5109496700 | adip/o | fat | 0 | |
5109496701 | lip/o | fat | 1 | |
5109496702 | steat/o | fat | 2 | |
5109496703 | cutane/o | skin | 3 | |
5109496704 | derm/o | skin | 4 | |
5109496705 | dermat/o | skin | 5 | |
5109496706 | epidermis | outer layer of skin | 6 | |
5109496707 | squamous cell | flat scaly looking cell | 7 | |
5109496708 | dermis | deepest layer of skin | 8 | |
5109496709 | integumentary system | skin | 9 | |
5109496710 | pil/o | hair | 10 | |
5109496711 | trich/o | hair | 11 | |
5109496712 | hidr/o | sweat | 12 | |
5109496713 | squam/o | scale | 13 | |
5109496714 | onych/o | nail | 14 | |
5109496715 | ungu/o | nail | 15 | |
5109496716 | seb/o | oil | 16 | |
5109496717 | sebace/o | oil | 17 | |
5109496718 | crypt/o | hidden | 18 | |
5109496719 | ichthy/o | scaly | 19 | |
5109496720 | pachy/o | thick | 20 | |
5109496721 | kerat/o | hard, horny | 21 | |
5109496722 | xer/o | dry | 22 | |
5109496723 | rhytid/o | wrinkle | 23 | |
5109496724 | xanth/o | yellow | 24 | |
5109496725 | erythr/o | red | 25 | |
5109496726 | leuk/o | white | 26 | |
5109496727 | alb/o | white | 27 | |
5109496728 | melan/o | black | 28 | |
5109496729 | abrasion | scraping away of skin | 29 | |
5109496730 | albinism | lack of pigment in skin making it look white | 30 | |
5109496731 | albino | a person afflicted with albinism | 31 | |
5109496732 | alopecia | baldness | 32 | |
5109496733 | anhidrosis | lack of sweating | 33 | |
5109496734 | comedo | a hair follicle that is plugged with sebum | 34 | |
5109496735 | cyanidrosis | blue sweat | 35 | |
5109496736 | depigmentation | loss of pigmentation | 36 | |
5109496737 | dermatalgia | skin pain | 37 | |
5109496738 | dermatodynia | skin pain | 38 | |
5109496739 | dermatolysis | loose skin | 39 | |
5109496740 | erythema | redness | 40 | |
5109496741 | erythroderma | red skin | 41 | |
5109496742 | hemathidrosis | sweating blood | 42 | |
5109496743 | hidropoisesis | formation of sweat | 43 | |
5109496744 | hyperhidrosis | excessive sweating | 44 | |
5109496745 | hyperkerotosis | excessive growth of horny skin | 45 | |
5109496746 | hypermelanosis | excessive melanin in the skin | 46 | |
5109496747 | hyperpigmentation | excessive pigment in the skin | 47 | |
5109496748 | hypohidrosis | diminished sweating | 48 | |
5109496749 | hypomelanosis | diminished melanin in the skin | 49 | |
5109496750 | hypopigmentation | diminished pigment in the skin | 50 | |
5109496751 | leukoderma | white skin | 51 | |
5109496752 | macerate | to soften the skin | 52 | |
5109496753 | onychophagia | eating/biting nails | 53 | |
5109496754 | pruritus | an itch | 54 | |
5109496755 | rhytidermia | wrinkled skin | 55 | |
5109496756 | sebopoiesis | formation of oil | 56 | |
5109496757 | seborrhea | discharge of oil | 57 | |
5109496758 | trichomegaly | abnormally thick hair | 58 | |
5109496759 | urticaria | swollen raised itchy areas of the skin | 59 | |
5109496760 | xanthoderma | yellow skin | 60 | |
5109496761 | xeroderma | dry skin | 61 | |
5109496762 | xerosis | condition of dryness | 62 | |
5109496763 | macule | freckle | 63 | |
5109496764 | macula | freckle | 64 | |
5109496765 | patch (vitiligo) | larger flat discolored area | 65 | |
5109496766 | papule | small solid mass | 66 | |
5109496767 | plaque | a solid mass on surface of skin | 67 | |
5109496768 | nodule | a solid mass that extends deeper into skin | 68 | |
5109496769 | tumor | a larger solid mass | 69 | |
5109496770 | vesicle | a smaller blister | 70 | |
5109496771 | bulla | a larger blister | 71 | |
