5769505347 | acous/o | sound | 0 | |
5769505348 | -acusis | hearing condition | 1 | |
5769505349 | audi/o | sound | 2 | |
5769505350 | aur/o | ear | 3 | |
5769505351 | blephar/o | eyelid | 4 | |
5769505352 | cerumin/o | ear wax | 5 | |
5769505353 | cochle/o | cochlea | 6 | |
5769505354 | conjunctiv/o | conjunctiva | 7 | |
5769505355 | corne/o | cornea | 8 | |
5769505356 | cycl/o | ciliary body | 9 | |
5769505357 | dacry/o | tear | 10 | |
5769505358 | irid/o | iris | 11 | |
5769505359 | ir/o | iris | 12 | |
5769505360 | kerat/o | cornea | 13 | |
5769505361 | labyrinth/o | labyrinth | 14 | |
5769505362 | lacrim/o | tear | 15 | |
5769505363 | mastoid/o | mastoid process | 16 | |
5769505364 | myring/o | eardrum | 17 | |
5769505365 | ocul/o | eye | 18 | |
5769505366 | ophthalm/o | eye | 19 | |
5769505367 | -opia | vision condition | 20 | |
5769505368 | -opsia | vision condition | 21 | |
5769505369 | opt/o | eye | 22 | |
5769505370 | ot/o | ear | 23 | |
5769505371 | phac/o | lens | 24 | |
5769505372 | phak/o | lens | 25 | |
5769505373 | retin/o | retina | 26 | |
5769505374 | salping/o | eustachian tube | 27 | |
5769505375 | scler/o | sclera (the white of the eye) | 28 | |
5769505376 | tympan/o | eardrum | 29 | |
5769505377 | vestibul/o | vestibule | 30 | |
5769505378 | acoustic neuroma | a tumor on the acoustic nerve | 31 | |
5769505379 | aerotitis | inflammation of the ear caused by air | 32 | |
5769505380 | akinetopsia | the inability to see objects in motion | 33 | |
5769505381 | ambiopia | double vision | 34 | |
5769505382 | amblyopia | decreased vision (lazy eye) | 35 | |
5769505383 | aniridia | absence of an iris | 36 | |
5769505384 | aphakia | absence of a lens | 37 | |
5769505385 | asthenopia | weak vision | 38 | |
5769505386 | astigmatism | vision problem caused by the fact that light rays aren't focused on a single point in the back of the eye | 39 | |
5769505387 | audiogram | record prodcued by an audiometer | 40 | |
5769505388 | audiologist | hearing specialist | 41 | |
5769505389 | audiometer | instrument for measuring hearing | 42 | |
5769505390 | audiometry | procedure for measuring hearing | 43 | |
5769505391 | auditory prosthesis | hearing aid | 44 | |
5769505392 | aural | pertaining to the ear | 45 | |
5769505393 | binocular | pertaining to both eyes | 46 | |
5769505394 | blepharedema | eyelid swelling | 47 | |
5769505395 | blepharitis | eyelid inflammation | 48 | |
5769505396 | blepharoconjunctivitis | inflammation of the eyelid and conjunctiva | 49 | |
5769505397 | blepharoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the eyelid | 50 | |
5769505398 | blepharoplegia | paralysis of the eylid | 51 | |
5769505399 | blepharoptosis | drooping eyelid | 52 | |
5769505400 | blepharopyorrhea | discharge of pus from the eyelid | 53 | |
5769505401 | blepharospasm | involuntary contraction of the eyelid | 54 | |
5769505402 | blepharotomy | incision into the eyelid | 55 | |
5769505403 | cataract | opacity of the lens of the eye | 56 | |
5769505404 | cerumen impaction | buildup of earwax blocking the ear canal | 57 | |
5769505405 | ceruminolysis | breakdown of earwax | 58 | |
5769505406 | ceruminolytic | drug that aids in the breakdown of ear wax | 59 | |
5769505407 | ceruminoma | benign tumor of the cerumen-secreting glands of the ear | 60 | |
5769505408 | ceruminosis | excessive formation of ear wax | 61 | |
5769505409 | cochlear implant | electronic device that stimulates the cochlea; it can give the sense of sound to those who are profoundly deaf | 62 | |
5769505410 | cochleitis | inflammation of the cochlea | 63 | |
5769505411 | conductive hearing loss | sound does not get into the middle/inner ear due to blockages | 64 | |
