7161675352 | Operations Process (ADP 5-0) | Planning, preparing, executing, assessing | 0 | |
7161675353 | Area of Interest (ADP 5-0) | Area of concern to the commander, may be occupied by enemy forces or hold great battlefield importance for completion of the mission | 1 | |
7161675354 | Deep Operations (ADP 5-0): | hitting uncommitted enemies for the sake of distant operations (example: knocking out reserve forces or destroying a factory) | 2 | |
7161675355 | Close Operations (ADP 5-0): | hitting the enemy head on to affect immediate operations (example: taking terrain or taking out an enemy force directly engaged in combat) | 3 | |
7161675356 | Security Operations (ADP 5-0): | designed to create early and accurate efforts to discover enemy activity. Gives the commander time to maneuver and react to their actions | 4 | |
7161675357 | Deep-Close-Security Operations (ADP 5-0) | Usually associated with terrain oriented operations | 5 | |
7161675358 | Decisive-Shaping-Sustaining (ADP 5-0) | Usually associated with broad conceptual operations | 6 | |
7161675359 | Decisive operations (ADP 5-0) | lead directly to accomplishment of the mission | 7 | |
7161675360 | Shaping operations (ADP 5-0) | create and preserve the conditions for the decisive operation | 8 | |
7161675361 | Sustaining operations (ADP 5-0) | allow decisive and shaping operations to maintain their combat power | 9 | |
7161675362 | War Fighting Functions: Mission Command (ADP 5-0) | - Develop teams - Understanding of the mission - Staff roles: Plan, prepare, execute, assess | 10 | |
7161675363 | War Fighting Functions: Movement and Maneuver (ADP 5-0) | The tasks related to understanding terrain, the enemy, and civilian considerations | 11 | |
7161675364 | War Fighting Functions: Fires (ADP 5-0) | The tasks related to providing indirect fires, air/missile defense, and joint fires | 12 | |
7161675365 | War Fighting Functions: Sustainment (ADP 5-0) | The tasks associated with giving the Army depth and endurance on the battlefield | 13 | |
7161675366 | War Fighting Functions: Protection (ADP 5-0) | Gives the commander the ability to maximize combat power | 14 | |
7161675367 | Principles of the Operations Process: Commanders drive the operations process through (ADP 5-0) | Understanding, visualizing, describing, directing, leading, assessing | 15 | |
7161675368 | Military Decision Making Process (MDMP): process ssed to understand the situation and mission, develop a course of action, and produce an OPORD (ADP 5-0) | - Receipt of mission - Mission analysis - Course of action development - Course of action analysis - Course of action comparison - Course of action approval - Orders production, dissemination, and transition | 16 | |
7161675369 | Troop Leading Procedures (TLPs) -- used by small unit leaders to analyze a mission, develop a plan, and prepare for an operation (ADP 5-0) | - Receive the mission - Issue a WARNO - Make a tentative plan - Initiate movement - Conduct reconnaissance - Complete the plan - Issue the OPORD - Supervise and refine | 17 | |
7161675370 | Guide to Effective Planning (ADP 5-0) | - Commanders focus on planning - Simple and flexible plans through mission orders - Optimize available planning time - Continually refine the plan | 18 | |
7161675371 | Guidelines for Effective Preparation (ADP 5-0) | - Secure and Protect the Force - Improve Situational Understanding - Understand and Rehearse the Plan - Integrate, Organize, and Configure the Force - Ensure Forces and Resources are Readied and Positioned | 19 | |
7161675372 | Executing (ADP 5-0) | Putting the plan into action and achieving the mission through combat power | 20 | |
7161675373 | Assessing (ADP 5-0) | Determination of progress of a task, creating an effect, or completing an object | 21 | |
7161675374 | Operations Order (SH 21-76) | Directive issued by a commander so that he/she effects the coordination of a specific operation | 22 | |
7161675375 | Platoon/squad leader issues the OPORD in this way (SH 21-76) | Orally and using notes based on the OPORD | 23 | |
7161675376 | Materials a leader insures his/her people have when issuing an OPORD (SH 21-76) | Pen, paper, RHB, map, protractor | 24 | |
7161675377 | "Please hold all questions until the end" (SH 21-76) | Said by the leader issuing the OPORD before he/she reads it | 25 | |
7161675378 | References (SH 21-76) | Any materials that will be needed by the unit in order to understand/plan the operation | 26 | |
7161675379 | Time Zone | Listed at the beginning so there is a context of time | 27 | |
7161675380 | If operation is in one time zone.... (SH 21-76) | Utilize the local time zone | 28 | |
