298099068 | COPIOUS | abundant; plentiful | |
298099069 | TENACIOUS | tough; stubborn | |
298099070 | SURREPTITIOUS | acting in secret; sly manner | |
298099071 | VORACIOUS | eager to consume great amounts of food | |
298099072 | OFFICIOUS | interfering; offering unwanted advice | |
298099073 | SPURIOUS | not genuine; false | |
298099074 | ONEROUS | troublesome or burdensome | |
298099075 | GREGARIOUS | sociable | |
298099076 | PIOUS | devout or virtuous; holy | |
298099077 | SCRUPULOUS | careful of small details, honest | |
298099078 | ATTRITION | a gradual reduction or weakening | |
298099079 | EDIFICATION | enlighten; instruct | |
298099080 | ABLUTION | a cleansing with water | |
298099081 | ELOCUTION | the art of public speaking | |
298099082 | WRITHE | to twist or bending in pain | |
298099083 | PEDESTRIAN | ordinary; moving on feet | |
298099084 | CARRION | dead and rotting flesh | |
298099085 | PINION | to bind the wings; to confine | |
298099086 | AMBIVALENCE | indecision | |
298099087 | KISMET | fate | |
298099088 | DEPLOY | to arrange strategically | |
298099089 | CAVALIER | carefree and nonchalant | |
298099090 | EGG | to encourage or incite to action | |
298099091 | METE | to distribute by measure; to allot | |
298099092 | NULLIFY | to make useless; cancel | |
298099093 | EMBROIL | to involve in argument or hostile action | |
298099094 | WAFFLE | to speak or write evasively | |
298099095 | ASCRIBE | to attribute to a specific cause | |
298099096 | ENHANCE | to improve; to intensify | |
298099097 | IMPAIR | to diminish, as in strength | |
298099098 | TERSE | to the point; concise | |
298099099 | COERCE | to force someone by threatening | |
298099100 | DIVERSE | different; varied | |
298099101 | ABATE | to reduce | |
298099102 | ABIDE | to remain; continue; stay; endure | |
298099103 | GAMBIT | to take a risk for some advantage | |
298099104 | JAUNT | a short pleasure trip | |
298099105 | FRANK | marked by free and sincere expression | |
298099106 | LITHE | bending easily and gracefully | |
298099107 | AESTHETIC | having to do with artistic beauty | |
298099108 | GULLIBLE | easily cheated or fooled | |
298099109 | MAWKISH | excessively sentimental | |
298099110 | RAFFISH | cheaply vulgar in appearance; disreputable | |
298099111 | CONTINUUM | a continuous whole | |
298099112 | TRAVAIL | strenuous labor or effort | |
298099113 | INTREPID | fearless; bold | |
298099114 | LANGUID | lacking energy; weak | |
298099115 | EXODUS | a mass departure | |
298099116 | INFLUX | a mass arrival or incoming | |
298099117 | ABASH | to make ashamed or uneasy | |
298099118 | INCESSANT | nonstop | |
298099119 | LATENT | laying hidden; potential | |
298099120 | ELOQUENT | extremely expressive in speech | |
298099121 | DIFFIDENT | lacking self-confidence; timid | |
298099122 | MALCONTENT | dissatisfied; unhappy person | |
298099123 | EMINENT | standing out, renowned | |
298099124 | WINCE | to flinch; to shrink back | |
298099125 | PRUDENT | cautious; good judgment | |
298099126 | AUGMENT | to make or become greater | |
298099127 | EBULLIENCE | enthusiastic | |
298099128 | RHETORIC | over elaborate language or speech | |
298099129 | DOGMATIC | an arrogant assertion of opinions | |
298099130 | PHILIPPIC | insulting language; a tirade | |
298099131 | PANDEMIC | widespread; general | |
298099132 | IDYLLIC | something naturally peaceful | |
298099133 | CRYPTIC | having a hidden meaning | |
298099134 | CHOLERIC | hot-tempered; quick to anger | |
298099135 | PECCADILLO | a minor offense | |
298099136 | EMPHATIC | forcibly expressive | |
298099137 | LOGISTICS | managing the details of an operation | |
298099138 | CIRCUMSPECT | cautious | |
298099139 | ABSTRACT | difficult to understand | |
298099140 | DEFUNCT | dead or inactive | |
298099141 | SUCCINCT | brief and to the point | |
298099142 | PALPABLE | capable of being touched or felt | |
298099143 | ACCOUNTABLE | responsible | |
298099144 | OSTENSIBLE | offered as genuine or real | |
298099145 | PLIABLE | receptive to change; easily bent | |
298099146 | ADROIT | skillful; deft | |
298099147 | BAUBLE | a small, inexpensive trinket | |
298099148 | SKULLDUGGERY | trickery | |
298099149 | ANCILLARY | providing assistance | |
298099150 | SEDENTARY | characterized by sitting; little exercise | |
