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Adobe Photoshop CS5

Quizzes from Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One.

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96263340Adobe BridgeA standalone application for opening and managing files that ships with all versions of Photoshop CS5.
96263341Content BrowserThe portion of the Bridge that contains thumbnail previews.
96263342FavoritesDrag a folder that you use on a regular basis to this panel, and you'll never have to burrow through folders and subfolders to find your pictures again.
96263343New WorkspaceA command that saves the size of thumbnails, the position and visibility of panels, and the size of the Bridge window itself.
96263344CacheBy default centralized and sequestered - deep in the system level of your hard drive - this file stores transient information from the Bridge, such as sort order and high-resolution thumbnails.
96263345Rotate clockwise/Rotate counterclockwiseA Bridge operation that stands portrait-style photographs upright and writes the results to metadata. You can perform the operation from the keyboard by pressing Ctrl and a bracket key [ ] .
96263346Loupe functionClick inside the Preview panel to access this feature, which allows you to zoom an image's detail from 100 to 800 percent.
96263347Slide ShowAvailabe exclusively inside the Bridge, this command lets you expand one or more images to fill the entire screen as well as zoom and navigate from the keyboard.
96263348MetadataAny information above and beyond the core image data, including the date the image was last saved, the copyright holder, and how the image was captured.
96263349EXIFA specific kind of metadata saved by most modern digitial cameras that records the time and date a photograph was captured as well as various camera settings.
96263350File InfoA command that lets you examine and save the descriptions, credits, and keywords assigned to one image so that you can apply them to others.
96263351Batch RenameA command used to assign document names, sequence numbers, and more to multiple image files at a time.
96263352CroppingA means of cutting away the extraneous portions of an image to focus the viewer's attention on the subject of the photo.
96263353Whole-image transformationsOperations such as Image Size and the Rotate Canvas commands that affect an entire image, including any and all layers
96263354Ruler toolThis tool lets you measure angles and distances in Photoshop, as well as gives you access to the Straighten button.
96263355Straighten buttonNew to CS5, this tool lets you quickly confirm a line that you want to designate as the new vertical or horizontal basis of your image.
96263356CanvasThe boundaries of an image, as measured independently of the contents of the image itself.
96263357Rotate viewThis tool lets you preview the proper angle for a crooked image before you crop it.
96263358Origin pointThe center of a rotation or another transformation.
96263359Content-aware fillA new feature in CS5 that fills in selections automatically based on what Photoshop understands about surrounding pixels.
96263360Print resolutionThe number of pixels that will print in a linear inch or millimeter of page space.
96263361DownsamplingTo change the physical dimensions of an image by reducing the number of pixels.
96263362Bicubic SharperAn interpolation setting that results in crisp edge transitions, perfect when the details in your image are impeccable and you want to preserve every nuance.
96263363Aspect ratioThe relationship between the width and the height of an image.
96263364Selection outlineA set of dotted lines that indicate the borders of a selected region, also known as "marching ants".
96263365MarqueeA set of selection tools that allow you to draw simple geometric shapes.
96263366Polygonal lassoUse this tool to select free-form, straight-sided areas in an image.
96263367Move toolAccessible by pressing Ctrl, this tool permits you to move selected pixels, even between images.
96263368Magic wandClick with this tool to select regions of color inside an image.
96263369ToleranceA setting in the options bar that determines how many colors the magic wand selects at a time, as measured in luminosity values.
96263370AntialiasingA slight softening effect applied most commonly to selection outlines to simulate smooth transitions.
96263371GrowThis command expands a selection to include additional contiguous colors that fall inside the magic wand's Tolerance range.
96263372Magnetic lassoThis selection tool can actually sense the edge of an object and automatically trace it.
96263373SnapshotThis feature of the History panel lets you bookmark a specific state in your work, allowing you to restore it later.
96263374Quick maskThis viewing mode allows you to quickly see the mask created by a selection and assess the edges automatically.
96263375Refine edgeAn intricate command that lets you edit a selection using a series of slider bars and preview the results of those edits as you work.
96427865Editing toolsA loose collection of features that modify the existing color or luminosity of a pixel without replacing its content.
96427867Painting toolsBrush-based tools that allow you to paint lines and fill shapes with the foreground color.
96427868Healing toolsA set of tools that permit you to clone elements from one portion or state of an image to another.
96427870Dodge toolThis tool lightens portions of an image as you paint, which makes it great for bringing out naturally shaded areas such as eyes.
96427872Burn toolThis tool darkens pixels as you paint over them.
96427873Sponge toolDecreases or increases the saturation of an image, depending on the Mode setting in the options bar.
96427875History brushThis tool allows you to paint back information from a previous state saved in the History panel.
96427877SnapshotA special kind of state in the History panel that remains available well after twenty operations.
96427878Source pointThe spot from which the healing brush samples information when repairing a dlaw in an image.
96427880Clone sourceThis panel lets you scale, rotate, and even flip the source image as you paint it onto the destination, as well as preview the source as a translucent overlay.
96427881FilterA Photoshop effect applied directly to an entire image or a selection.
