Words from books, newspapers, web pages, Spanish Wiki.
442265251 | fallar | to crash, to fail | |
442265252 | sastre | tailor, seamstress | |
442265253 | sotanas | priests robes, cassocks | |
442265254 | bulto | lump, bulge | |
442265255 | el sentido | meaning, sense, consciousness; direction | |
442265256 | en el sentido contrario | in the opposite direction; in the wrong dirrection | |
442265257 | les agradecería | I would appreciate from you | |
442265258 | de todos modos | at any rate, anyhow, anyway | |
442265259 | fogata | campfire, bonfire, blaze | |
442265260 | cafetera | coffee maker | |
442265261 | calentar | to heat up | |
442265262 | pasto | pasture, grass | |
442265263 | corcho | cork | |
442265264 | hacía que | it had been | |
442265265 | apurar | to hurry up | |
442265266 | caray | damn! wow!, Geeze! | |
442265267 | que quiere decir eso | what that means; what does that mean? | |
442265268 | obisbo | bishop | |
442265269 | ¿a quién le importa? | who cares? | |
442265270 | no vas a salir con la tuya | you (tu) cannot get away with it. | |
442265271 | fracasas | failures, fail | |
442265272 | fracasar | to fail | |
442265273 | rato | a while, while | |
442265274 | borrego | sheep | |
442265275 | panza | belly, stomach | |
442265276 | entraña | guts, visera, entrails | |
442265277 | anochecer | dusk, nightfall; to get dark | |
442265278 | fijamente | intently, fixedly | |
442265279 | espada | sword | |
442265280 | filosa | sharp | |
442265281 | conducir | to lead, to conduct, to drive | |
442265282 | enterrar | bury | |
442265283 | a puntillas | on tiptoe | |
442265284 | sudado | sweaty | |
442265285 | alejar | to move away, remove | |
442265286 | sofocando | smothering | |
442265287 | acostar | to put to bed, to lay down | |
442265288 | apenas | hardly; scarcely, barely, just | |
442265289 | regañar | to scold, rebuke | |
442265290 | se dio cuenta | (she, he, it) realized | |
442265291 | se puso a | (she, he, it) began to | |
442265292 | jalarse | to pull, be pulled | |
442265293 | a partir de aquel día | from that day | |
442265294 | lo que estoy haciendo es | what I am doing is | |
442265295 | en parejas | paired, in pairs | |
442265296 | vaqueros | jeans; cowboys | |
442265297 | hadas | fairies | |
442265298 | amenzar | to threaten | |
442265299 | comillos | tusks, fangs | |
442265300 | afilados | sharp | |
442265301 | tragar | to swallow | |
442265302 | basar | to base on | |
442265303 | criados | servants | |
442265304 | criadas | maids | |
442265305 | mendigos | beggars, vagabonds | |
442265306 | desamparada | homeless, abandoned | |
442265307 | semejante | similar, like | |
442265308 | se puso | put, became | |
442265309 | pantalla | screen, monitor | |
442265310 | vejez | old age, elderly | |
442265311 | soy viejo | I am old | |
442265312 | agachar | to bend down, to duck | |
442265313 | perdices | partridges | |
442265314 | los cascos | hooves; headphones | |
442265315 | cervatillo | fawn | |
442265316 | ¿como es la pesca? | how is the fishing? | |
442265317 | la hembra y sus crias | the female animal and her fawns | |
442265318 | la cierva | female deer, doe | |
442265319 | la hembra | female animal | |
442265320 | vivimos casi en la cima de una colina | we live almost at the top of a hill |