7161675381 | If the operation is in multiple time zones.... (SH 21-76) | Utilize Zulu time (Greenwich Standard Time) | 29 | |
7161675382 | Task Organization (SH 21-76) | Description of the allocation of forces to support the commander's concept. May be shown in Paragraph 1 or the Annex if it is long | 30 | |
7161675383 | Paragraph 1 of OPORD (SH 21-76) | Situation | 31 | |
7161675384 | Paragraph 2 of OPORD (SH 21-76) | Mission | 32 | |
7161675385 | Paragraph 3 of OPORD (SH 21-76) | Execution | 33 | |
7161675386 | Paragraph 4 of OPORD (SH 21-76) | Sustainment | 34 | |
7161675387 | Paragraph 5 of OPORD (SH 21-76) | Command and Control | 35 | |
7161675388 | Area of Interest in OPORD (SH 21-76) | Description of the areas around your areas of operation that may influence your operation | 36 | |
7161675389 | Area of Operations in OPORD (SH 21-76) | Description of the place you are operating in in terms of terrain, weather, enemy forces, and friendly forces | 37 | |
7161675390 | Terrain (SH 21-76) | Description of how the AO's environment will influence the mission using OAKOC | 38 | |
7161675391 | (O)AKOC (SH 21-76) | Observation and Fields of Fire | 39 | |
7161675392 | O(A)KOC (SH 21-76) | Avenues of Approach | 40 | |
7161675393 | OA(K)OC (SH 21-76) | Key Terrain | 41 | |
7161675394 | OAK(O)C (SH 21-76) | Obstacles | 42 | |
7161675395 | OAKO(C) (SH 21-76) | Cover and Concealment | 43 | |
7161675396 | Weather (SH 21-76) | Description of how the five aspects of weather will influence the operation | 44 | |
7161675397 | Military Aspects of Weather (SH 21-76) | Visibility, Wind, Temperature/humidity, Cloud cover, Precipitation | 45 | |
7161675398 | Description of Enemy Forces (SH 21-76) | (1) Composition, disposition, and strength. (2) Recent activities. (3) Known or suspected locations and capabilities. (4) Most likely and most dangerous course of action. | 46 | |
7161675399 | Friendly Units (SH 21-76) | State the mission and commander's intent of the units two levels up and one level up. Also describe adjacent units, their mission, and their task and purpose. | 47 | |
7161675400 | Mission (SH 21-76) | States the 5W's of the operation. Read twice and point to the OBJ while reading it | 48 | |
7161675401 | 5W's (SH 21-76) | Who, what, when, where, and why | 49 | |
7161675402 | Commander's Intent (SH 21-76) | Clear and concise statement describing the commander's desired outcome and conditions the force must meet in regards to enemy, terrain, and civil considerations | 50 | |
7161675403 | Concept of Operations (SH 21-76) | Clear and concise statement describing the mission from beginning to end. Incorporate the purpose of each of the warfighting functions in this statement | 51 | |
7161675404 | Warfighting Function #1: Fire ________ (SH 21-76) | support | 52 | |
7161675405 | Warfighting Function #2: Movement and ______________ (SH 21-76) | maneuver | 53 | |
7161675406 | Warfighting Function #3: _______________ (SH 21-76) | Protection | 54 | |
7161675407 | Warfighting Function #4: _________________ and Control (SH 21-76) | Command | 55 | |
7161675408 | Warfighting Function #5: __________________ (SH 21-76) | Intelligence | 56 | |
7161675409 | Warfighting Function #6: ____________________ (SH 21-76) | Sustainment | 57 | |
7161675410 | Scheme of Movement and Maneuver (SH 21-76) | A detailed timeline of the plan that includes any potential dangers, obstacles to the mission going to plan, and contingencies | 58 | |
7161675411 | Scheme of Fires (SH-76) | States the overall fire support method and which unit has priority in sending fires. Use PLOT-CR method to describe | 59 | |
7161675412 | P in PLOT-CR (SH-76) | Purpose | 60 | |
7161675413 | L in PLOT-CR (SH-76) | Location | 61 | |
7161675414 | O in PLOT-CR (SH-76) | Observer | 62 | |
7161675415 | T in PLOT-CR (SH-76) | Trigger | 63 | |
7161675416 | C in PLOT-CR (SH-76) | Communication method | 64 | |
7161675417 | R in PLOT-CR (SH-76) | Resources | 65 | |
7161675418 | Coordinating Instructions (SH-76) | Time table and CCIR | 66 | |
7161675419 | Commander's Critical Information Requirements (SH-76) | Includes PIR and FFIR | 67 | |
7161675420 | PIR (SH-76) | Priority Intelligence Requirements: Information the commander must have for planning and decision making | 68 | |
7161675421 | FFIR (SH-76) | Friendly Force Information Requirements: includes what the commander needs to know about friendly forces available for the operation | 69 | |
7161675422 | EEFI (SH-76) | Essential elements of friendly information: information that would compromise the mission's success | 70 | |
7161675423 | Risk-Reduction Control Measures (SH-76) | - ROEs - Environmental Considerations - Force Protection | 71 | |
