10703807592 | pharisaical | excessively or hypocritically pious | 0 | |
10703817664 | execrate | curse or declare to be evil or anathema | 1 | |
10703821838 | exculpate | pronounce not guilty of criminal charges | 2 | |
10703837397 | transferable | capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another | 3 | |
10703845012 | imbue | spread or diffuse through | 4 | |
10703853184 | reverberate | ring or echo with sound | 5 | |
10703857258 | misnomer | an incorrect or unsuitable name | 6 | |
10703937295 | debase | make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance | 7 | |
10703943051 | perpetrate | perform an act usually with a negative connotation | 8 | |
10703953537 | imbibe | take in liquids | 9 | |
10703963179 | egotistical | having an inflated idea of one's own importance | 10 | |
10703978391 | noisome | causing or able to cause nausea | 11 | |
10703986463 | emancipate | free from slavery or servitude | 12 | |
10703997373 | scathing | marked by harshly abusive criticism | 13 | |
10704000314 | gory | covered with blood | 14 | |
10704006837 | commensurate | corresponding in size or degree or extent | 15 | |
10704032040 | turbid | clouded as with sediment | 16 | |
10704037684 | misapprehension | an understanding of something that is not correct | 17 | |
10704043545 | writhe | move in a twisting or contorted motion | 18 | |
10704046542 | dank | unpleasantly cool and humid | 19 | |
10704056715 | fester | ripen and generate pus | 20 | |
10704070655 | labelled | bearing or marked with a label or tag | 21 | |
10704074820 | mote | a tiny piece of anything | 22 | |
10704077822 | reprove | reprimand, scold, or express dissatisfaction with | 23 | |
10704084084 | overpower | overcome by superior force | 24 | |
10704086989 | stereotype | a conventional or formulaic conception or image | 25 | |
10704092287 | sunder | break apart or in two, using violence | 26 | |
10704098699 | conspire | act in agreement and in secret towards a deceitful purpose | 27 | |
10704104816 | ooze | pass gradually or leak or as if through small openings | 28 | |
10704112810 | agitate | move or cause to move back and forth | 29 | |
10704124776 | obdurate | stubbornly persistant in wrongdoing | 30 | |
10704127758 | insecurity | the anxiety experienced when feeling vulnerable | 31 | |
10704132320 | reputable | held in high esteem and honor | 32 | |
10704135754 | aggravate | make worse | 33 | |
10704141990 | misdemeanor | a crime less serious than a felony | 34 | |
10704153357 | scuffle | fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters | 35 | |
10704180139 | rant | talk at length in a noisy, excited, or angry manner | 36 | |
10704185644 | immutable | not subject or susceptible to change or variation | 37 | |
10704189195 | dregs | sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid | 38 | |
10704193338 | evince | give expression to | 39 | |
10704198750 | forte | an asset of special worth or utility | 40 | |
10704207058 | liberator | someone who releases people from captivity or bondage | 41 | |
10704212974 | arraign | accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy | 42 | |
10704216751 | odium | hate coupled with disgust | 43 | |
10704220190 | lax | without rigor or strictness | 44 | |
10704224835 | mallet | a tool resembling a hammer but with a large head | 45 | |
10704230971 | fodder | coarse food composed of plants or leaves and stalks | 46 | |
10704236192 | perdition | the place or state in which one suffers eternal punishment | 47 | |
10704240551 | famished | extremely hungry | 48 | |
10704250959 | allege | report or maintain | 49 | |
10704287998 | annihilate | kill in large numbers | 50 | |
10704287999 | votary | a priest or priestess in a non-Christian religion or cult | 51 | |
10704294363 | subside | wear off or die down | 52 | |
10704298560 | interpose | introduce | 53 | |
10704301141 | emaciated | very thin especially from disease, hunger, cold | 54 | |
10704308269 | hypocritical | professing feelings or virtues one does not have | 55 | |
10704312452 | impropriety | the condition of being unsuitable or offensive | 56 | |
10704317807 | degrade | reduce in worth or character, usually verbally | 57 | |
10704322784 | chattel | personal as opposed to real property | 58 | |