5109496772 | pustule | a pus-filled blister | 72 | |
5109496773 | abscess | a localized collection of pus in the body | 73 | |
5109496774 | erosion | loss of skin | 74 | |
5109496775 | ulcer | a sore | 75 | |
5109496776 | excoriation | a scratch | 76 | |
5109496777 | fissure | a crack in the skin | 77 | |
5109496778 | scale | skin flaking off | 78 | |
5109496779 | crust | a dried substance on the skin | 79 | |
5109496780 | vascular lesion | wounds related to blod vessels | 80 | |
5109496781 | cherry angioma | a small blood vessel tumor | 81 | |
5109496782 | telangiectasia (spider angioma) | the overexpansion of the end of a blood vessel; sometimes called an angioma because of how it looks on the skin (tel/angi/ectasia)(end/blood vesesel/expansion) | 82 | |
5109496783 | petechia | a small bruise | 83 | |
5109496784 | ecchymosis | a larger bruise | 84 | |
5109496785 | cicatrix | scar | 85 | |
5109496786 | keloid | overgrowth of scar tissue | 86 | |
5109496787 | epidermal tumors | tumors of the skin | 87 | |
5109496788 | nevus | mole | 88 | |
5109496789 | dysplastic nevus | a mole with bad changes/formations | 89 | |
5109496790 | verucca | wart | 90 | |
5109496791 | culture and sensitivity | growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine which drugs it might respond to | 91 | |
5109496792 | biopsy (Bx) | removal of tissue in order to examine it with your own two eyes | 92 | |
5109496793 | excisional biopsy | removal of an entire lesion for examination | 93 | |
5109496794 | incisional biopsy | removal of a portion of a lesion for examination | 94 | |
5109496795 | dermatoscope | instrument used to look at the skin | 95 | |
5109496796 | dermoscopy | procedure for looking at the skin | 96 | |
5109496797 | adipocele | a hernia filled with fatty tissue | 97 | |
5109496798 | dermatofibroma | a fibrous skin turmor | 98 | |
5109496799 | erythrocyanosis | a red and blue discoloration of the skin | 99 | |
5109496800 | keratogenic | causing horny tissue development | 100 | |
5109496801 | keratosis | horny tissue condition | 101 | |
5109496802 | necrosis | tissue death | 102 | |
5109496803 | onychia | a nail condition | 103 | |
5109496804 | onychocryptosis | an ingrown nail | 104 | |
5109496805 | onycholysis | the loss of a nail | 105 | |
5109496806 | onychomalacia | abnormal softening of a nail | 106 | |
5109496807 | onychopathy | nail disease | 107 | |
5109496808 | onychophagia | eating the nail | 108 | |
5109496809 | pachyderma | tough skin | 109 | |
5109496810 | paronychia | a condition of tissue around the nail | 110 | |
5109496811 | steatoma | a fatty tumor | 111 | |
5109496812 | xathoma | a yellow tumor | 112 | |
5109496813 | decubitus ulcer | bed sore | 113 | |
5109496814 | dermtosis | skin condition | 114 | |
5109496815 | dermopathy | skin disease | 115 | |
5109496816 | eczema | a red itchy rash that may weep or ooze | 116 | |
5109496817 | atopic dermatitis | an unusual inflammation of the skin | 117 | |
5109496818 | hypertrichosis | excessive growth of hair | 118 | |
5109496819 | ichythyosis | a condtion in the skin is dry and scaly resembling fish scales | 119 | |
5109496820 | postpartum alopecia | baldness experienced by women after a pregnancy | 120 | |
5109496821 | sclerodermatitis | inflamataion of the skin accompanied by thickening and hardening | 121 | |
5109496822 | scleronychia | thickening and harding of nails | 122 | |
5109496823 | xanthosis | yellowing of the skin | 123 | |
5109496824 | actinic keratosis | horny skin condition caused by sun exposure | 124 | |
