9446401437 | colp/o | vagina | 0 | |
9446401438 | vagin/o | vagina | 1 | |
9446401439 | perine/o | perineum | 2 | |
9446401440 | episi/o | vulva | 3 | |
9446401441 | vulv/o | vulva | 4 | |
9446401442 | lact/o | milk | 5 | |
9446401443 | gynec/o | woman | 6 | |
9446401444 | gyn/o | woman | 7 | |
9446401445 | mast/o | breast | 8 | |
9446401446 | mamm/o | breast | 9 | |
9446401447 | cervic/o | cervix | 10 | |
9446401448 | hyster/o | uterus | 11 | |
9446401449 | metr/o | uterus | 12 | |
9446401450 | uter/o | uterus | 13 | |
9446401451 | pelv/i | pelvis | 14 | |
9446401452 | oophar/o | ovary | 15 | |
9446401453 | ovari/o | ovary | 16 | |
9446401454 | men/o | menstruation | 17 | |
9446401455 | salping/o | fallopian tube | 18 | |
9446401456 | amni/o | amnion | 19 | |
9446401457 | -cyesis | pregnancy | 20 | |
9446401458 | chori/o | chorion | 21 | |
9446401459 | chorion/o | chorion | 22 | |
9446401460 | toc/o | labor | 23 | |
9446401461 | fet/o | fetus | 24 | |
9446401462 | part/o | birth | 25 | |
9446401463 | nat/o | birth | 26 | |
9446401464 | amenorrhea | no menstruation | 27 | |
9446401465 | colpostenosis | narrowing in the vaginal opening | 28 | |
9446401466 | dysmenorrhea | painful menstruation | 29 | |
9446401467 | dyspareunia | painful sex | 30 | |
9446401468 | gynecomastia | development of breast tissue in males | 31 | |
9446401469 | hysteralgia | pain in uterus | 32 | |
9446401470 | hysterdynia | pain in uterus | 33 | |
9446401471 | leukorrhea | white vaginal discharge | 34 | |
9446401472 | mastalgia | breast pain | 35 | |
9446401473 | mastoptosis | downward displacement of breast | 36 | |
9446401474 | menorrhagia | excessive menstrual flow | 37 | |
9446401475 | menorrhalgia | painful menstruation | 38 | |
9446401476 | metromenorrhagia | excessive menstrual bleeding at irregular intervals | 39 | |
9446401477 | metrorrhagia | menstrual bleeding at irregular times | 40 | |
9446401478 | oligomenorrhea | infrequent or light menstrual periods | 41 | |
9446401479 | ovaralgia | pain of ovaries | 42 | |
9446401480 | ovarialgia | pain of ovaries | 43 | |
9446401481 | perineocele | hernia in the perineal region | 44 | |
9446401482 | polymenorrhea | menstrual periods occurring in greater than normal frequency | 45 | |
9446401483 | vaginodynia | vaginal pain | 46 | |
9446401484 | vulvodynia | pain in vulva | 47 | |
9446401485 | amniorrhea | discharge of amniotic fluid | 48 | |
9446401486 | amnirrhexis | rupture of amniotic sac | 49 | |
9446401487 | Braxton Hicks contraction | sporadic contractions of the uterine muscles of women not in labor; also known as false labor | 50 | |
9446401488 | contraction | during labor, uterine muscles contract | 51 | |
9446401489 | amastia | absence of breast | 52 | |
9446401490 | cical dysplasia | bad formation of cervical cells | 53 | |
9446401491 | colpoptosis | downward displacement of vagina | 54 | |
9446401492 | episiostenosis | narrowing of vulvar opening | 55 | |
9446401493 | hematosalpinx | blockage in fallopian tube caused by blood | 56 | |
9446401494 | hydrosalpinx | blockage in a fallopian tube caused by water (or any clear fluid) | 57 | |
9446401495 | hypermastia | excessively large breasts | 58 | |
9446401496 | hypomastia | abnormally small breasts | 59 | |
9446401497 | hysteroptosis | downward displacement of uterus into the vagina | 60 | |
9446401498 | macromastia | abnormally large breastssssssssssssssssssss | 61 | |
9446401499 | micromastia | abnormally small breasts | 62 | |
9446401500 | oophorocystosis | ovarian cysts | 63 | |
9446401501 | pyosalpinx | bloackage in a fallopian tube caused by pus | 64 | |
9446401502 | uterine prolapse | downward displacement of uterus into vagina | 65 | |
9446401503 | cervicography | procedure for imaging cervix | 66 | |
9446401504 | colposcope | instrument used to examine vagina | 67 | |
9446401505 | colposcopy | procedure for examining the vagina | 68 | |
9446401506 | hysterosalpingogram | record of uterus and fallopian tubes | 69 | |
9446401507 | hysteroscope | instrument for examining the uterus | 70 | |