10704326404 | callous | emotionally hardened | 59 | |
10706037546 | gash | cut open | 60 | |
10706037547 | depravity | moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles | 61 | |
10706043288 | sufficiency | the quality of being enough for the end in view | 62 | |
10706048285 | profligate | unrestrained by convention or morality | 63 | |
10706051354 | wallow | roll around | 64 | |
10706055958 | discordant | not in agreement or harmony | 65 | |
10706058924 | feasible | capable of being done with means at hand | 66 | |
10706061650 | incoherent | without logical or meaningful connection | 67 | |
10706064625 | vindicate | show to be right by providing justification or proof | 68 | |
10706069766 | presumptuous | going beyond what is appropriate, permitted, or courteous | 69 | |
10706081006 | ineffable | defying expression or description | 70 | |
10706085167 | appropriately | in an appropriate manner | 71 | |
10706088546 | betoken | be a signal for or a symptom of | 72 | |
10706091076 | stupor | marginal consciousness | 73 | |
10706097102 | devote | dedicate | 74 | |
10706100937 | append | fox to, attach | 75 | |
10706104090 | urchin | a poor and often mischievous city child | 76 | |
10706106285 | jargon | technical technology characteristic of a particular subject | 77 | |
10706110411 | persevere | be persistent, refuse to stop | 78 | |
10706114434 | inanimate | not endowed with life | 79 | |
10706117831 | accumulate | get or gather together | 80 | |
10706120833 | dilapidated | in a state of decay, ruin, or deterioration | 81 | |
10706123022 | tearful | filled with or marked by weeping | 82 | |
10706125097 | fang | canine tooth of a carnivorous animal | 83 | |
10706129200 | cooper | craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs | 84 | |
10706133140 | partiality | an inclination to favor one group or view over alternatives | 85 | |
10706137188 | imprudent | not wise | 86 | |
10706140118 | inflexible | resistant to being bent | 87 | |
10706143021 | impassable | incapable of being gone across or through | 88 | |
10706145840 | enhance | increase | 89 | |
10706153152 | blasphemy | profane language | 90 | |
10706156574 | stint | supply sparingly and with restricted qualities | 91 | |
10706161060 | defile | make dirty or spotty | 92 | |
10706164264 | analyze | break down into components or essential features | 93 | |
10706166661 | divest | take away possessions from someone | 94 | |
10706170388 | animate | very likely | 95 | |
10706173818 | incompatible | not in harmonious or agreeable combination | 96 | |
10706176492 | compensate | make amends for | 97 | |
10706179543 | servile | submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior | 98 | |
10706182145 | tithe | a levy of one tenth of something | 99 | |
10706185564 | Spartan | of or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its people | 100 | |
10706191404 | goad | stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick | 101 | |
10706195135 | parody | a composition that imitates or misrepresents a style | 102 | |
10706198191 | expire | lose validity | 103 | |
10706204679 | cant | a slope in the turn of a road or track | 104 | |
10706208037 | relieve | free from a burden, evil, or distress | 105 | |
10706211582 | inconsistency | the quality of lacking a harmonious uniformity among parts | 106 | |
10706215502 | caricature | a representation of a person exaggerated for a comic effect | 107 | |
10706283524 | detection | the perception or discovery that something has occurred | 108 | |
10706287837 | unaccountable | not to be explained | 109 | |
10706295921 | vestige | an indication that something has been present | 110 | |
10706298473 | laboring | doing arduous work or unpleasant work | 111 | |
10706302295 | ceaseless | uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing | 112 | |
10706308207 | impudence | the trait of being rude and impertinent | 113 | |
10706308438 | glossy | reflecting light | 114 | |
10706311568 | mutually | in a shared manner | 115 | |
10706314077 | ravage | cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly | 116 | |
10706316519 | trough | a long, narrow, shallow receptacle | 117 | |
10706326824 | impertinent | improperly forward or bold | 118 | |
