197433768 | paganism | the belief in many gods and godesses | 0 | |
197433769 | Neoplatonism | attempt to synthesis plato's views with church; idea that material world is reflection of spiritual world and everything is bound by love | 1 | |
197433770 | Mithraism | is a cult dedicated to the Persian deity Mithras. It provided divine sanction for human life and for purposeful moral behavior. appealed to soldiers | 2 | |
197433771 | eviscerate | to remove the entrails (internal organs) from; disembowel | 3 | |
197433772 | emasculate | having the testicles of a male removed; to weaken | 4 | |
197433773 | misogyny | hatred of women | 5 | |
197433774 | lubricity | tendency to sexual stimulation | 6 | |
197433775 | invested | spent time or effort | 7 | |
197433776 | cupidity | extreme greed for material wealth | 8 | |
197433777 | satyrical | sexually related | 9 | |
197433778 | admixture | mixture | 10 | |
197433779 | comity | courtesy; civility, respect, harmony | 11 | |
197433780 | speciosity | being deceptively attractive | 12 | |
197433781 | vitperative | abusive in language, harsh critisism | 13 | |
197433782 | apostasy | abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty | 14 | |
197433783 | parricide | someone who kills his or her parent | 15 | |
197433784 | irascible | easily angered | 16 | |
197433785 | salubrious | healthy | 17 | |
197433786 | crepitation | poop; crackling noises | 18 | |
197433787 | derogating | to take away | 19 | |
197433788 | sophistry | a deliberately deceptive or misleading argument | 20 | |
197433789 | prerogative | a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence | 21 | |
197433790 | panjandrum | a very important person | 22 | |
197433791 | venery | the gratification of sexual desire. | 23 | |
197433792 | obloquy | verbal abuse, putting- down someone | 24 | |
197433793 | indefatigable | tireless; untiring; showing no sign of getting tired | 25 | |
197433794 | eminence | high rank | 26 |