9446401508 | hysteroscopy | procedure for examining the uterus | 71 | |
9446401509 | mammogram | record of a breast exam | 72 | |
9446401510 | Pap smear | test used to detect cancer cells, most commonly in the cervix | 73 | |
9446401511 | sonohysterography | procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus | 74 | |
9446401512 | transvaginal sonography | imaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted in the vagina | 75 | |
9446401513 | vaginoscope | instrument used to examine the vagina | 76 | |
9446401514 | endometrium | inner layer of uterine tissue | 77 | |
9446401515 | gynecologist | specialist in medical issues specific to women | 78 | |
9446401516 | gynecology | study of medical issues specific to women | 79 | |
9446401517 | menarche | beginning or first menstruation | 80 | |
9446401518 | myometrium | middle layer of uterine muscle tissue | 81 | |
9446401519 | perimetrium | outer layer of uterus | 82 | |
9446401520 | speculum | device for examining a body cavity (commonly the vagina) | 83 | |
9446401521 | bradytocia | slow labor | 84 | |
9446401522 | cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) | inability of the mother's pelvis to allow baby to pass thru birth canal | 85 | |
9446401523 | congenital anomaly | irregular condition that is present during birth | 86 | |
9446401524 | dystocia | difficult labor | 87 | |
9446401525 | eutocia | normal labor | 88 | |
9446401526 | gravida | pregnant | 89 | |
9446401527 | hysterocele | hernia of the uterus | 90 | |
9446401528 | hysterrhexis | rupture of uterus | 91 | |
9446401529 | lactogenic | causing formation of milk | 92 | |
9446401530 | lactorrhea | discharge of milk | 93 | |
9446401531 | macrosomia | baby with large body | 94 | |
9446401532 | microcephalus | baby with small head | 95 | |
9446401533 | oligohydramnios | not enough amniotic fluid | 96 | |
9446401534 | polyhydramnios | excessive amniotic fluid | 97 | |
9446401535 | teratogenic | causing formation of birth defects | 98 | |
9446401536 | amniocentesis | surgical puncture of the amnion | 99 | |
9446401537 | amnioscope | instrument for examining the amnion | 100 | |
9446401538 | amnioscopy | procedure for examining amnion | 101 | |
9446401539 | cardiotocograph | instrument for recording baby's HR during contractions; also known as a fetal heart monitor | 102 | |
9446401540 | fetometry | procedure for measuring fetus | 103 | |
9446401541 | hysterography | procedure for imaging the uterus | 104 | |
9446401542 | pelvic sonograph | instrument for imaging the pelvis using sound waves | 105 | |
9446401543 | pelvicephalometry | procedure for measuring the head size of baby and pelvis size of mother | 106 | |
9446401544 | pelvimetry | procedure for measuring the pelvis | 107 | |
9446401545 | tocodynagraph | instrument for recording the strength of labor contractions | 108 | |
9446401546 | tocography | procedure for recording strength of labor contractions | 109 | |
9446401547 | antepartum | time before birth | 110 | |
9446401548 | intrapartum | time during birth | 111 | |
9446401549 | lactation | production of milk | 112 | |
9446401550 | natal | pertaining to birth | 113 | |
9446401551 | neonatal | pertaining to new birth (normally the first 28 days after birth) | 114 | |
9446401552 | neonatologist | specialist in neonatal period | 115 | |
9446401553 | neonatology | study of neonatal period | 116 | |
9446401554 | obstetrician | specialist in pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns | 117 | |
9446401555 | obstetrics | branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery | 118 | |
9446401556 | perinatal | time around birth (28 weeks of pregnancy to 28 days after pregnancy) | 119 | |
9446401557 | perinatologist | specialist in perinatal period | 120 | |
9446401558 | perinatology | branch of medicine dealing with perinatal period | 121 | |
9446401559 | postnatal | pertaining to after birth | 122 | |
9446401560 | postpartum | pertaining to after birth | 123 | |
9446401561 | prenatal | pertaining to before birth | 124 | |
