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Action and Descriptive Words 1 - 8

Action and Descriptive Words packets 1 through 8.

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58772119Abridgeto shorten or condense; to lessen or curtail
58772120Bizarreodd, strange, eccentric, as in manner or appearance; unexpected
58772121Concavecurved inward like the hollow of a ball
58772122Convexcurved or bulged outward
58772123Decipherto decode, as a message; to figure out the meaning of something
58772124Demeanto reduce the status of; to degrade or humble
58772125Frugalvery sparing with money; inexpensive or scanty
58772126Immerseto plunge into deeply; to cover completely
58772127Revampto make over or thoroughly revise; to reconstruct
58772128Titillateto excite pleasurably, as by teasing
58772129Ubiquitousseeming to be everywhere at once; in the way
58772130Verdantgreen (growing) with fresh vegetation
58772131Augmentto make greater, as in strength; to enlarge
58772132Brackishhaving an unpleasant (somewhat salty) taste; nauseating
58772133Chortleto chuckle and snort with delight; to laugh with satisfaction
58772134Corrodeto eat into or gradually wear away, as by rust or a chemical action
58772135Deferto postpone or yield (to); to give in to
58772136Deploreto regret very strongly; to view as unfortunate
58772137Didacticintending to teach, usually in a methodical way
58772138Fetidhaving a rotten smell; stinking
58772139Idyllicromantically picturesque, especially as related to rural life seen as peaceful and innocent
58772140Purportto claim or profess, often falsely
58772141Sinisterseeming to promise evil or misfortune; mean
58772142Viableable to sustain life, that which can survive; workable and thus likely to continue
58773822Abrasiveirritating in a harsh, grinding matter
58773823Assertto state in a positive manner; to insist on
58773824Condescendto voluntarily reduce oneself to a lower leve; to patronize those of lower position
58773825Effaceto wipe out or obliterate; to erase or destroy
58773826Encumberto hinder, hamper, or load down
58773827Gauchewith little or no social grace; tactless
58773828Germanespecifically related to the point; relevant
58773829Mesmerizeto hold hypnotically; to fascinate
58773830Prolificproducing great numbers of, as offspring or literary works
58773831Serpentinewinding in and out; coiled or twisted
58773832Tepidjust slightly warm; with little feeling or enthusiasm
58773833Transcribeto put down in written form; to make a recording
58773834Debonaireasily cheerful and friendly; carefree and affable
58773835Deleteto take out or remove as from something written
58773836Deployto spread out according to plan; to station
58773837Ersatztypical of an artificial substitute of inferior quality; synthetic
58773838Imperviousincapable of being penetrated; unaffected by
58773839Impromptuwithout advance preparation; offhand
58773840Oscillateto (cause to) move back and forth, as between two points, positions, or opinions
58773841Precipitoussteep or sheer; instantaneous; abrupt
58773842Razeto level to the ground, as by destruction
58773843Revereto view with respect, even awe; to venerate
58773844Supplantto take the place of something else, usually because of superior qualities or strength; to supersede
58773845Truculentrude in a fierce, cruel, and warlike manner
58776038Adamantas hard as (metal) stone; unyielding
58776039Blusterto act in a noisy, swaggering, bullying manner
58776040Dissuadeto persuade (advise) against something
58776041Exonerateto prove guiltless; to clear of blame
58776042Gesticulateto talk and gesture at the same time, usually with animation
58776043Indigenousnative to or typical of a particular region; inherent
58776044Insipidwithout taste, interest, or originality; unstimulating
58776045Maudlinemotionally (drunkenly) sentimental
58776046Passeold-fashioned and out of date; no longer in style
58776047Ravenouswildly hungry; eager for any sort of gratification
58776048Reconnoiterto pause and carefully estimate (consider) one's position or situation, often in a group
58776049Replicateto repeat or duplicate; to fold or bend back
58776050Appropriateto take without permission; to set aside, as money, for a specific purpose
58776051Clandestineperformed in secret, and usually for illicit purposes
58776052Dissembleto conceal with a false expression or appearance; to pretend that which isn't
58776053Drollironically humorous or oddly amusing; quaint and laughable
58776054Exhumeto remove from the grave; to bring to light (life) again
58776055Fabricateto make up or assemble; to create or fictionalize
58776056Kosherdone (prepared) according to proper procedure
58776057Morbidwith an emphasis on that which is grim, grisly, and gruesome
58776058Mutilateto damage or disfigure beyond repair or recognition
58776059Sinuouswinding in and out; crooked or indirect; supple
58776060Tantamountequal to; the same (thing) as
58776061Waneto gradually become less; to decline or approach the end
58776062Commandeerto take (seize), as for military or emergency use
58776063Disconcertto upset one's self-composure; to embarrass or confuse
58776064Emasculateto weaken or destroy the vitality of anything; to castrate
58776065Gauntthin and bony; bleak, grim, or desolate
58776066Intrudeto force (oneself) in, uninvited, on others
58776067Laudto praise; to glorify
58776068Macabrehorrible and ghastly, and often because of precise detail
58776069Nebulousvague and indistinct; without definite form or shape; clouded or hazy
58776070Ossifyto change into bone; to become rigidly fixed or conventional, as in attitude
58776071Regallike royalty; splendid; stately
58776072Succulentrich and juicy; not dull or dry, but interesting
58776073Venomouspoisonous, spiteful, or malignant; mean to the core
58776074Culpabledeserving blame; responsible for wrongdoing; blameworthy
58776075Disparageto belittle or discredit; to speak with disrespect
58776076Eludeto avoid or escape from, usually by cleverness or quickness
58776077Expurgateto remove all objectionable passages, as in editing a book
58776078Impaleto pierce with something sharp; to fix on a stake
58776079Inclementshowing no mercy; harsh and severe; stormy
58776080Mollifyto soothe someone's angry temper; to make less severe or intense
58776081Officioustoo efficient and helpful; overly forward in wanting to assist
58776312Panderto try to appeal to or satisfy the base (self-centered) desires or wishes of others
58776313Quintessentialcharacteristic of that which is pure, perfect, concentrated, or unadulterated, as an example of
58776314Rancidhaving a very bad odor or taste because of the decomposition of oils or fats
58776315Surreptitiousperformed in a secret, underhanded way; clandestine

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