5769505412 | conjunctivitis | inflammation fo the conjunctiva (also known as pink eye) | 65 | |
5769505413 | corneal abrasion | scratch on the cornea | 66 | |
5769505414 | corneal transplant | replacement of damaged cornea with donated tissue | 67 | |
5769505415 | corneal xerosis | dryness of the cornea | 68 | |
5769505416 | cyclokeratitis | inflammation of the ciliary body and cornea | 69 | |
5769505417 | cycloplegia | paralysis of the ciliary body | 70 | |
5769505418 | cycloplegic | drug that paralyzes the ciliary body | 71 | |
5769505419 | cyclotomy | incision into the ciliary body | 72 | |
5769505420 | dacrocystitis | inflammation of the tear sac | 73 | |
5769505421 | dacryadenitis | inflammation of the tear gland | 74 | |
5769505422 | dacryoadenalgia | pain in the tear gland | 75 | |
5769505423 | dacryoadenectomy | removal of the tear gland | 76 | |
5769505424 | dacryocystalgia | pain in the tear sac | 77 | |
5769505425 | dacryocystectomy | removal of the tear sac | 78 | |
5769505426 | dacryocystorhinostomy | creation of an opening between the tear sac and the nose | 79 | |
5769505427 | dacryocystotomy | incision into the tear sac | 80 | |
5769505428 | dacryohemorrhea | discharge of blood in the tears | 81 | |
5769505429 | dacryolith | hard formation in the tear system | 82 | |
5769505430 | dacryolithiasis | presence of hard formations in the tear system | 83 | |
5769505431 | dacryopyorrhea | discharge of pus in tears | 84 | |
5769505432 | dacryostenosis | narrowing of the tear duct | 85 | |
5769505433 | diplopia | double vision | 86 | |
5769505434 | ear instillation | ear drops | 87 | |
5769505435 | ear lavage | rinsing/washing of the external ear canal | 88 | |
5769505436 | ectropion | outward turning of the eylid, away from the eye | 89 | |
5769505437 | entropion | inward turning of the eyelid, towards the eye | 90 | |
5769505438 | enucleation | removal of an eye | 91 | |
5769505439 | esotropia | inward turning of the eye, toward the nose | 92 | |
5769505440 | exophthalmus | protrusion of the eye out of the eye socket | 93 | |
5769505441 | exotropia | outward turning of the eye, away from the nose | 94 | |
5769505442 | hemianopsia | blindness in half of the visual field | 95 | |
5769505443 | hyperacusis | excessively sensitive eharing | 96 | |
5769505444 | hyperopia | farsightedness | 97 | |
5769505445 | hypoacusis | excessively insensitive hearing | 98 | |
5769505446 | intraocular lens implant | insertion of a new lens inside the eye | 99 | |
5769505447 | iridalgia | pain in the iris | 100 | |
5769505448 | iridectomy | removal of the iris | 101 | |
5769505449 | iridemia | bleeding from the iris | 102 | |
5769505450 | iridocyclectomy | removal of the iris and ciliary body | 103 | |
5769505451 | iridocyclitis | inflammation of the iris and ciliary body | 104 | |
5769505452 | iridokeratitis | inflammation of the iris and cornea | 105 | |
5769505453 | iridokinesis | movement of the iris | 106 | |
5769505454 | iridopathy | disease of the iris | 107 | |
5769505455 | iridotomy | incision into the iris | 108 | |
5769505456 | iritis | inflammation of the iris | 109 | |
5769505457 | keratalgia | pain in the cornea | 110 | |
5769505458 | keratitis | inflammation of the cornea | 111 | |
5769505459 | keratomalacia | abnormal softening of the cornea | 112 | |
5769505460 | keratopathy | disease of the cornea | 113 | |
5769505461 | keratoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the cornea | 114 | |
5769505462 | keratotomy | incision into the cornea | 115 | |
5769505463 | labyrinthectomy | removal of the labyrinth | 116 | |
5769505464 | labyrinthitis | inflammation of the labyrinth | 117 | |
5769505465 | labyrinthotomy | incision into the labyrinth | 118 | |
