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AC Fahrenheit 451 - Thematic terms

Advanced terminology for themes and societal issues raised within the text

Terms : Hide Images
281620959escapismavoiding reality by diverting oneself with amusements
281620960caesarianslicing open of mother abdomen to deliver a baby.
281620961ubiquitousbeing or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
281620962egocentricityself-centered, selfishness, concerned with the individual rather than society
281620963hedonismthe belief that the attainment of pleasure is life's chief aim; pursuit of pleasure
281620964desensitizationViewers of repeated media violence/war develop emotional neutrality in the face of real-life violence.
281620965attention-deficitan inability to pay attention, often with hyperactivity and poor impulse control
281620966superficialitya lack of depth of knowledge, thought, meaning or feeling; shallowness.
281620967isolationismavoidance or noninvolvement in affairs beyond one's own; separateness
281620968catharsispurification that brings emotional relief or renewal; wisdom through loss

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