lechuga | lettuce | |
11029442 | lenteja | lentil | |
11029443 | maíz | corn | |
11029444 | papa | potato | |
11029445 | pepino | cucumber | |
11029447 | pimiento | pepper | |
11029448 | puerro | leek | |
11029449 | rábano | radish | |
11029450 | remolacha | beat | |
11029451 | tomate | tomato | |
11029452 | seta | big mushroom | |
11029453 | zanahoria | carrot | |
11029454 | frijol | bean | |
11029455 | cosecha | harvest | |
11029456 | cocido | cooked | |
11029457 | crudo | raw | |
11029459 | huerta | vegetable garden | |
11029461 | cultivar | to grow, cultivate | |
11029462 | pelar | to peel | |
11029463 | pudrir | to rot, spoil | |
11029464 | sembrar | to sow, plant seeds | |
11029465 | madurar | to ripen |