9446401562 | teratology | branch of medicine dealing with study of birth defects and their causes | 125 | |
9446401563 | adenocarcinoma of the breast | glandular tumor in the breast | 126 | |
9446401564 | cervical intraepithelial neoplasia | abnormal growth of cervical cells | 127 | |
9446401565 | cervicitis | inflammation of cervix | 128 | |
9446401566 | cervicocolpitis | inflammation of cervix and vagina | 129 | |
9446401567 | cervicovaganitis | inflammation of the cervix and vagina | 130 | |
9446401568 | colpitis | inflammation of vagina | 131 | |
9446401569 | colpocystitis | inflammation of vagina and urinary bladder | 132 | |
9446401570 | cystocele | hernia of urinary bladder into vagina | 133 | |
9446401571 | dermoid cyst | ovarian cyst containing skin and somtimes hair, teeth, bone, or cartilage | 134 | |
9446401572 | teratoma | dermoid cyst | 135 | |
9446401573 | endocervicitis | inflammation of the inside of the cervix | 136 | |
9446401574 | endometriosis | endometrium cells appear and grow outside the uterus | 137 | |
9446401575 | endometritis | inflammation of endometrium | 138 | |
9446401576 | mastitis | inflammation of breast | 139 | |
9446401577 | menopause | cessation of menstruation | 140 | |
9446401578 | metrocolpocele | hernia of uterus and prolapse into vagina | 141 | |
9446401579 | meterophlebitis | inflammation of the blood vessels of uterus | 142 | |
9446401580 | myometritis | inflammation of myometrium | 143 | |
9446401581 | oophoritis | inflammation of ovary | 144 | |
9446401582 | oophoroma | ovarian tumor | 145 | |
9446401583 | ovariorrhexis | rupture of ovary | 146 | |
9446401584 | ovaritis | inflammation of ovary | 147 | |
9446401585 | perimetritis | inflammation of perimetrium | 148 | |
9446401586 | rectocele | hernia or protrusion of rectum into vagina | 149 | |
9446401587 | salpingitis | inflammation of fallopian tube | 150 | |
9446401588 | salpingocele | hernia of fallopian tube | 151 | |
9446401589 | salpingo-oophoritis | inflammation of fallopian tube and ovary | 152 | |
9446401590 | urethrocele | hernia or prolapse of urethra into vagina | 153 | |
9446401591 | vaginitis | inflammation of vagina | 154 | |
9446401592 | vaginomycosis | fungal condition of vagina | 155 | |
9446401593 | vaginosis | condition of vagina | 156 | |
9446401594 | vesicovaginal fistula | abnormal opening btw urinary bladder and vagina | 157 | |
9446401595 | vulvitis | inflammation of vulva | 158 | |
9446401596 | vulvovaginitis | inflammation of vulva and vagina | 159 | |
9446401597 | abortion | termination of pregnancy | 160 | |
9446401598 | abruptio placentae | separation of placenta from wall of uterus | 161 | |
9446401599 | chorioamnionitis | inflammation of chorion and amnion | 162 | |
9446401600 | chorioangioma | blood vessel tumor of chorion | 163 | |
9446401601 | choriocarcinoma | cancerous tumor of chorion | 164 | |
9446401602 | chorionitis | inflammation of chorion | 165 | |
9446401603 | eclampsia | severe, life-threatening complication of pregnancy characterized by seizures | 166 | |
9446401604 | ectopic pregnancy | implantation of fertilized egg in a place other than uterus | 167 | |
9446401605 | hyperemesis gravidarum | pregnancy-related vomiting; extreme form of the more comon morning sickness | 168 | |
9446401606 | hysterorrhexis | rupture of uterus | 169 | |
9446401607 | ovariocyesis | ectopic pregnancy in ovary | 170 | |
9446401608 | placenta previa | condition in which placenta is attached to uterus near cervix | 171 | |
9446401609 | peeclampsia | high blood pressure and high protein in urine | 172 | |
9446401610 | pseudocyesis | false pregnancy | 173 | |
9446401611 | salpingocyesis | ectopic pregnancy in fallopian tube | 174 | |
9446401612 | spontaneous abortion | naturally occurring abortion (miscarriage) | 175 | |
9446401613 | cervicectomy | surgical removal of cervix | 176 | |
9446401614 | colpopexy | surgical fixation of vagina | 177 | |
9446401615 | colpoplasty | surgical reconstruction of vagina | 178 | |
9446401616 | episiorrhaphy | suture of vulva | 179 | |
