561086942 | Control Experiment | An experiment designed to control for variables affecting the results of another experiment. | |
561086943 | Hypothesis | A possible explaination for a set of data | |
561086944 | Law | a summary of many experimental results and observations; a law tells how things work | |
561086945 | Scientific Method | a series of steps followed to solve problems including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions | |
561086946 | Theory | well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations | |
561086947 | Active Transport | the movement of materials through a cell membrane using energy | |
561086948 | Adaption | an inherited characteristic that improves an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. | |
561086949 | Algae | photosynthetic (Plantlike) protists | |
561086950 | Amino Acid | basic building blocks of protein molecules | |
561086951 | Amphibian | cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water | |
561086952 | anaerobic respiration | fermentation or respiration in the absence of oxygen | |
561086953 | anaphase | the third phase of mitosis, during which the chromosome pairs separate and move toward opposite poles | |
561086954 | angiosperm | plants having seeds in a closed ovary | |
561086955 | annelid | Any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by an elongated, cylindrical, segmented body and including the earthworm and leech. | |
561086956 | aorta | the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries | |
561086957 | arachnid | an arthropod with two body sections, four pairs of legs, and no antennae | |
561086958 | artery | a vessel that carries blood away from the heart | |
561086959 | asexual reproduction | reproduction that does not involve the union of gametes and in which a single parent produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent | |
561086960 | ATP | adenosine triphosphate, an organic molecule that acts as the main energy source for cell processes; composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and three phosphate groups | |
561086961 | autosome | any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome | |
561086962 | autotroph | plant capable of synthesizing its own food from simple organic substances | |
561086963 | bacteria | microscopic one-celled organisms with cell walls but no organized nucleus | |
561086964 | bird | warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings | |
561086965 | botany | the study of plants | |
561086966 | capillary | one of the connecting vessles between the smallest arteries and the smalest veins | |
561086967 | carbohydrate | a compound such as a starch or a sugar that is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen | |
561086968 | carnivore | an animal that eats other animals | |
561086969 | catabolism | breakdown of more complex substances into simpler ones with release of energy | |
561086970 | cell | A membrane bound structure that is the basic unit of life | |
561086971 | cell wall | A rigid structure that surrounds the cells of plants and most bacteria | |
561086972 | chlorophyll | the green material in plants that is essential for photosynthesis | |
561086973 | chloroplast | A plastid containing chlorophyll, the site of photosynthesis | |
561086974 | chordate | member of the phylum Chordata; animal that has, for at least some stage of its life, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, and a muscular tail | |
561086975 | chromosome | a threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order | |
561086976 | class | a major category in taxonomy, such as Mammalia, that ranks below the phylum and above the order | |
561086977 | cleavage | series of cell divisions that changes a unicellular zygote into a multicellular embryo without a significant increase in total mass. | |
561086978 | coelenterate | radially symmetrical animals having saclike bodies with only one opening and tentacles with stinging structures | |
561086979 | commensalism | a form of symiosis that is beneficial to one organism and harmless to te other | |
561086980 | crustacean | invertebrate, exoskeleton with jointed legs ex. Lobster, blue crab, spiny lobster | |
561086981 | cytokinesis | organic process consisting of the division of the cytoplasm of a cell following karyokinesis bringing about the separation into two daughter cells | |
561086982 | cytoplasm | the region of a cell located inside the cell membrane (in prokaryotes) or between the cell membrane and nucleus (in eukaryotes); contains a gel-like material and cell organelles | |
561086983 | deciduous | having parts, such as leaves, that fall off seasonally or at a particular stage of develpment | |
561086984 | digestion | the process of ingesting and assimilating food and eliminationg wastes | |
561086985 | DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid, the material that contains the information that determines inherited characteristics | |
561086986 | dominant trait | a trait that shows up emen when a recessive gene is present | |
561086987 | echinoderm | a member of the phylum Echinodermat, which includes sea stars and other marine invertebrates with five (or a multiple of five) similar body parts arranded around a central axis | |
561086988 | egg | a female sex cell | |
561086989 | embryo | developing organism | |
561086990 | endoplasmic reticulum | a network of cytoplasmic membranes through which materials are transportd in the cell | |
561086991 | endosperm | the part of a plant seed that contains the food that nouurishes the developing embryo | |
561086992 | enzyme | a complex protein that speeds up biochemical reactions in living cells | |
561086993 | eucaryote | a cell that has a membrane bound nucleus | |
