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Abnormal Psychology Exam #2- Mood Disorders (Ch. 8) and Treatments for Mood Disorders (Ch. 9)

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A low, sad state marked by significant levels of sadness, lack of energy, low self-worth, guilt, or related symptoms
A state or episode of euphoria or frenzied activity in which people may have an exaggerated belief that the world is theirs for the taking
Depression without a history of mania
A disorder marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania and depression
A severe pattern of depression that is disabling and is not caused by such factors as drugs or a general medical condition
A mood disorder that is similar to but longer-lasting and less disabling that a major depressive disorder
A neurotransmitter whose abnormal activity is linked to depression and panic disorder
A neurotransmitter whose abnormal activity is linked to depression, OCD, and eating disorders
According to Freudian theory, the loss of a valued object
A pattern of depressed behavior found among very young children that is caused by separation from one's mother
The three forms of negative thinking that Aaron Beck theorizes lead people to feel depressed. The triad consists of a negative view of one's experiences, oneself, and the future
Numerous unpleasant thoughts that help to cause or maintain depression, anxiety, or other forms of psychological dysfunction
A type of bipolar disorder marked by full manic and major depressive episodes
A type of bipolar disorder marked by mildly manic episodes and major depressive episodes
A disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms
A therapy developed by Aaron Beck that helps people identify and change the maladaptive assumptions and ways of thinking that help cause their psychological disorders
A treatment for unipolar depression that is based on the belief that clarifying and changing one's interpersonal problems ill help lead to recovery
A therapy format in which the therapists works with two people who share a long-term relationship
A treatment for depression in which electrodes attached to a patient's head send an electrical current though the brain, causing a convulsion
An antidepressant drug that prevents the action of the enzyme monoamine oxidase
An antidepressant drug such as imipramine that has three rings in its molecular structure
A group of second generation antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin activity specifically, without affecting other neurotransmitters
A treatment procedure for depression in which an implanted pulse generator sends regular electrical signals to a person's vagus nerve; the never, in turn, stimulates the brain
A treatment procedure for depression in which an electromagnetic coil, which is placed on or above a person's, sends a current into the individual's brain
A treatment procedure for depression in which a pacemaker powers electrodes that have been implanted in Brodmann Area 25, thus stimulating that brain area
A metallic element that occurs in nature as a mineral salt and is an effective treatment for bipolar disorders
Psychotropic drugs that help stabilize the moods of people suffering from bipolar mood disorder
Chemical changes within a neuron just after the neuron receives a neurotransmitter message and just before it responds

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