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ACT Science Vocabulary Flashcards

Taken from Barron's ACT Math and Science Workbook

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695607623Absolute zeroApproximately -273° C; the lowest possible temperature
695607624AcidA compound that releases hydrogen ions when dissolved in water; has a pH of less than 7
695607625AlgaeSimple, one-celled plantlike organism found in water or damp places; includes seaweeds, pond scum, and so on
695607626AlloyA substance composed of two or more metals
695607627AtmosphereThe layer of air surrounding Earth
695607628Atmospheric pressureThe pressure exerted by the atmosphere on every part of Earth's surface; approximately 10 newtons per square centimeter
695607629AtomThe smallest part of an element that is recognizable as that element
695607630BarometerAn instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
695607631BaseA compound that releases hydroxide ions in water; has a pH of more than 7; is sometimes called an alkali
695607632Boiling pointThe temperature at which additional thermal energy causes a substance to change from a liquid to a vapor
695607633CalorieA quantity of heat energy; the amount needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water 1° C
695607634CarbohydrateAn organic compound-like sugar or starch that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the ratio of 1:2:1; the human body's main source of energy
695607635CarcinogenA cancer-causing agent
695607637CatalystA substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being changed by the reaction
695607638CellThe lowest-level structure of any living organism that can perform all the functions of life, including reproduction
695607639ChlorophyllThe main pigment in plants that captures light energy during photosynthesis
695607640CompoundA substance composed of two or more chemically bonded elements
695607641ConcentrationThe exact amount of substance dissolved in a given amount of solvent; refers to a solution
695607642CondensationThe process whereby a decrease in energy causes vapor particles to return to a liquid phase
695607643ConductorA material that allows heat or electricity to flow through it with minimal resistance
695607644ControlA sample in which no variables are tested, thus serving as a basis for comparison
695607645Control variableA variable that stays constant in an experiment, allowing the effect of another variable to be measured
695607646ConvectionThe circulation of fluid caused by warm fluid rising and cool fluid sinking
695607647DensityIn a physics sense, the amount of mass per unit volume; in a more general sense, the quantity per unit area or volume
695607648DiffusionThe scattering of light; the spreading of a liquid or gas from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration
695607649DNANucleic acid in the cells of an organism; contains the genes of an organism and transmits these to future generations
695607650Ecological succesionA sequence of changes in the plant and/or animal life of a region over time
695607651ElectronA negatively charged fundamental atomic particle
695607652ElementA substance consisting of exactly one type of atom
695607653ErosionWearing away; typically the washing away of sand or rock by running water or wind
695607654EvaporationThe changing of a fluid into gas
695607655FossilThe preserved remains of a very old organism
695607656FrequencyThe number of cycles per unit time of a repeating phenomenon
695607657GlucoseA simple sugar that is broken down to provide energy to an organism
695607658HabitatThe part of an ecosystem where a plant or animal naturally grows or lives
695607659HerbivoreAn animal that eats only plants
695607660HormoneA chemical substance secreted by a gland of the body that affects other parts of the body
695607661HumidityThe amount of water vapor in the air
695607662HypothesisA statement that is a proposed explanation of a scientific phenomenon
695607663Infrared radiationElectromagnetic waves whose wavelength is longer than that of visible light
695607664InsulatorA substance that blocks the flow of heat or electricity
695607665IonA molecule or atom that has become charged by either gaining or losing an electron
695607666IsotopeA variety of an element with the same number of protons per atom but a different number of neutrons
695607667Kinetic energyThe energy of an object due to its motion
695607668Melting pointThe temperature at which additional thermal energy breaks the chemical bonds holding a substance together and causes the substance to change from the solid to a liquid state
695607669MoleculeThe smallest unit of a chemical compound
695607670NeutronA fundamental atomic particle that has no charge
695607671OreA piece of rock from which metal can be profitably extracted
695607672OsmosisThe movement of liquid through a membrane
695607673ParasiteAn organism that invades another organism and feeds off it
695607674pHA numerical scale from 1-14 representing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution; 1 is very acidic, 14 is very alkaline, and 7 is neutral
695607675PhotosynthesisThe process in which plants use the sun's energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose
695607676PressureForce per unit area
695607677ProteinA complex molecule composed of amino acids that carries out a variety of processes in cells
695607678ProtonA positively charged fundamental atomic particle
695607679StarchA complex carbohydrate found in potatoes, rice, corn, and many other vegetables
695607680SymbiosisA close relationship between two organisms that is mutually beneficial
695607681Ultraviolet radiationElectromagnetic waves with wavelength shorter than that of visible light
695607682VaporThe gaseous form of a liquid
695607683X rayElectromagnetic radiation with wavelength shorter than ultraviolet radiation

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