96427883Destructive editsA modification to an image that permenantly changes the pixels to which it's applied.
96427885Layered compositionAn image that is made up of composite pieces that can be manipulated independently.
96427886Stacking orderThe arrangement of layers in a composition, from front to back, which you can adjust by pressing Ctrl with the bracket keys [ ].
96427888Merge downChoose this command to combine the contents of the active layer with the layer below it.
96427889Big layerThis phenomenon refers to the existence of extra information on layers that extend beyond the visible part of the document.
96427891Layer maskWhen working with this function, painting with black temporarily erases the pixels on a layer, painting with white makes the pixels visible again.
96427893Layer groupCreated by pressing Ctrl+G, this collection of layers appears as a folder icon in the Layers panel.
96427895Layer effectsEffects like drop shadows and strokes that can be applied to specific parts of an image only.
96427896Clipping maskA means for cropping the contents of a group of layers to the boundaries of a layer beneath them.
96427898StopIndicators along a gradient preview that designate the colors at either end.
96427900Luminance blendingThe name given to a pair of slider bars in the Layer Style dialog box that let you hide or reveal colors based on their luminosity levels.
96427901KnockoutAn option that uses the contents of the active layer to cut holes in the layers beneath it.
96427903Layer compThe state of a layered composition at a certain point in time, replete with visibility, vertical and horizontal positioning, blending options, and layer styles.
96427905Hue and SaturationThe two ingredients in color: The first is the tint, from red to magenta, and the second is the purity, from gray to vivid.
96427907BrightnessThe lightness or darkness of a group of colors.
96427908ContrastThe difference between light and dark colors.
96427910Highlights, Shadows, and MidtonesThe three brightness ranges that you can edit independently using the Color Balance adn Levels commands.
96427911Color castWhen one color pervades an image to a degree that is unpleasant or unrealistic.
96427913Color channelAn independent grayscale image that Photoshop colorizes and mixes with other such images to produce a full-color composite.
96427915Auto ToneA command that automaticallly corrects the shadows and highlights of each color channel independently.
96427916HistogramA bar graph representation of all brightness values and their distribution in an image.
96427918LevelsThe best tool for manually adjusting the brightness and increasing the contrast of an image on a color-by-color basis.
96427920Gamma valueExpressed as an exponent, this value multiplies the brightness of an image to lighten or darken midtones.
96427922CurvesThe one command that lets you pinpoint a specific color in an image and make it lighter or darker; best suited to reducing contrast.
96427924Shadows/HighlightsThis command lets you darken highlights and lighten shadows, just what you need when correcting flash photos.
96427926FiltersA varied set of Photoshop commands that apply effects to an entire image.
96427928Smart objectA special variety of layer that wraps the original content of an image inside a protective container, allowing pixel modifications to be made without damaging or changing the original contents.
96427930FocusThe clarity of the image formed by the lens element and captured by the camera, whether digital or film.
96427932SharpeningRemoving softness in a photograph by increasing edge contrast.
96427934RadiusThe thickness of the effect applied by a filter, often expressed as a softly tapering halo.
96427936WarpA method of layer transformation that allows you to move points on a mesh to reshape and stretch an image.
96427938LiquifyA filter with a massive dialog box that allows you to warp, bloat, pinch, stretch, and generally swirl around pixels.
96427940Smart filterCommands from the Filter menu or the Adjustments panel that can be applied nondestructively to a smart object.
96427942High PassA filter that mimics the functionality of Unsharp Mask by retaining areas of high contrast and sending low-contrast areas to gray.
96427944MedianA simple filter that averages the colors of neighboring pixels in sweeps defined by the radius value.
96427946Luminance maskA mask created by selecting just the lightest areas of an image.
96427948Gradient mapAn effect that applies a range of colors based on the lightest and darkest areas of an image.
96427950Free TransformA command that allows you to rotate, resizem and rescale one layer independently of the rest of a composition.
96427952Convert to ShapeA command that allows you to turn text into a vector-based shape.
96427954Clipping maskA mask created by attaching one layer to another to limit the effects of the first layer to just the layer beneath.
96427956Liquify filterAn independent environment in Photoshop where you can squish and stretch pixels.
96427957PuckerA tool in Liquify that you use to suck the edges of an area inward.
96427959BloatA tool in Liquify that puffs out areas of an image.
96427961Freeze maskA mask applied to protect parts of an image that you want to remain unaffected by the Liquify tools.
96427963Twirl clockwise toolA tool in Liquify that allows you to spin an area around a center point.
96427965Load meshA command that allows you to reinstate a previous Liquify modification.
96427967Puppet warpA tool that allows you to distort a subject by changing the relationship between set points.
96427969PinsSet points in the puppet warp that serve as fixed points and points of stretching.
96427971Content-Aware ScaleThis advanced compositing funtion is capable of stretching low-contrast areas of an image without affecting high-contrast areas.
96427973Camera RawA Photoshop plug-in that allows for the development of unprocessed native image files.
96427975Raw formatA camera's native format for which no on-board camera processing has occurred.