5769505466 | lacrimation | formation of tears (crying) | 119 | |
5769505467 | macrotia | abnormally large ears | 120 | |
5769505468 | mastoidalgia | pain in the mastoid | 121 | |
5769505469 | mastoidectomy | removal of the mastoid | 122 | |
5769505470 | mastoiditis | inflammation fo the mastoid | 123 | |
5769505471 | mastoidocentesis | puncture of the mastoid | 124 | |
5769505472 | microtia | abnormally small ears | 125 | |
5769505473 | miosis | abnormal contraction of the pupil | 126 | |
5769505474 | miotic | drug that causes the abnormal contraction of the pupil | 127 | |
5769505475 | mydriasis | abnormal dialation of the pupil | 128 | |
5769505476 | mydriatic | drug that causes the abnormal dilation of the pupil | 129 | |
5769505477 | myopia | nearsightedness | 130 | |
5769505478 | myringectomy | removal of the eardrum | 131 | |
5769505479 | myringitis | inflammation of the eardrum | 132 | |
5769505480 | myringodermatitis | inflammation of the eardrum and surrounding skin | 133 | |
5769505481 | myringomycosis | fungal condition of the eardrum | 134 | |
5769505482 | myringotomy | incision into the eardrum | 135 | |
5769505483 | nasolacrimal | pertaining to the nose and tear system | 136 | |
5769505484 | nystagmus | involuntary back-and-forth movement of the eyes | 137 | |
5769505485 | oculomycosis | a fungal eye condition | 138 | |
5769505486 | oculopathy | disease of the eye | 139 | |
5769505487 | oculoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the eye | 140 | |
5769505488 | ophthalmatrophy | atrophy of the eye | 141 | |
5769505489 | ophthalmectomy | removal of the eye | 142 | |
5769505490 | ophthalmitis | inflammation of the eye | 143 | |
5769505491 | ophthalmic | pertaining to the eye | 144 | |
5769505492 | ophthalmologist | eye specialist | 145 | |
5769505493 | ophthalmomycosis | fungal eye condition | 146 | |
5769505494 | ophthalmomyitis | inflammation of the eye muscles | 147 | |
5769505495 | ophthalmopathy | eye disease | 148 | |
5769505496 | ophthalmoplegia | eye paralysis | 149 | |
5769505497 | ophthalmoscope | instrument for looking at the eye | 150 | |
5769505498 | ophthalmalgia | eye pain | 151 | |
5769505499 | optic | pertaining to the eye | 152 | |
5769505500 | optic neuritis | inflammation of the optic nerve | 153 | |
5769505501 | optokinetic | pertaining to eye movement | 154 | |
5769505502 | optometrist | specialist in measuring the eye | 155 | |
5769505503 | optomyometer | device used to determine the strength of eye muscles | 156 | |
5769505504 | osteoacusis | hearing through bone | 157 | |
5769505505 | otalgia | ear pain | 158 | |
5769505506 | otitis externa | inflammation of the outer ear | 159 | |
5769505507 | otitis media | inflammation of the middle ear | 160 | |
5769505508 | otodynia | ear pain | 161 | |
5769505509 | otolaryngologist | specialist in the ear and throat | 162 | |
5769505510 | otomycosis | fungal ear condition | 163 | |
5769505511 | otoneurology | specialist in the nerve connection between the ear and brain | 164 | |
5769505512 | otoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the ear | 165 | |
5769505513 | otopyorrhea | discharge of pus from the ears | 166 | |
5769505514 | otorhinolaryngologist | specialist in the ear, nose, and throat | 167 | |
5769505515 | otorrhea | discharge from the ear | 168 | |
5769505516 | otosclerosis | hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear | 169 | |
5769505517 | otoscope | instrument for looking in the ear | 170 | |
5769505518 | otoscopy | procedure for looking in theear | 171 | |
5769505519 | otosteal | pertaining to the bones of the ear | 172 | |
5769505520 | ototoxic | drug that is damaging to the ear/hearing | 173 | |
5769505521 | papilledema | swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina | 174 | |
