Everything I could find from english class vocabulary wise. If you find repeats or problems, facebook me. -Carly V
123710462 | Alliteration | Repetition of initial consonant sounds in 2 or more words in a row | |
123710463 | Consonance | Repetition of a consonant sound in a line/s | |
123710464 | Imagery | Specific details that appeal to sound, taste, smell, feel or sight | |
123710465 | Cassandra | Ledas and Zeus's daughter, gifted with 6th sight | |
123710466 | Pandora | Opened box with the troubles of the world, married to Prometheus | |
123710467 | Pan | All | |
123710468 | Panorama | The view of it all | |
123710469 | Panacea | The cure-all | |
123710470 | Panoply | Suit of armor | |
123710471 | Pandemonium | Wild upheaval, all hell breaking loose | |
123710472 | Pantomime | acted in all gestures and signs | |
123710473 | Leda | Swan | |
123710474 | Castor and Pollux | Gemini Twins (one egg from Leda) | |
123710475 | Helen | Cause of Trojan war, sister of Cassandra, married to Menelaus and in love with Paris | |
123710476 | Agamemnon | Took Cassandra as his sex slave, killed by his wife. | |
123710477 | Epimethius | After Thought | |
123710478 | Prometheus | Fore Thought (made man in Zeus's image, stole fire) | |
123710479 | Promethean | Unusual self sacrifice, Very Brave | |
123710480 | Chaos | father of it all | |
123710481 | Uranus | Heavens (Greek) | |
123710482 | Gaea | Mother earth (Greek) | |
123710483 | Children of Gaea | monsters, cyclops, titans | |
123710484 | Chronos | father time | |
123710485 | Atlas | Holds up the earth | |
123710486 | Zeus | Heavens (titans) | |
123710487 | Hera | Zeus's Wife | |
123710488 | hades | underworld | |
123710489 | Poseidon | oceans | |
123710491 | syllepsis | two words for two senses at the same time | |
123710492 | Banality | trivial, common place | |
123710493 | incongruous | out of place, inappropriate or unreasonable, proper and mannerly | |
123710494 | anachronistic | out of time or outdated | |
123710496 | Chronology | time line | |
123710497 | Chronometer | anything that measures time | |
123710498 | chronic | Habitual, happens all the time | |
123710499 | Apathy | 'Not a care' one way or another | |
123710500 | Path | Root word: Suffering or disease | |
123710501 | Pathos | feelings or emotions evoked from a song, movie, speech or book | |
123710502 | sympathy | feel another persons suffering | |
123710503 | Empathy | crawling into another person's skin and walking around in it | |
123710504 | Antipathy | feels strongly and absolutely against something | |
123710505 | Psychopath | diseased mind, dangerous criminal | |
123710506 | pathology | science studies the causes of disease or death | |
123710507 | Pedantic | Preachy teachey, overemphasizing adherence to rules. | |
123710508 | Flippant | disrespectfully saucy and impertinent | |
123710509 | Euphony | Good sound | |
123710510 | Eu | Root word: Good | |
123710511 | Eulogy | Words spoken at a funeral | |
123710512 | Logo | Word | |
123710513 | Euphoria | Natural high, great feeling | |
123710514 | eugenics | science dealing with improvement of hereditary traits | |
123710515 | Euphemism | less offensive expression substituted for an offensive one | |
123710516 | euthanasia | mercy killing | |
123710517 | euchymy | healthy blood and body chemistry | |
123710518 | Eudaemon | angel, good spirit | |
123710519 | Setting | Where a story takes place | |
123710520 | Character | People or main aspects of a story that conduct the action | |
123710521 | Round Character | Fully developed, multifaceted individuals that grows and changes due to experiences | |
123710522 | Protagonist | The character with whom the reader empathizes | |
123710523 | Flat characters | minor characters that seem to symbolize one thing. one dimensional stereotypes,predictable, and unchanging | |
123710524 | antagonist | another character that works against the protagonist's effort to resolve conflict | |