561086994 | evolution | a theroy that existing plants and animals developed from earlier species through a gradual prcess of modification | |
561086995 | family | a category in taxonomy that ranks below the order and above the genus | |
561086996 | fat | an organic compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that is rich in energy | |
561086997 | fertilization | the union of two gametes (sperm and egg) | |
561086998 | fish | a member of the class Osteichthyes, which includes cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates that have gills for respiration | |
561086999 | flatworm | a member of the phylum Platyheminthes, which includes flukes, tape-worms, and other flat-bodied worms with degestive, nervous, and reproductive systems | |
561087000 | food chain | the sequence in which living things are eaten by other, usually higher, living things in an ecological community | |
561087001 | fruit | the ripened ovary of a seed plant | |
561087002 | fungi | simple plants, such as mushrooms, that have no vascular tissues, lack the chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis, and feed off green plants or dead or decaying organic matter | |
561087003 | gamete | a reproductive cell ( a sperm in a male, an egg in a female) | |
561087004 | gene | a unit on a chromosome that transmits a hereditary character | |
561087005 | genetics | the study of heredity and variations in organisms | |
561087006 | genus | a category in taxonomy that ranks below the family and above the species | |
561087007 | gland | part of the body that secretes substancessucj as enzymes and hormones | |
561087008 | Golgi body | a cytoplasmic componet that is thought to play a part in the secretion of cell products | |
561087009 | gonads | the reproductive glands (testes in males, ovaries in females) | |
561087010 | heart | an organ that serves as the pump for the circulatory system of vertebrate animals | |
561087011 | herbivore | an animal that eats only plants | |
561087012 | heredity | the sum of tratis passed from parents to offspring | |
561087013 | heterotrph | an organism that cannot manufacture its own food and must live o organic compounds already made by other organisms | |
561087014 | heterozygous | having genes of different forms for the same trait | |
561087015 | hormone | a chemical messenger within th body that regulates cell activity | |
561087016 | hybrid | an offspring of plants or animals of different species | |
561087017 | ingestion | the process of taking in food | |
561087018 | insect | member of the class Insecta, which includes numerous arthropids with three-part bodies, thre pairs of legs, and a single pair of antennae | |
561087019 | instinct | complex inborn patter of involuntary responses | |
561087020 | interphase | period between cell divisions during which chromosomes replicate themselves | |
561087021 | intestine | the section of the digestive system below the stomach | |
561087022 | invertebrate | an animal with no backbone | |
561087023 | karyokinesis | the division of the nucleus of a cell | |
561087024 | kidney | one of a pair of organs that filter and collect waste | |
561087025 | kingdom | one of the primary categories of taxonomy | |
561087026 | larva | an immature animal that undergoes a profound change before assumin its adult form | |
561087027 | liver | large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity, secretes bile to emulsify fats, the storage of cglucose, and manufadcture of vlood clotting substances | |
561087028 | lung | one of a pair of respiratory organs that supply oxygen to and eliminate carbon dioxide from the body | |
561087029 | mammal | member of the class Mammalia which includes humans and other warm blooded, hariy vertebrates that nourish their young with milk secreted by mammary glands | |
561087031 | membrane | a thin, soft, pliable layer of tissue, such as the sheet that surrounds a cell or a cell part | |
561087032 | metabolism | sum of chemical activities in a living organism | |
561087033 | metaphase | the second phase of mitosis, during which the paired chromatids align in the center of the spindle | |
561087034 | mitochondria | structures in the cytoplasm of a cell that produce energy through cellular respiration | |
561087035 | mitosis | process of cellular division that results in the formation of two new cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the original cell | |
561087036 | mollusk | a member of the phylum Mollusca, which includes snails, clams, and other arthropids with soft, unsegmented bodies that are usually enclosed in hard shells | |
561087037 | mutation | basic, relatively permanent change in the structure of a gene or some ohter unit of hereditary material | |
561087038 | mutualism | symbiotic relationsip beneficial to both organisms | |
561087039 | natural selection | natural process whereby those organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive and multiply, while those that are not so well adapted do not | |
561087040 | nucleolus | round body in the nucles of a cell that contains RNA and protein | |
561087041 | nucleus | a membrane boun organelle that contains chromosomes and directs cellular activities | |
561087042 | omnivore | an animal that eats both plants and animals | |
561087043 | oogenesis | process by which eggs or ova are formed and developed in a female | |
561087044 | order | a category in taxonomy that ranks below the clas and above the family | |
561087045 | organ | a group of tissues that performa special function in a plant or animal | |
561087046 | organism | an individual plant or animal | |
561087047 | osmosis | the diffusion of fluid through a semipermeable membrane | |