5109496825 | basal cell carcinoma | cancerous tumor of basal skin cells | 125 | |
5109496826 | hidradenoma | tumor of the sweat gland | 126 | |
5109496827 | malignant cutaneous neoplasm | a harmful tumor of melanin cells | 127 | |
5109496828 | squamous cell carcinoma | cancerous tumor of squamous skin cells | 128 | |
5109496829 | acne vulgaris | inflammation of the skin follicles | 129 | |
5109496830 | dermatomycosis | a fungal skin condition | 130 | |
5109496831 | hidradenitis | inflammation of the sweat glands | 131 | |
5109496832 | impetigo | a highly contagious bacterial infeciton of the skin | 132 | |
5109496833 | mycodermatitis | inflammation of the skin caused by fungus | 133 | |
5109496834 | mycosis | a fungal condition | 134 | |
5109496835 | onychodystrophy | poor nourishment and development of the nail | 135 | |
5109496836 | onychomycosis | a fungal condition of the nail | 136 | |
5109496837 | trichomycosis | a fungal condtion of the hair | 137 | |
5109496838 | actinic dermatitis | inflammation of the skin cause by sun exposure | 138 | |
5109496839 | dermatititis | inflamattion of the skin | 139 | |
5109496840 | dermatoconiosis | a skin condition caued by dirt | 140 | |
5109496841 | seborrheic dermatitis | inflammation of the skin caused by the discharge of oil | 141 | |
5109496842 | steatitis | inflammation of the fat tissue | 142 | |
5109496843 | epidermal | pertaining to the skin | 143 | |
5109496844 | hypodermic | pertaining to beneath the skin | 144 | |
5109496845 | intradermal | pertaining to inside the skin | 145 | |
5109496846 | percutaneous | pertaining to through the skin | 146 | |
5109496847 | subcutaneous | pertaining to beneath the skin | 147 | |
5109496848 | transdermal | pertaining to through the skin | 148 | |
5109496849 | chemosurgery | the removal of tissue that has been destroyed using chemicals | 149 | |
5109496850 | chemotherapy | treatment using chemicals | 150 | |
5109496851 | cryosurgery | destruction of tissue through freezing | 151 | |
5109496852 | dermabrasion | rubbing or scrapign awa the outer surface of skin | 152 | |
5109496853 | electrocauterization | using electricity to destroy tissue by burning it | 153 | |
5109496854 | electrodesiccation | using electricity to destryoy tissue by drying it | 154 | |
5109496855 | incision and drainage | to cut into a wound to allow trapped infected liquid to drain | 155 | |
5109496856 | lipectomy | removal of fatty tissue | 156 | |
5109496857 | liposuction | removal of fatty tissue using a vacuum | 157 | |
5109496858 | onychectomy | removal of a nail | 158 | |
5109496859 | onychotomy | incision into a nail | 159 | |
5109496860 | rhytidoplasty | reconstruction of wrinkled skin | 160 | |
5109496861 | autograft | skin transplant taken from another part of patient's body | 161 | |
5109496862 | homograft/ allograft | skin transpant taken from same species | 162 | |
5109496863 | heterograft | skin transplant taken from other species | 163 | |
5109496864 | xenograft | skin transplant taken from other species | 164 | |
5109496865 | anesthetic | temporarily blocks sensation | 165 | |
5109496866 | antibiotic | destroys/opposes life | 166 | |
5109496867 | antihistamine | drug that opposes the effects of histamine | 167 | |
5109496868 | antipruritic | a drug that releives itching | 168 | |
5109496869 | antiseptic | a drug that prevents sepsis (rotting of flesh) | 169 |
Acquiring Medical Language Chapter 3 Flashcards
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