123710525 | Plot | sequence of events, patterns of action, which is kicked off by conflict. | |
123710526 | Theme | universal moral or lesson the reader is to learn | |
123710527 | point of view | who is telling the story | |
123710528 | dramatic situation | opening sequence, paragraph, or chapter establishes a person in a conflict | |
123710529 | exposition | introduction or main characters; tells what happened before the story opens; provides background information | |
123710530 | Crisis | moment of high tension turning point in action | |
123710531 | Climax | moment of greatest tension and the point at which outcome is decided | |
123710532 | Denouement | outcome, the unravelling, of all events | |
123710533 | foreshadowing | a hint of given to the reader of what is to come | |
123710534 | flashback | an interruption in the action of a story, play or piece of nonfiction to show an episode that happened at an earlier time | |
123710535 | Right of passage | stories of initiation experience that lead to a new level of maturity | |
123710536 | Epiphany | moment of realization or discovery (aha) | |
123710537 | In media res | in the midst of; in the middle of it; in the thick of it | |
123710538 | Allusion | reference to a person, place or event or to another literary passage. to illustrate or enhance a subject | |
123710539 | Anaphora | Repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of a successive verse or clause | |
123710540 | Apostrophe | addressing someone absent, dead or non human as if alive or present | |
123710541 | anecdote | a brief account of a memorable incident | |
123710542 | aphorism | witty, wise, true remark | |
123710543 | Antithesis | word arrangement to emphasize the contrast and give the effect of balance | |
123710544 | chiasmus | word order in first phrase is reversed in the second phrase following an 'A-B-B-A' | |
123710545 | Conceit | extended metaphor | |
123710546 | ellipsis | omission of a sentence of one or more words needed to express the sense completely | |
123710547 | Homily | sermon explaining part of the bible | |
123710548 | Magi | Wise men or Kings | |
123710549 | ious | full of | |
123710550 | syn | Same | |
123710551 | Ambi | both | |
123710552 | pseudo | false or fake | |
123710554 | Mal | bad | |
123710555 | malaise | a general feeling of discomfort, illness or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify | |
123710556 | Pangaea | whole earth | |
123710557 | scathing | scalding, hateful; witheringly scornful, severely critical | |
123710558 | ominous | threatening, foreboding, impending doom, menacing | |
123710559 | poly | many | |
123710560 | agon | struggle | |
123710562 | raze | level to the ground | |
123710563 | omniscient | knowing everything | |
123710564 | Incarnadine | Bloody red color | |
123710565 | Carnelian | Flesh colored | |
123710566 | Carn | root word: meat or flesh | |
123710567 | carnival | meat festival celebrated before lent | |
123710568 | Marti gras | fat Tuesday | |
123710569 | carnivore | meat eater | |
123710570 | carnage | bloody aftermath of war | |
123710571 | incarnate | in the flesh | |
123710572 | reincarnation | Hindu belief in rebirth into another body | |
123710573 | coruscate | give off flashes of light | |
123710574 | malice | animosity, evil ill will | |
123710575 | malevolent | intentionally hateful and spiteful | |
123710576 | augury | omen, portents | |
123710578 | sapient | insightful, sagacious, perspicacious (tiriesmis) | |
123710579 | fructify | to honestly, candidly discuss both sides | |
123710580 | Xanthic | rusty yellow color | |
123710581 | consummate | complete in every detail, quintessential | |
123710582 | epitome | cut above the rest or the best | |
123710583 | vour | to eat | |
123710585 | herbivore | plant eater | |
123710586 | Omnivore | meat and plant eater | |
123710587 | epi | root word: above | |
123710588 | tom | root word: to cut | |