5769505522 | phacoemulsification | fragmentation of an existing lens in order to remove and replace it | 175 | |
5769505523 | phacomalacia | abnormal softening of the lens | 176 | |
5769505524 | phacosclerosis | abnormal hardening of the lens | 177 | |
5769505525 | phacoscope | instrument for looking at the lens | 178 | |
5769505526 | phakitis | inflammation of the lens | 179 | |
5769505527 | pneumatic otoscopy | procedure for looking in the ear using air | 180 | |
5769505528 | presbycusis | loss of hearing in old age | 181 | |
5769505529 | presbyopia | decreased vision caused by old age | 182 | |
5769505530 | pterygium | winglike growth of conjunctival tissue extending to the cornea | 183 | |
5769505531 | retinal | pertaining to the retina | 184 | |
5769505532 | retinitis | inflammation of the retina | 185 | |
5769505533 | retinopathy | disease of the retina | 186 | |
5769505534 | retinopexy | surgical fixation of the retina | 187 | |
5769505535 | retinoscope | instrument for looking at the retina | 188 | |
5769505536 | retinoscopy | procedure for looking at the retina | 189 | |
5769505537 | retinosis | retinal condtion | 190 | |
5769505538 | retinotomy | incision into the retina | 191 | |
5769505539 | rhinosalpingitis | inflammation of the nose and eustachian tubes | 192 | |
5769505540 | salpingopharyngeal | pertaing to the eustachian tubes and the throat | 193 | |
5769505541 | salpingoscope | instrument for looking at the eustachian tubes | 194 | |
5769505542 | sclerectasia | overexpansion of the sclera | 195 | |
5769505543 | sclerokeratitis | inflammation of the sclera and cornea | 196 | |
5769505544 | scleroiritis | inflammation of the sclera and iris | 197 | |
5769505545 | scleromalacia | abnormal softening of the slcera | 198 | |
5769505546 | sclerokeratoiritis | inflammation of the sclera, cornea, and iris | 199 | |
5769505547 | sclerotomy | incision into the sclera | 200 | |
5769505548 | scotoma | dark spot in the visual field | 201 | |
5769505549 | scotopia | adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness | 202 | |
5769505550 | sensorineural hearing loss | sound is not transmitted from the inner ear to the brain | 203 | |
5769505551 | strabismus | condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object | 204 | |
5769505552 | tinnitus | ringing in the ears | 205 | |
5769505553 | tonometer | instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye | 206 | |
5769505554 | trichiasis | condition caused by eyelashes growing backward and coming in contact with the eye | 207 | |
5769505555 | tympanic perforation | tear or hole in the eardrum | 208 | |
5769505556 | tympanocentesis | puncture of the eardrum | 209 | |
5769505557 | tympanolabyrinthopexy | surgical fixation of the eardrum to the labyrinth | 210 | |
5769505558 | tympanometry | procedure for measuring the eardrum | 211 | |
5769505559 | tympanoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the eardrum | 212 | |
5769505560 | typanosclerosis | hardening of the eardrum | 213 | |
5769505561 | tympanostomy | creation of an opening in the eardrum | 214 | |
5769505562 | vertigo | sensation of moving through space while stationary | 215 | |
5769505563 | vesitbular neuritis | inflammation of the vestibular nerve | 216 | |
5769505564 | vestibulitis | inflammation of the vestibule | 217 | |
5769505565 | vestibulotomy | incision into the vestibule | 218 | |
5769505566 | xerophthalmia | dry eyes | 219 | |
5769505567 | dacryorrhea | excessive tearing | 220 | |
5769505568 | myringoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the eardrum | 221 |
Acquiring Medical Language Chapter 6 Flashcards
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