298099151 | CURSORY | rapid and superficial | |
298099152 | PREDATORY | victimizing or destroying others | |
298099153 | SYMMETRY | exact form of sides of a line | |
298099154 | TAWDRY | gaudy and cheap in appearance | |
298099155 | AMBULATORY | capable of walking | |
298099156 | IDOLATRY | excessive devotion to something | |
298099157 | PECUNIARY | consisting of or relating to money | |
298099158 | PANORAMA | unbroken view of a wide area | |
298099159 | SAGA | long story | |
298099160 | PLETHORA | superabundance | |
298099161 | GRADIENT | a rate of inclination; a slope | |
298099162 | ADHERENT | a follower of a leader; supporter | |
298099163 | VENT | outlet; to release | |
298099164 | PRESENTIMENT | premonition; a sense that something is going to occur | |
298099165 | ARMAMENT | military supplies and weapons | |
298099166 | CORPULENT | fat; obese | |
298099167 | CIRCUMVENT | to surround; enclose | |
298099168 | ATONE | to make amends | |
298099169 | DEVOID | entirely without | |
298099170 | REPLETE | full to the utmost; gorged | |
298099171 | MAMMOTH | huge; gigantic | |
298099172 | BALEFUL | threatening; hurtful | |
298099173 | DIMINUTION | the act or process of diminishing | |
298099174 | ETHEREAL | very light, airy; heavenly | |
298099175 | PURBLIND | having poor vision; nearly blind | |
298099176 | LACKADAISICAL | showing lack of interest | |
298099177 | BLAND | lacking flavor or zest; dull | |
298099178 | CASCADE | a waterfall | |
298099179 | PALISADE | fortification in the ground; extended cliff | |
298099180 | FUSILLADE | a rapid outburst or barrage | |
298099181 | PARABLE | a simple story illustrating a lesson | |
298099182 | PARADIGM | a pattern that serves as a model | |
298099183 | PATRIARCH | the leader of a family | |
298099184 | MALADROIT | clumsy; inept | |
298099185 | MALAISE | bodily discomfort; beginning of an illness | |
298099186 | MALICE | intention to harm others | |
298099187 | MALODOR | a bad odor | |
298099188 | PARAGON | a model of excellence | |
298099189 | STRIFE | bitter conflict; fight | |
298099190 | APPEASE | to soothe; to pacify | |
298099191 | LAMPOON | light, good humored satire | |
298099192 | BOON | a timely benefit; a blessing | |
298099193 | POLTROON | a coward | |
298099194 | BRAZEN | bold, shameless | |
298099195 | CONUNDRUM | a dilemma | |
298099196 | COVERT | secret; hidden; concealed | |
298099197 | BOOTLEG | to smuggle | |
298099198 | DIATRIBE | a bitter verbal attack | |
298099199 | OFFAL | waste parts; rubbish | |
298099200 | PARLEY | a conference, especially between enemies | |
298099201 | FRAY | fight or scuffle; brawl | |
298099202 | LAMBASTE | to assault violently | |
298099203 | CATACLYSM | a violent upheaval | |
298099204 | ESCAPADE | an adventurous unconventional act | |
298099205 | ESCHEW | to avoid or shun | |
298099206 | RANSACK | to search thoroughly; pillage | |
298099207 | CAMARADERIE | comradeship; friendship | |
298099208 | ICONOCLAST | one who attacks popular ideas | |
298099209 | SAGE | a person of wisdom | |
298099210 | NEMESIS | an opponent that cannot be beaten | |
298099211 | DOLT | a stupid person | |
298099212 | CLONE | an exact duplicate | |
298099213 | CARNIVORE | a flesh-eating animal | |
298099214 | DESPOT | an absolute ruler | |
298099215 | COURIER | a messenger | |
298099216 | SPECTER | a ghost | |
298099217 | MOGUL | a very rich and powerful person | |
298099218 | PRODIGIOUS | enormous in size, quantity, degree; marvelous, amazing | |
298099219 | BOOR | a rude person; someone that is unrefined | |
298099220 | PANACHE | dashing elegance of manner or style | |
298099221 | FORBEARANCE | Patience | |
298099222 | AGOG | highly excited by eagerness | |
298099223 | FORTHRIGHT | frank; going straight to the point | |
298099224 | PROFOUND | intellectually deep or penetrating; reaching to, rising from, or effecting the depth's of one's nature | |
298099225 | FIASCO | a complete or humiliating failure | |
298099226 | DOLEFUL | sorrowful; melancholy | |
298099227 | OPAQUE | Impervious to light; dull; hard to understand | |
298099228 | BOVINE | relating to or resembling a cow | |
298099229 | SUPINE | laying on back facing upward | |
298099230 | ASININE | silly; stupid | |
298099231 | MARITIME | near the sea | |