10706329625 | conveyance | something that serves as a means of transportation | 119 | |
10706333101 | stratagem | an elaborate or deceitful scheme to deceive or evade | 120 | |
10706338752 | midday | when morning ends and the afternoon begins | 121 | |
10706341627 | consummate | having or revealing supreme mastery or skill | 122 | |
10706345999 | pernicious | exceedingly harmful | 123 | |
10706348949 | invaluable | having incalculable monetary or intellectual worth | 124 | |
10706351927 | denounce | speak out against | 125 | |
10706356319 | erroneous | containing or characterized by mistakes | 126 | |
10706359890 | chisel | an edge tool with a flat steel blade with a cutting edge | 127 | |
10706362444 | halting | limping; disabled in the feet or legs | 128 | |
10706365788 | calculate | make a mathematical computation | 129 | |
10707239095 | sleek | having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light | 130 | |
10707241203 | scourge | something causing misery or death | 131 | |
10707245007 | hazardous | involving risk or danger | 132 | |
10707247806 | precede | be earlier in time | 133 | |
10707251530 | participant | someone who takes part in an activity | 134 | |
10707291824 | abhor | find repugnant | 135 | |
10707291825 | quail | small gallinaceous game birds | 136 | |
10707296494 | liability | the state of being legally obliged and responsible | 137 | |
10707300444 | outskirts | outlying areas, as of a city or town | 138 | |
10707303707 | libel | a false and malicious publication | 139 | |
10707307226 | pursue | follow in an effort to capture | 140 | |
10707313793 | ardor | feelings of great warmth and intensity | 141 | |
10707321280 | semblance | an outward appearance that is deliberately misleading | 142 | |
10707324582 | unload | leave or discharge | 143 | |
10707328322 | glare | be sharply reflected | 144 | |
10707331231 | privation | the act of stripping someone of food, money, or rights | 145 | |
10707335000 | languish | become feeble | 146 | |
10707338527 | devise | arrange by systematic planning and united effort | 147 | |
10707342038 | redress | make reparations or amends for | 148 | |
10707344794 | profane | grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred | 149 | |
10707382971 | misty | filled or abounding with fog | 150 | |
10707384982 | impartial | free from undue bias or preconceived opinions | 151 | |
10707388983 | administer | supervise or be in charge of | 152 | |
10707391876 | assuring | giving confidence | 153 | |
10707393772 | forthcoming | at ease in talking to others | 154 | |
10707396435 | avenge | take action in return for a perceived wrong | 155 | |
10707400138 | meek | humble in spirit or manner | 156 | |
10707407502 | hypocrisy | pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you don not have | 157 | |
10707411819 | infidel | a person who does not acknowledge your god | 158 | |
10707415322 | benefactor | a person who helps people or institutions | 159 | |
10707418892 | sting | deliver a sudden pain to | 160 | |
10707420862 | glaring | shining intensely | 161 | |
10707422766 | rave | talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner | 162 | |
10707439978 | insensible | barely able to be perceived | 163 | |
10707442664 | compliance | the act of submitting, usually surrendering power to another | 164 | |
10707447176 | consume | take in as food | 165 | |
10707450145 | staid | characterized by dignity and propriety | 166 | |
10707623213 | incline | lower or bend, as in a nod or bow | 167 | |
10707625432 | console | give moral or emotional strength to | 168 | |
10707627289 | bondage | the state of being under the control of another person | 169 | |
10707637010 | humane | marked by concern with the alleviation of suffering | 170 | |
10707639913 | gall | a digestive juice screwed by the liver | 171 | |
10707642730 | revive | cause to regain consciousness | 172 | |
10707645847 | fetter | a shackle to the ankles or feet | 173 | |
10707649377 | infernal | characteristic of or resembling Hell | 174 | |
10707652074 | starve | die of food deprivation | 175 | |
10707654775 | cultivate | adapt something wild to the environment | 176 | |
10707657241 | contemplate | think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes | 177 | |