123710589 | appendectomy | to cut ones appendix | |
123710590 | tonsillectomy | cut out ones tonsils | |
123710591 | tome | big old book on one subject | |
123710592 | quintessential | perfect example of | |
123710593 | atoner | one who makes amends | |
123710594 | fledgling | immature, naive person | |
123710595 | loquacious | loud gabby woman talk | |
123710596 | loquor | root word: to speak | |
123710597 | Grandiloquent | lofty pompous overly eloquent talk (G) | |
123710598 | Magniloquent | lofty pompous overly eloquent talk (M) | |
123710599 | Magna (mega) | Root Word: large | |
123710600 | Vaniloquent | vain, conceited trash talk | |
123710601 | soliloquy | speech made aloud to ones self | |
123710602 | soli | root word: alone | |
123710603 | ventriloquist | one who can throw his voice | |
123710604 | ventri | root word: stomach | |
123710605 | ventral | stomach- side of an animal | |
123710606 | Dorsal | Back-Side of an animal | |
123710607 | Colloquial | informational, conversational language use with friends | |
123710608 | circumlocution | talk in a roundabout way, and be intentionally in directs i.e. Politicians | |
123710609 | Prologue | pre story | |
123710610 | Parados | Chorus (exposition) -> Dramatic question -> Climax -> Denoumax | |
123710611 | elegy | death poem | |
123710612 | eulogy | death speech | |
123710613 | dirge | death song | |
123710614 | nemesis | avenger, scourge, revenger | |
123710615 | stealthily | surreptitiously, sneakily | |
123710616 | unscathed | uninjured, unharmed | |
123710617 | flout | to ignore disrespectfully, scorn | |
123710618 | unsavory | distasteful | |
123710619 | demos | Root Word: People | |
123710622 | dauntless | brave, bold, daring, plucky | |
123710623 | preceptor | teacher, pedagogue | |
123710624 | ped | Root Word: children | |
123710625 | agogos | Root Word: leader | |
123710627 | intemperate | rampant, out of control | |
123710628 | portent | omen, augory | |
123710629 | reprisal | injury for injury, revenge | |
123710630 | distraught | hysterical, frantic | |
123710631 | Dis | Root Word: not | |
123710632 | Cat | Root Word: Down | |
123710633 | Astro | Root Word: Star | |
123710634 | astronomy | study of the arrangement of stars and planets | |
123710635 | equi | Root Word: equal | |
123710636 | animous | spirit | |
123710637 | animus | pure hatred | |
123710638 | unanimous | one spirit | |
123710639 | Greg | herd | |
123710640 | belittle | feel little; ridicule; gossip; malign | |
123710641 | celerity | Speed ( think cheetah, celery and rabbit) | |
123710642 | simultaneous | done at the same time | |
123710643 | adjoined | connected | |
123710644 | obstetrician | delivers babies | |
123710645 | acquiesce | agree, compromise, 'okay, I see' | |
123710646 | calamity | disaster, catastrophe | |
123710647 | solvent | financially afloat | |
123710648 | cache | hiding place | |
123710649 | chron | Root Word: time | |
123710650 | ortho | Root Word: straighten | |
123710651 | Ben | Root Word: Eu (Root Word: good) | |
123710652 | metre | Root Word: measure | |
123710653 | anti | Root Word: against | |
123710654 | card | Root Word: heart | |
123710655 | bi | Root Word:two | |
123710656 | ology | Root Word:study of | |
123710657 | ante | Root Word: before | |
123710658 | antebellum | before the civil war | |
123710659 | antediuvian | before the flood (NOAH) | |
123710660 | anteroom | man's den | |
123710661 | derm | Root Word: skin | |
123710662 | nym | Root Word: name | |
123710663 | amor | Root Word:love | |
123710664 | cower | crouch in fear | |
123710665 | manacle | hand cuff | |
123710666 | sloth | laziness | |
123710667 | luc | Root Word: light | |
123710668 | transient (ephemeral) | short lived | |
123710669 | translucent | see through | |
123710670 | misen | Root Word:hate | |
123710671 | anthrope | Root Word:man kind | |
123710672 | misogynist | hates women | |
123710673 | gyn | Root Word: woman | |
