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A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Frederick Douglass Flashcards

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10703807592pharisaicalexcessively or hypocritically pious0
10703817664execratecurse or declare to be evil or anathema1
10703821838exculpatepronounce not guilty of criminal charges2
10703837397transferablecapable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another3
10703845012imbuespread or diffuse through4
10703853184reverberatering or echo with sound5
10703857258misnomeran incorrect or unsuitable name6
10703937295debasemake impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance7
10703943051perpetrateperform an act usually with a negative connotation8
10703953537imbibetake in liquids9
10703963179egotisticalhaving an inflated idea of one's own importance10
10703978391noisomecausing or able to cause nausea11
10703986463emancipatefree from slavery or servitude12
10703997373scathingmarked by harshly abusive criticism13
10704000314gorycovered with blood14
10704006837commensuratecorresponding in size or degree or extent15
10704032040turbidclouded as with sediment16
10704037684misapprehensionan understanding of something that is not correct17
10704043545writhemove in a twisting or contorted motion18
10704046542dankunpleasantly cool and humid19
10704056715festerripen and generate pus20
10704070655labelledbearing or marked with a label or tag21
10704074820motea tiny piece of anything22
10704077822reprovereprimand, scold, or express dissatisfaction with23
10704084084overpowerovercome by superior force24
10704086989stereotypea conventional or formulaic conception or image25
10704092287sunderbreak apart or in two, using violence26
10704098699conspireact in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose27
10704104816oozepass gradually or leak or as if through small openings28
10704112810agitatemove or cause to move back and forth29
10704124776obduratestubbornly persistant in wrongdoing30
10704127758insecuritythe anxiety experienced when feeling vulnerable31
10704132320reputableheld in high esteem and honor32
10704135754aggravatemake worse33
10704141990misdemeanora crime less serious than a felony34
10704153357scufflefight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters35
10704180139ranttalk at length in a noisy, excited, or angry manner36
10704185644immutablenot subject or susceptible to change or variation37
10704189195dregssediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid38
10704193338evincegive expression to39
10704198750fortean asset of special worth or utility40
10704207058liberatorsomeone who releases people from captivity or bondage41
10704212974arraignaccuse of a wrong or an inadequacy42
10704216751odiumhate coupled with disgust43
10704220190laxwithout rigor or strictness44
10704224835malleta tool resembling a hammer but with a large head45
10704230971foddercoarse food composed of plants or leaves and stalks46
10704236192perditionthe place or state in which one suffers eternal punishment47
10704240551famishedextremely hungry48
10704250959allegereport or maintain49
10704287998annihilatekill in large numbers50
10704287999votarya priest or priestess in a non-Christian religion or cult51
10704294363subsidewear off or die down52
10704301141emaciatedvery thin especially from disease, hunger, cold54
10704308269hypocriticalprofessing feelings or virtues one does not have55
10704312452improprietythe condition of being unsuitable or offensive56
10704317807degradereduce in worth or character, usually verbally57
10704322784chattelpersonal as opposed to real property58
10704326404callousemotionally hardened59
10706037546gashcut open60
10706037547depravitymoral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles61
10706043288sufficiencythe quality of being enough for the end in view62
10706048285profligateunrestrained by convention or morality63
10706051354wallowroll around64
10706055958discordantnot in agreement or harmony65
10706058924feasiblecapable of being done with means at hand66
10706061650incoherentwithout logical or meaningful connection67
10706064625vindicateshow to be right by providing justification or proof68
10706069766presumptuousgoing beyond what is appropriate, permitted, or courteous69
10706081006ineffabledefying expression or description70
10706085167appropriatelyin an appropriate manner71
10706088546betokenbe a signal for or a symptom of72
10706091076stupormarginal consciousness73
10706100937appendfox to, attach75
10706104090urchina poor and often mischievous city child76
10706106285jargontechnical technology characteristic of a particular subject77
10706110411perseverebe persistent, refuse to stop78
10706114434inanimatenot endowed with life79
10706117831accumulateget or gather together80
10706120833dilapidatedin a state of decay, ruin, or deterioration81
10706123022tearfulfilled with or marked by weeping82
10706125097fangcanine tooth of a carnivorous animal83
10706129200coopercraftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs84
10706133140partialityan inclination to favor one group or view over alternatives85
10706137188imprudentnot wise86
10706140118inflexibleresistant to being bent87
10706143021impassableincapable of being gone across or through88
10706153152blasphemyprofane language90
10706156574stintsupply sparingly and with restricted qualities91
10706161060defilemake dirty or spotty92
10706164264analyzebreak down into components or essential features93
10706166661divesttake away possessions from someone94
10706170388animatevery likely95
10706173818incompatiblenot in harmonious or agreeable combination96
10706176492compensatemake amends for97
10706179543servilesubmissive or fawning in attitude or behavior98
10706182145tithea levy of one tenth of something99
10706185564Spartanof or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its people100
10706191404goadstab or urge on as if with a pointed stick101
10706195135parodya composition that imitates or misrepresents a style102
10706198191expirelose validity103
10706204679canta slope in the turn of a road or track104
10706208037relievefree from a burden, evil, or distress105
10706211582inconsistencythe quality of lacking a harmonious uniformity among parts106
10706215502caricaturea representation of a person exaggerated for a comic effect107
10706283524detectionthe perception or discovery that something has occurred108
10706287837unaccountablenot to be explained109
10706295921vestigean indication that something has been present110
10706298473laboringdoing arduous work or unpleasant work111
10706302295ceaselessuninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing112
10706308207impudencethe trait of being rude and impertinent113
10706308438glossyreflecting light114
10706311568mutuallyin a shared manner115
10706314077ravagecause extensive destruction or ruin utterly116
10706316519trougha long, narrow, shallow receptacle117