10707759292 | deprive | take away | 178 | |
10707763231 | sustain | lengthen or extend in duration or space | 179 | |
10708587390 | refinement | the result of improving something | 180 | |
10708590394 | rapture | a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion | 181 | |
10708599357 | convert | change the nature, purpose, or function of something | 182 | |
10708602130 | shun | avoid and stay away from deliberately | 183 | |
10708605561 | climax | the highest point of anything | 184 | |
10708608533 | infer | conclude by reasoning | 185 | |
10708608535 | ridicule | language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate | 186 | |
10708612151 | reject | refuse to accept or acknowledge | 187 | |
10708615451 | reluctantly | with a certain degree of unwillingness | 188 | |
10708618804 | cradle | a baby bed with sides and rockers | 189 | |
10708631507 | pomp | cheap or pretentious or vain display | 190 | |
10708634344 | consultation | the act of referring to something to find information | 191 | |
10708639737 | undertake | enter upon an activity or enterprise | 192 | |
10708641969 | insurrection | organized opposition to authority | 193 | |
10708645218 | maxim | a saying that is widely accepted by its own merits | 194 | |
10708650092 | yoke | a wooden frame across the shoulders for carrying buckets | 195 | |
10708652810 | confine | place limits on | 196 | |
10708652811 | impose | charge and collect payment | 197 | |
10708656234 | commence | set in motion, cause to start | 198 | |
10708658649 | appall | strike with disgust or revulsion | 199 | |
10708661685 | conversion | the act of changing from one use or function to another | 200 | |
10708664012 | conjecture | believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds | 201 | |
10708669222 | incur | make oneself subject to | 202 | |
10708669425 | stump | the base part that remains after a tree had been felled | 203 | |
10708674235 | pathetic | deserving or inciting pity | 204 | |
10708677901 | pursuing | following in order to overtake or capture | 205 | |
10708680347 | combine | put or add together | 206 | |
10708680348 | withhold | hold back; refuse to hand over or share | 207 | |
10708684414 | inspire | serve as the inciting cause of | 208 | |
10708687146 | deceive | cause someone to believe an untruth | 209 | |
10708690638 | plunge | dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity | 210 | |
10708696757 | desolate | providing no shelter or sustenance | 211 | |
10708699279 | piety | righteousness by virtue of being religiously devout | 212 | |
10708703310 | compensation | the act of making amends for service or loss or injury | 213 | |
10708706843 | tame | brought from wilderness into a domesticated state | 214 | |
10708710440 | weave | pattern or structure of a fabric | 215 | |
10708712892 | outrage | a disgraceful event | 216 | |
10708715086 | solely | without any other being included or involved | 217 | |
10708718312 | defiance | a hostile challenge | 218 | |
10708720886 | errand | a short trip taken in the performance of a necessary task | 219 | |
10708723750 | manifestation | a clear appearance | 220 | |
10708725894 | betray | deliver to an enemy by treachery | 221 | |
10708729153 | label | a brief description given for purposes of identification | 222 | |
10708732785 | swamp | low land that is seasonally flooded | 223 | |
10708735764 | awkward | lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance | 224 | |
10708740465 | calamity | an event resulting in great loss and misfortune | 225 | |
10708742810 | abolish | do away with | 226 | |
10708742811 | enlighten | give spiritual insight to | 227 | |
10708747462 | dense | having high compaction or concentration | 228 | |
10708749818 | undertaking | any piece of work that is attempted | 229 | |
10708753121 | devour | eat immoderately | 230 | |
10708775740 | accurate | characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth | 231 | |
10708778538 | afflict | cause physical pain of suffering in | 232 | |
10708781042 | acquire | come into the possession of something concrete or abstract | 233 |
A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Frederick Douglass Flashcards
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