9446401617 | hysterectomy | surgical removal of uterus | 180 | |
9446401618 | hysteropexy | surgical fixation of uterus | 181 | |
9446401619 | hysterosalpingectomy | surgical removal of the uterus and fallopian tube(s) | 182 | |
9446401620 | mammoplasty | surgical reconstruction of breast | 183 | |
9446401621 | mastectomy | surgical removal of breast | 184 | |
9446401622 | mastopexy | surgical fixation of breast | 185 | |
9446401623 | myomectomy | surgical removal of tumor in muscle (muscle of uterine wall) | 186 | |
9446401624 | oophorectomy | surgical removal of ovary | 187 | |
9446401625 | oophorocystectomy | surgical removal of an ovarian cyst | 188 | |
9446401626 | oophorotomy | incision into ovary | 189 | |
9446401627 | ovarian cystectomy | surgical removal of an ovarian cyst | 190 | |
9446401628 | ovariocentesis | surgical puncture of an ovary | 191 | |
9446401629 | ovariostomy | creation of an opening into an ovary | 192 | |
9446401630 | perineorrhaphy | suture of perineum | 193 | |
9446401631 | salpingectomy | surgical removal of fallopian tube | 194 | |
9446401632 | salping-oophorectomy | surgical removal of fallopian tube ovary | 195 | |
9446401633 | salpingopexy | surgical fixation of fallopian tube | 196 | |
9446401634 | perineoplasty | surgical reconstruction of the perineum | 197 | |
9446401635 | perineotomy | incision into perineum | 198 | |
9446401636 | vaginoperineorrhaphy | suture of vagina and perineum | 199 | |
9446401637 | vaginoperineoplasty | surgical reconstruction of vagina and perineum | 200 | |
9446401638 | vaginoperineotomy | incision into vagina and perineum | 201 | |
9446401639 | vaginoplasty | surgical reconstruction of vagina | 202 | |
9446401640 | abortifacient | drug or device that causes the termination of pregnancy | 203 | |
9446401641 | amniotomy | incision into amnion | 204 | |
9446401642 | cesarean section | delivery of baby thru incision made in uterus | 205 | |
9446401643 | episiotomy | incision into the vulva | 206 | |
9446401644 | hysterotomy | incision into uterus | 207 | |
9446401645 | induced abortion | intentional termination of pregnancy | 208 | |
9446401646 | in vitro fertilization | fertilization of egg done in test tube | 209 | |
9446401647 | oxytocin | agent that stimulates uterine contractions and accelerates labor | 210 | |
9446401648 | tocolytic | agent that stops or delays premature labor and contractions | 211 | |
9446440958 | CIPP | chronic idiopathic pelvic pain | 212 | |
9446440959 | Cx | cervix | 213 | |
9446437308 | GYN | gynecology | 214 | |
9446439355 | HPV | human papillomavirus | 215 | |
9446437830 | HRT | hormone replacement therapy | 216 | |
9446420747 | HSG | hysterosalpingogram | 217 | |
9446434959 | LEEP | loop electrosurgical excision procedure | 218 | |
9446431135 | PID | pelvic inflammatory disease | 219 | |
9446429144 | PMS | premenstrual syndrome | 220 | |
9446427986 | SHG | sonohysterography | 221 | |
9446426272 | STD/STI | sexually transmitted disease/infection | 222 | |
9446424086 | TAH/BSO | total abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy | 223 | |
9446423033 | TSS | toxic shock syndrome | 224 | |
9446421534 | TVS | transvaginal sonography | 225 | |
9446420748 | VH | vaginal hysterectomy | 226 | |
9446444860 | CPD | cephalopelvic disproportion | 227 | |
9446453165 | CS, C-section | cesarean section | 228 | |
9446452371 | DOB | date of birth | 229 | |
9446451602 | EDD | expected date of delivery | 230 | |
9446448447 | FAS | fetal alcohol syndrome | 231 | |
9446447879 | FOB | father of the baby (or fecal occult blood) | 232 | |
9446447122 | G | gravida | 233 | |
9446446368 | IVF | in vitro fertilization | 234 | |
9446445565 | LGA | large for gestational age | 235 | |
9446455968 | LMP | last menstrual period | 236 | |
9446457545 | P | births (comes from the word para, which means birth) | 237 | |
9446456842 | RDS | respiratory distress syndrome | 238 | |
9446455969 | SGA | small for gestational age | 239 |
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