123710674 | gynecology | doctor for females | |
123710675 | philanthrope | benefactor | |
123710676 | nomos | Root Word: all, many | |
123710677 | bulwark | rampart, protective wall | |
123710678 | anathema | curse | |
123710679 | elucidate | explain, expand | |
123710680 | misanthrope | hates people | |
123710682 | reprobate | miscreant, villain, delinquent | |
123710683 | entrenched | ingrained, embedded | |
123710684 | venerable | hallowed, revered, respected elderly | |
123710685 | magnaimous | generous, large spirited | |
123710686 | abdicate | overthrow a ruler or leader | |
123710687 | autonomy | self-governing | |
123710688 | veritable | genuine, very real example of | |
123710689 | cow | intimidate or bully | |
123710690 | cur | mangy abandoned dog | |
123710691 | AM | ante meridian | |
123710692 | PM | post meridian | |
123710693 | martinet | excessive, inhuman disciplinarian | |
123710694 | sycophant | brown-noser, uses flattery to get in someones good gracestyty | |
123710695 | dilettante | superficial part time dabbler, some skill but doesn't develop ability | |
123710696 | tyro | novice, beginner, neophyte | |
123710697 | virtuoso | consummate artist | |
123710698 | chauvinist | has excessive pride and devotion to a single idea | |
123710699 | patriot | normally proud and devoted to ones country | |
123710700 | pater | father | |
123710701 | mater | mother | |
123710702 | patriarch | male ruled | |
123710703 | matriarch | female ruled | |
123710704 | paternity | fatherhood | |
123710705 | maternity | motherhood | |
123710706 | patrimony | inheritance from ones father | |
123710707 | patronym | fathers last name | |
123710708 | matrimony | marriage | |
123710709 | patricide | kill ones father | |
123710710 | cide | Root Word: to kill | |
123710711 | matricide | kill ones mother | |
123710712 | fratricide | kill ones brother | |
123710713 | sorocide | kill ones sister | |
123710714 | suicide | kill yourself | |
123710715 | homicide | killing a human being | |
123710716 | regicide | kill ones leader | |
123710717 | regal | royal | |
123710718 | uxoricide | kill ones wife | |
123710719 | infanticide | kill of newborn | |
123710720 | genocide | killing of whole race or nation | |
123710721 | iconoclast | a rebel against convention and tradition | |
123710722 | icon | religious image | |
123710723 | athiest | denies the existance of god | |
123710724 | a | Root word: not | |
123710725 | theos | Root Word: god | |
123710726 | monotheism | belief in one god | |
123710727 | polytheism | belief in many gods | |
123710728 | pantheism | god is a combination of all forces of the universe/ god is evident in nature | |
123710729 | theology | the study of god and religion | |
123710730 | theocrasy | ruled by the church | |
123710731 | agnostics | proof of god is unknowable | |
123710732 | gnos | root word: to know | |
123710733 | diagnose | an examination to determine the cause of an illness | |
123710734 | prognose | forecast, knowing beforehand | |
123710735 | Mania | obsession | |
123710736 | manomaniac | obsession with one thing | |
123710737 | bipsomaniac | obsession with drinking | |
123710738 | lyeptomaniac | obsession with stealing | |
123710739 | pyromaniac | morbid obsession with fire | |
123710740 | incendiary | sets fire for revenge | |
123710741 | arsonist | sets fire for money | |
123710742 | megolomaniac | obsession with power | |
123710743 | nymphomaniac | female who is obsessed with sex | |
123710744 | lecher | male who is obsessed with sex | |
123710745 | phobia | fear | |
123710746 | claustrophobia | fear of enclosed spaces | |
123710747 | agoraphobia | fear of open space | |
123710748 | acrophobia | fear of hieghts | |
123710749 | introvert | a shy, quiet person who prefers solitude to socializing | |
123710750 | extrovert | outgoing social person who prefers peoples company. | |
123710751 | ambivert | both inward and outward tendencies | |
123710752 | insolence | rude, snottiness | |