561087048 | ovum | an egg or femal gamete | |
561087049 | paratism | intimate relationship in which one organism, called a parasite, lives on or in another, called a host, and either contributes nothing to or actually harms the host | |
561087050 | pasteurization | process of heating to kill pathogenic microorganisms | |
561087051 | petal | a brightly colored, sometimes scented part of an angiosperm that attracts insects | |
561087052 | phagocytosis | process by which solid particles are engulfed by a cell | |
561087053 | phloem | special tisse that transports nutrients in the vascular system of plants | |
561087054 | photosynthesis | the process by which green plants use solar energy to synthesize carbon compounds | |
561087055 | phylum | a secondary category of taxonomy, below kingdom and above class | |
561087056 | pinocytosis | process by which a fluid is engulfed by a cell | |
561087057 | pistil | female part of a plant, which consists of the ovary, the style, and the stigma | |
561087058 | pituitary glad | a small gland at the base of the brain that is sometimes called the master glad because it controls other endocrine glands and affects most basic bodily functions | |
561087059 | predator | an animal that obrains food primarily by killing and consuming other animals | |
561087060 | procaryotes | a cell that has no nuclear membrane and thus no distinct nucleus | |
561087061 | prophase | first phase of mitosis where chromosomes condense and split into paired chromatids, the nuclear membrane dissolves, and the mitotic spindle begins to form | |
561087062 | protein | one of many complex organic compounds, consisting of long chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds that are essential constituents of every living cell | |
561087063 | recessive trait | trait that does not show up when a dominant gene is present | |
561087064 | replication | the process by which DNA molecules make exact copies of themselves | |
561087065 | reptile | a member of the Reptillia class, which includes snakes, turtles, alligators, and other cold blooded, air breathing vertebrates that are usually covered with scales of body plates | |
561087066 | respiration | general process by which an organism exhcanges gasses with its environment ...also cellular process by which food is converted to carbon dioxide and water and the energy relesed during the reaction is captiured int the usable for of ATP | |
561087067 | ribosome | one of the granular structures that are the sites of protein synthesis in the cell | |
561087068 | RNA | ribonucleic acid, any of various nucleic acids involved in protein synthesis and other chemical activities of the cell | |
561087069 | root | part of plant that serves as an anchor, and absorbs wather and minerals as well as storiing food | |
561087070 | saliva | secretion of glands in the mouth that moistens and softens food and begins the breakdown of starch into sugar | |
561087071 | saprphyte | organism that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter | |
561087072 | sepal | part of an angiosperm that encloses and protects the flower befoe it blooms | |
561087073 | sexual reproduction | the production of a new organism by the union of a male and a female gamate | |
561087074 | species | most specific category of taxonomy, below the genus | |
561087075 | spermatogenesis | process by which sperm are formed in a male | |
561087076 | sponge | member of the phylum Porifera including simple auquatic animals that show little movement and extract nutrients form water taken in through many tiny pores in the body and expelled through the mouth | |
561087077 | spore | an asexual reprductive cell produced by plants and some animals | |
561087078 | stamen | the male part of a plant, which produces pollen and consists of the filament and the antler | |
561087079 | stimulus | something that influences the activity of an organism | |
561087080 | stomach | degestive organ that provides the acidic medium essential for the breakdown of proteins | |
561087081 | symbiosis | intimate relationship betweent wo dissimilar organisms tha live together | |
561087082 | taxonom | classification of plants and animals | |
561087083 | telephase | the fourth phase of mitosis, during which cytokinesis begins, the spindle disperses, the nuclear membrane re-forms, and the chromosomes unravel | |
561087084 | thyroid | an endocrine gland that governs the rate at which chemical activitiestake place in cells | |
561087085 | tissue | group of simiar cells that perform the same function | |
561087086 | transpiration | the release of water vapor through a living membrane, especially b a plant | |
561087087 | tumor | an abnormal growth , whether benign or malignant | |
561087088 | urea | nitrogen compound taht is the chief wase product in urine | |
561087089 | vein | vessel that carries blood toward the heart | |
561087090 | vertebrate | an animal wit a backbon | |
561087091 | virus | any of the numerous submicroscopicentitites that consist of DNA or RNA in a protein coat, grow and multifly only in living cells and cause various deseases in plants and animals | |
561087092 | x chromosome | a sex chromosome that appears paired in er and minerals from th roots to other parts female cells XX and unpaired in male cells XY | |
561087093 | xylem | special tissue that conducts water and minerals from the roots to other parts of a plant | |
561087094 | Y chromosome | a sex chromosome that appears only in the cells of males | |
561087095 | zoology | study of animas | |
561087096 | zygote | cell formed by the union of two gametes that is capale of developing into an adult organism |
AC ACT Science Vocabulary (Biology) Flashcards
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