7161675424 | Sustainment (SH-76) | Describe the concept of sustainment to include logistics, personnel, and medical | 72 | |
7161675425 | Class I (SH-76) | Rations plan | 73 | |
7161675426 | Class II (SH-76) | Clothing and Equipment | 74 | |
7161675427 | Class III (SH-76) | Petroleum | 75 | |
7161675428 | Class IV (SH-76) | Construction Equipment | 76 | |
7161675429 | Class V (SH-76) | Ammunition | 77 | |
7161675430 | Class VI (SH-76) | Personal Demand Items | 78 | |
7161675431 | Class VII (SH-76) | Major end items | 79 | |
7161675432 | Class VIII (SH-76) | Medical | 80 | |
7161675433 | Class IX (SH-76) | Repair parts | 81 | |
7161675434 | Command and Control (SH-76) | State where key leadership and facilities are throughout the operation | 82 | |
7161675435 | Fragmentary Order (FRAGORD) (SH-76) | An abbreviated form of an operation order, usually issued daily, which eliminates the need for restating portions of the OPORD. It is issued after an OPORD to change or modify that order or to execute a branch or sequel to that order | 83 | |
7161675436 | "No Change" (SH-76) | Phrase used beside portions of the FRAGORD that have not been modified | 84 | |
7161675437 | Field FRAGORD should be given in under this amount of time (SH-76) | 40 minutes (30 minutes as the goal) | 85 | |
7161675438 | Time paragraphs 1 and 2 should take when a FRAGORD is given in the field (SH-76) | 5 minutes | 86 | |
7161675439 | Time paragraph 3 should take when a FRAGORD is given in the field (SH-76) | 20-30 minutes | 87 | |
7161675440 | Time paragraphs 4 and 5 should take when a FRAGORD is given in the field (SH-76) | 5 minutes | 88 | |
7161675441 | The focus of a FRAGORD (SH-76) | Actions on the objective | 89 | |
7161675442 | The PL pay utilize subordinates in writing these parts of the FRAGORD (SH 21-76) | Paragraphs 1, 4, and 5 | 90 | |
7161675443 | Critical element of the constrained planning model (SH-76) | Rehearsals | 91 | |
7161675444 | Annex (SH 21-76) | Issued after the OPORD if further information is needed about large scale portions of the operation such as air assaults, transportation, river crossings, etc. Brevity is standard | 92 | |
7161675445 | Coordination Checklists (SH 21-76) | Includes items that a platoon/squad leader must check when planning for a combat operation. In some cases, he coordinates directly with the appropriate staff section. In most cases, the company commander/ platoon leader provides this information. The platoon/ squad leader can carry copies of these to keep him from overlooking anything that may be vital to the mission. | 93 | |
7161675446 | Intelligence Checklist (SH 21-76) | Updated by one unit higher due to their constant updates on enemy activity | 94 | |
7161675447 | Operations Coordination Checklist (SH 21-76) | The platoon/squad leader coordinates with the company commander/platoon leader to confirm the mission and operational plan, receive last minute changes, and either update subordinates in person or issue a FRAGO | 95 | |
7161675448 | Fire Support Coordination Checklist (SH 21-76) | The PL/squad leader coordinates with Forward Observer regarding artillery details | 96 | |
7161675449 | Coordination with Forward Unit Checklist (SH 21-76) | When travelling through a friendly unit a PL must make sure that he/she coordinates with that unit's commander to safely get through. If they cannot be reached, the leader must go through the S3 | 97 | |
7161675450 | Adjacent Unit Coordination Checklist (SH 21-76) | Immediately after the OPORD or mission briefing, the platoon/squad leader should check with other platoon/squad leaders who will be operating in the same areas. If the leader is unaware of any other units operating is his area, he/she should check with the S-3 during the operations coordination. The S-3 can help arrange this coordination if necessary. | 98 | |
7161675451 | Rehearsal Area Checklist (SH 21-76) | The assistant patrol leader coordinates the use of the rehearsal area to facilitate the unit's safe, efficient, and effective use of the rehearsal area before its mission | 99 | |
7161675452 | Army Aviation Coordination Checklist (SH 21-76) | The patrol leader coordinates this with the company commander or S-3 Air to facilitate the time and detailed and effective use of aviation assets as they apply to the tactical mission | 100 | |
7161675453 | Vehicular Movement Coordination Checklist (SH 21-76) | The platoon sergeant or first sergeant coordinates this with the supporting unit to facilitate the effective, detailed, and efficient use of vehicular support and assets | 101 |
ADP 5-0, SH 21-76 Flashcards
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