96427977Sidecar fileA file that contains the instructions for modifications made to a raw file.
96427979White balanceAdjusting for the predominant color of neutral white, usually off as the result of an uncorrected light source.
96427981Bit depthThe number of digits required to express a single pixel, which in turn determines the number of colors in an image.
96427983ExposureMeasured in f-stops, this Camera Raw option corrects the brightness of highlights.
96427985Gradient filterA tool that lets you adjust one region of an image independently of another inside Camera Raw.
96427987PanoramaA single image that represents a view wider than a traditional camera lens can capture.
96427989PhotomergePhotoshop's tool that allows you to align and blend multiple frames.
96427991Mini BridgeA new feature in CS5 that allows you to access the Bridge's photo organizing features.
96427993HDR (High Dynamic Range)A photographic compilation that allows for the combination of luminance data from different exposure values.
96427995GhostingThe appearance of luminance aberrations, caused in HDR photos by an element moving or changing apperance between individual frames.
96542594Alpha channelAlso known as a mask, this special channel selects white pixels and deselects black ones, allowing you to hide or reveal corresponding parts of your image.
96542595Color rangeThis advancement on the magic wand tool allows you to select given colors in your image and turn them into a selection outline.
96542596FuzzinessAnalogous to the magic wand's Tolerance setting, this feature spreads a Color Range selection out to neighboring color values beyond those specifically chosen.
96542597Smudge toolThis otherwise fairly useless tool is handy for finessing mask edges by smushing edge pixels in one direction or another.
96542598CalculationsA Photoshop command that allows you to create masks based on a mathematical comparison of the luminance values in two of the color channels.
96542599PathsOutlines described by vectors that contain no pixel information by can be used to control the pixels within their boundaries.
96542600Smooth pointAn anchor point along a path that has two control handles to allow for creating a continuous, even arc.
96542601Control handleA lever-like device that allowed you to control the curve of a path through a smooth point.
96542602Cusp pointA point along a path that joins two segments at a corner.
96542603Straight segmentPart of a path that is unaffected by control handles and is thus a direct path between two points.
96542604Refine maskA new feature in Photoshop CS5 that allows you to fine-tune your mask by setting a prescribe radius for edge calculation.
96542605Smart radiusA feature of the Refine Edge command that tells Photoshop to adjust the radius based on the smooth or jagged nature of your mask.
96542606Raster artDigital photographs and scanned artwork composed exclusively of colored pixels.
96542607Vector-based objectsMathematically defined text and shapes that can be scaled or otherwise transformed without any degradation in quality.
96542608Formatting attributesFont family, type style, size, leading, alignment, and a wealth of other options for modifying the appearance of live text.
96542609Point textA text layer that has no maximum column width and aligns to the point at which you clicked with the type tool.
96542610Area textA column of type created by dragging with the type tool, useful for setting long sentences or entire paragraphs.
96542611Fractional character widthsThe best means for calculating text spacing, which permits Photoshop to move a character by a fraction of a pixel.
96542612Every-line composerAn option that spaces all lines of type in a selected layer by similar amounts to give the layer a more even, pleasing appearance.
96542613Pair kerningThe adjusted amount of horizontal space between two neighboring characters of type.
96542614Indent Sides ByThis numerical value lets you adjust the sharpness of points in a star drawn with the polygon tool.
96542615Series duplicationA succession of duplicated objects, scaled, rotated, and otherwise transformed in equal increments.
96542616Text on a pathA special kind of text layer in which text is attached to a path outline to create a line of type that flows along a curve.
96542617Warp TextThis dialog box bends and distorts live text to create wavy, bulging, and perspective effects.
96542618OutputThe act of preparing and rendering an image for mass reproduction, usually as a CMYK document.
96542619Subtractive primariesCyan, magenta, and yellow, each of which absorbs light when printed on paper and mixes to form progressively darker colors.
96542620Color separationA printing process that outputs each of the CMYK color channels to independent plates so that they can be loaded with different inks.
96542621PrintThis command lets you scale an image on the page, determine the paper orientation, and adjust the color management settings before printing an image.
96542622Photo-grade paperA variety of glossy or matte-finished paper that holds lots of ink, allowing you to print extremely high-resolution images.
96542623Commercial prepressThe output that occurs before a document is loaded onto a professional printing press for mass reproduction.
96542624Color profileA loadable file that describes a specific flavor of RGB or CMYK that is uniquely applicable to a display or print environment.
96542625Color settingsThe command that defines the RGB or CMYK color spaces employed by Photoshop.
96542626Dot gainThe degree to which professionally output halftone dots grow when they are absorbed by a sheet of printed paper.
96542627Gray component replacementThe most popular method for transferring dark pixels from the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow channels to the Black channel, thus producing rich, volumetric shadows.
96542628Output PreviewA new panel in the Bridge that permits you to see a multi-image PDF document or Web gallery before saving it.
96542629Open in Full Screen ModeAn option that turns a PDF document into an all-consuming slide show the moment you open it in the Adobe Reader utility.

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