123710753 | potentate | strong arm dictator | |
123710754 | lily-livered | Cowardly | |
123710755 | Dogged | determined | |
123710756 | Egotist | a person who constantly talks about themselves and their accomplishments (i.e obnoxious) | |
123710757 | Egoist | person concerned about himself before anyone else (i.e. Obnoxious) | |
123710758 | egocentric | person considers himself the center of the universe. extreme form of egoist (i.e. intolerable) | |
123710759 | egomaniac | self-interests and desires have become a morbid fascination (i.e. Dangerous) | |
123710760 | Altruist | someone who is deeply concerned about the welfare of others. A good-deed doer | |
123710761 | alter | Root Word: other | |
123710762 | alternative | choice | |
123710763 | alternate | skip one and take the other | |
123710764 | alter ego | an old friend that is so close to another person, that they mirror each others thoughts, action/reactions, and temperament | |
123710765 | altercation | heated verbal argument | |
123710766 | clandestine | secretive | |
123710767 | enigma | puzzling, mysterious person | |
123710768 | lurk | skulk (verb) | |
123710769 | avowal | frank admission | |
123710770 | estranged | alienated from | |
123710771 | wrangle | cowboy brawl | |
123710772 | slake | quench a serious thirst | |
123710773 | voracious | ravenous | |
123710774 | succulent | mouth watering juicy | |
123710775 | glutton | greedy eater, piggy | |
123710776 | lumber | plod along clumsily | |
123710777 | Brickbat | severe criticism | |
123710778 | sciaffed | hit the ground before hitting the golf ball | |
123710779 | iogolept | word maniac, philologist | |
123710780 | jargoggle | be befuddled or confused | |
123710781 | scoon | skip a stone across the water | |
123710782 | towdie | constipated hen | |
123710783 | waffle | cranky, disagreeable old person | |
123710784 | tragus | ear bump | |
123710785 | league | 3 miles (deep of water) | |
123710786 | light year | 5.88 trillion miles | |
123710787 | twain | 12 feet (2 fathoms) | |
123710788 | fathom | 6 feet deep (water) | |
123710789 | gross | 144 (12 dozen) | |
123710790 | knot | 1 nautical mile | |
123710791 | score | 20 years | |
123710792 | decade | 10 years | |
123710793 | century | 100 years | |
123710794 | fortnight | 2 two weeks | |
123710795 | bakers dozen | 13 | |
123710796 | cubit | length of ones forearm | |
123710797 | acre | 4840 square yards | |
123710798 | ream | 500 sheets | |
123710799 | opulence | wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living | |
123710800 | specious | plausible but false | |
123710801 | nefarious | extremely wicked | |
123710802 | reticent | reluctant to draw attention to yourself | |
123710803 | glib | artfully persuasive in speech | |
123710804 | ennui | the feeling of being bored by something tedious | |
123710805 | badinage | frivolous banter | |
123710806 | stoic | someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions | |
123710807 | ignominious | (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame | |
123710808 | supercilious | expressive of contempt | |
123710812 | tenebrous | dark and gloomy | |
123710813 | pecuniary | relating to or involving money | |
123710814 | panegyric | a formal expression of praise | |
123710815 | petulant | easily irritated or annoyed | |
123710816 | macabre | shockingly repellent | |
123710817 | tractable | easily managed (controlled or taught or molded) | |
123710818 | ubiquitous | being present everywhere at once | |
123710819 | eschewed | chhodna, shunned, avoided | |
123710820 | vituperative | marked by harshly abusive criticism | |
123710821 | pernicious | working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way | |
123710822 | prosaic | lacking wit or imagination | |
123710823 | sanguine | confidently optimistic and cheerful/ alternate def: blood red | |
123710824 | insouciant | marked by blithe unconcern | |
123710825 | indolent | lazy |