298099232 | SUBLIME | impressive; inspiring awe; majestic | |
298099233 | SERENE | clear; calm; tranquil | |
298099234 | FOREBODE | to predict or foretell | |
298099235 | BOMBASTIC | high sounding | |
298099236 | WINNOW | to get rid of undesirable parts | |
298099237 | SPAWN | to produce | |
298099238 | ANNALS | descriptive record; history | |
298099239 | TOME | a large book | |
298099240 | CATARACT | a large waterfall; a flood; an eye abnormality | |
298099241 | BOOTY | loot; the spoils of war; goods or property seized by force; a valuable prize | |
298099242 | ANIMATED | having life; alive; filled with activity, vigor, or spirit | |
298099243 | JETSAM | cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten an imperiled vessel; discarded odds and ends | |
298099244 | PORTAL | an entrance, door or gate | |
298099245 | THRONG | a large group of people gathered closely together | |
298099246 | BARRAGE | a curtain of artillery fire; any overwhelming attack, as of words or blows | |
298099247 | ELITE | the best or most skilled members of a group | |
298099248 | FETTER | to restrain; to hamper; a shackle | |
298099249 | TORPID | dormant; inactive; lethargic | |
298099250 | TORRID | intensely hot; burning; passionate; rapid | |
298099251 | PINGUID | Fat | |
298099252 | DISHEVEL | to make untidy; to disarrange the hair or clothing of | |
298099253 | NETTLE | to irritate; vex | |
298099254 | MOTTLE | to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors | |
298099255 | PRATTLE | to babble; to talk meaninglessly | |
298099256 | BALK | to stop short and refuse to proceed | |
298099257 | CURB | to control or check | |
298099258 | ASSAIL | to attack violently | |
298099259 | QUAIL | to shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage | |
298099260 | DWELL | to remain for a time; to reside; to focus attention on; to speak or write about at length | |
298099261 | QUELL | to extinguish; to put down or suppress by force | |
298099262 | QUAFF | to drink heartily | |
298099263 | ESTRANGE | to alienate; to treat as a stranger; to turn an affectionate attitude into an indifferent or unfriendly one | |
298099264 | DISCONCERT | to disturb the composure of; upset; to frustrate (as a plan) by throwing into disorder | |
298099265 | ANNEX | to add or attach | |
298099266 | ESPOUSE | to adopt; to support | |
298099267 | REPROACH | to express disapproval of | |
298099268 | PACIFIST | one who is in opposition of war or violence | |
298099269 | BEQUEST | something left to someone in a will | |
298099270 | MANIFEST | clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious | |
298099271 | ROTE | a memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without comprehension | |
298099272 | MORASS | anything that hinders, traps or overwhelms; low-lying, soggy ground | |
298099273 | REIGN | the exercise or possession of supreme power | |
298099274 | BROUHAHA | an uproar; hubbub | |
298099275 | WRATH | extreme or violent rage | |
298099276 | ZENITH | the peak; the highest point | |
298099277 | SLAKE | to quench; to satisfy a craving | |
298099278 | BEDLAM | a place or scene of noisy uproar and confusion | |
298099279 | PREHENSILE | adapted for grasping or holding | |
298099280 | DOUR | severe; gloomy; stern | |
298099281 | TAUT | stretched tight; tidy | |
298099282 | RIFE | abundant; great in number or amount | |
298099283 | INDOLENCE | inclination to laziness | |
298099284 | INCONTROVERTIBLE | not able to be "turned against" or disputed; certain; indisputable | |
298099285 | BENIGHTED | being in a state of intellectual darkness; ignorant; unenlightened | |
298099286 | REQUISITE | essential; necessary | |
298099287 | SHUNT | to move or turn aside; to evade by putting aside or ignoring | |
298099288 | RESPITE | delay; postpone; a brief interval of rest | |
298099289 | PERSONIFY | to think of or represent as having human qualities; to typify | |
298099290 | FORTE | something in which a person excels | |
298099291 | ENMITY | hostility; deep-seated hatred | |
298099292 | CRONY | a close friend or companion | |
298099293 | BEVY | a group of animals; an assemblage | |
298099294 | BATTERY | the unlawful beating of a person; act of beating or pounding; any large group of related things | |