10706326824impertinentimproperly forward or bold118
10706329625conveyancesomething that serves as a means of transportation119
10706333101stratageman elaborate or deceitful scheme to deceive or evade120
10706338752middaywhen morning ends and the afternoon begins121
10706341627consummatehaving or revealing supreme mastery or skill122
10706345999perniciousexceedingly harmful123
10706348949invaluablehaving incalculable monetary or intellectual worth124
10706351927denouncespeak out against125
10706356319erroneouscontaining or characterized by mistakes126
10706359890chiselan edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge127
10706362444haltinglimping; disabled in the feet or legs128
10706365788calculatemake a mathematical computation129
10707239095sleekhaving a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light130
10707241203scourgesomething causing misery or death131
10707245007hazardousinvolving risk or danger132
10707247806precedebe earlier in time133
10707251530participantsomeone who takes part in an activity134
10707291824abhorfind repugnant135
10707291825quailsmall gallinaceous game birds136
10707296494liabilitythe state of being legally obliged and responsible137
10707300444outskirtsoutlying areas, as of a city or town138
10707303707libela false and malicious publication139
10707307226pursuefollow in an effort to capture140
10707313793ardorfeelings of great warmth and intensity141
10707321280semblancean outward appearance that is deliberately misleading142
10707324582unloadleave or discharge143
10707328322glarebe sharply reflected144
10707331231privationthe act of stripping someone of food, money, or rights145
10707335000languishbecome feeble146
10707338527devisearrange by systematic planning and united effort147
10707342038redressmake reparations or amends for148
10707344794profanegrossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred149
10707382971mistyfilled or abounding with fog150
10707384982impartialfree from undue bias or preconceived opinions151
10707388983administersupervise or be in charge of152
10707391876assuringgiving confidence153
10707393772forthcomingat ease in talking to others154
10707396435avengetake action in return for a perceived wrong155
10707400138meekhumble in spirit or manner156
10707407502hypocrisypretending to have qualities or beliefs that you don not have157
10707411819infidela person who does not acknowledge your god158
10707415322benefactora person who helps people or institutions159
10707418892stingdeliver a sudden pain to160
10707420862glaringshining intensely161
10707422766ravetalk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner162
10707439978insensiblebarely able to be perceived163
10707442664compliancethe act of submitting, usually surrendering power to another164
10707447176consumetake in as food165
10707450145staidcharacterized by dignity and propriety166
10707623213inclinelower or bend, as in a nod or bow167
10707625432consolegive moral or emotional strength to168
10707627289bondagethe state of being under the control of another person169
10707637010humanemarked by concern with the alleviation of suffering170
10707639913galla digestive juice screwed by the liver171
10707642730revivecause to regain consciousness172
10707645847fettera shackle to the ankles or feet173
10707649377infernalcharacteristic of or resembling Hell174
10707652074starvedie of food deprivation175
10707654775cultivateadapt something wild to the environment176
10707657241contemplatethink intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes177
10707759292deprivetake away178
10707763231sustainlengthen or extend in duration or space179
10708587390refinementthe result of improving something180
10708590394rapturea state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion181
10708599357convertchange the nature, purpose, or function of something182
10708602130shunavoid and stay away from deliberately183
10708605561climaxthe highest point of anything184
10708608533inferconclude by reasoning185
10708608535ridiculelanguage or behavior intended to mock or humiliate186
10708612151rejectrefuse to accept or acknowledge187
10708615451reluctantlywith a certain degree of unwillingness188
10708618804cradlea baby bed with sides and rockers189
10708631507pompcheap or pretentious or vain display190
10708634344consultationthe act of referring to something to find information191
10708639737undertakeenter upon an activity or enterprise192
10708641969insurrectionorganized opposition to authority193
10708645218maxima saying that is widely accepted by its own merits194
10708650092yokea wooden frame across the shoulders for carrying buckets195
10708652810confineplace limits on196
10708652811imposecharge and collect payment197
10708656234commenceset in motion, cause to start198
10708658649appallstrike with disgust or revulsion199
10708661685conversionthe act of changing from one use or function to another200
10708664012conjecturebelieve especially on uncertain or tentative grounds201
10708669222incurmake oneself subject to202
10708669425stumpthe base part that remains after a tree had been felled203
10708674235patheticdeserving or inciting pity204
10708677901pursuingfollowing in order to overtake or capture205
10708680347combineput or add together206
10708680348withholdhold back; refuse to hand over or share207
10708684414inspireserve as the inciting cause of208
10708687146deceivecause someone to believe an untruth209
10708690638plungedash violently or with great speed or impetuosity210
10708696757desolateproviding no shelter or sustenance211
10708699279pietyrighteousness by virtue of being religiously devout212
10708703310compensationthe act of making amends for service or loss or injury213
10708706843tamebrought from wilderness into a domesticated state214
10708710440weavepattern or structure of a fabric215
10708712892outragea disgraceful event216
10708715086solelywithout any other being included or involved217
10708718312defiancea hostile challenge218
10708720886erranda short trip taken in the performance of a necessary task219
10708723750manifestationa clear appearance220
10708725894betraydeliver to an enemy by treachery221
10708729153labela brief description given for purposes of identification222
10708732785swamplow land that is seasonally flooded223
10708735764awkwardlacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance224
10708740465calamityan event resulting in great loss and misfortune225
10708742810abolishdo away with226
10708742811enlightengive spiritual insight to227
10708747462densehaving high compaction or concentration228
10708749818undertakingany piece of work that is attempted229
10708753121devoureat immoderately230
10708775740accuratecharacterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth231
10708778538afflictcause physical pain of suffering in232
10708781042acquirecome into the possession of something concrete or abstract233

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