298099295 | ACME | the highest point | |
298099296 | PSYCHE | the human soul; the mind | |
298099297 | BANDY | to trade; to give back and forth; to bat to and fro | |
298099298 | CHASTISE | to discipline; to criticize severely | |
298099299 | POLARIZE | to break up into opposing factions or groups | |
298099300 | TANTALIZE | to excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach | |
298099301 | SYNCHRONIZE | to occur at the same time; simultaneous | |
298099302 | SURMISE | to guess; to infer (something) without sufficient evidence | |
298099303 | DEMISE | death; the end | |
298099304 | HIATUS | a gap or an interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break | |
298099305 | EVINCE | to show or demonstrate clearly | |
298099306 | CRUX | main point; the heart of the matter | |
298099307 | APEX | the highest point; peak | |
298099308 | QUIETUDE | calm; tranquility; peacefulness | |
298099309 | EXTRUDE | to force out, as through a small opening | |
298099310 | OBTRUDE | to impose oneself or one's ideas on others; to stick out | |
298099311 | ADDICT | to devote (oneself) habitually or compulsively; one who is addicted | |
298099312 | BRINK | Edge | |
298099313 | EXALT | to raise high; glorify | |
298099314 | HEARTEN | to give strength, courage, or hope; to encourage | |
298099315 | KINDLE | to cause to burn or ignite; to arouse or inspire | |
298099316 | PORTEND | to warn of as an omen; forecast | |
298099317 | SEETHE | to be agitated, as by rage; to churn and foam as if boiling | |
298099318 | GASTRONOMY | the art of good eating | |
298099319 | PROPINQUITY | proximity, nearness; kinship | |
298099320 | ANIMOSITY | having a feeling of ill-will; bitter hostility | |
298099321 | CUPIDITY | excessive greed, especially for money | |
298099322 | DEPRAVITY | extreme wickedness | |
298099323 | HIERARCHY | categorization of a group according to ability or status | |
298099324 | PLUCKY | brave and spirited; courageous | |
298099325 | GRAVITY | seriousness or importance | |
298099326 | PATRIMONY | an inheritance from a father or an ancestor; anything inherited | |
298099327 | CANOPY | a covering | |
298099328 | ACCRUE | to accumulate over time | |
298099329 | PERPENDICULAR | upright or vertical; being at right angles to the plane of the horizon | |
298099330 | EXEMPLAR | a model or original; an example | |
298099331 | DIRE | disastrous; desperate | |
298099332 | GARNER | to gather or store | |
298099333 | DETER | to discourage; to keep someone from doing something | |
298099334 | INURE | to get used to something undesirable; harden | |
298099335 | NURTURE | to nourish, to feed; to educate; to train; to foster | |
298099336 | BOLSTER | to support, as in a group; to give a boost; a large pillow | |
298099337 | HAMPER | to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of; to hinder or impede | |
298099338 | DOFF | to take off; to remove; to put aside | |
298099339 | DON | to put on | |
298099340 | SVELTE | slim, slender | |
298099341 | OBESE | extremely fat; grossly overweight | |
298099342 | STALACTITE | a tapering formation hanging from the ceiling of a cave, produced by the dripping of mineral-rich water | |
298099343 | STALAGMITE | a conical mineral deposit formed on the floor of a cave by the dripping of mineral-rich water | |
298099344 | DIURNAL | occurring every day; occurring during the daytime | |
298099345 | NOCTURNAL | of or occurring at night | |
298099346 | PRISTINE | extremely pure; untouched | |
298099347 | SQUALID | dirty and wretched, as from poverty or lack of care | |
298099348 | CAPITULATE | to surrender under certain conditions; to give in | |
298099349 | VALIDATE | to declare legally valid; legalize | |
298099350 | EXONERATE | to free from accusation or blame; to free from a responsibility or task | |
298099351 | EXPATRIATE | to exile, banish; leave one's country (either by force or by desire | |
298099352 | PALLIATE | to make seem less serious; to mitigate | |
298099353 | CONFISCATE | to seize | |
298099354 | ELUCIDATE | to make clear and explain fully | |
298099355 | INUNDATE | to overwhelm with abundance or excess; flood | |
298099356 | DEPRECATE | to express disapproval of | |
298099357 | RUMINATE | to ponder; to reflect upon |
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