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All Semester 1 AP English

EVERYTHING given in 2010-2011 AP English. Warning: she does add words to the quiz that you will not find here or in your notes.

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124930662AlliterationRepetition of initial consonant sounds in 2 or more words in a row
124930663ConsonanceRepetition of a consonant sound in a line/s
124930664ImagerySpecific details that appeal to sound, taste, smell, feel or sight
124930665CassandraLedas and Zeus's daughter, gifted with 6th sight
124930666PandoraOpened box with the troubles of the world, married to Prometheus
124930668PanoramaThe view of it all
124930669PanaceaThe cure-all
124930670PanoplySuit of armor
124930671PandemoniumWild upheaval, all hell breaking loose
124930672Pantomimeacted in all gestures and signs
124930674Castor and PolluxGemini Twins (one egg from Leda)
124930675HelenCause of Trojan war, sister of Cassandra, married to Menelaus and in love with Paris
124930676AgamemnonTook Cassandra as his sex slave, killed by his wife.
124930677EpimethiusAfter Thought
124930678PrometheusFore Thought (made man in Zeus's image, stole fire)
124930679PrometheanUnusual self sacrifice, Very Brave
124930680Chaosfather of it all
124930681UranusHeavens (Greek)
124930682GaeaMother earth (Greek)
124930683Children of Gaeamonsters, cyclops, titans
124930684Chronosfather time
124930685AtlasHolds up the earth
124930686ZeusHeavens (titans)
124930687HeraZeus's Wife
124930690syllepsistwo words for two senses at the same time
124930691Banalitytrivial, common place
124930692incongruousout of place, inappropriate or unreasonable, proper and mannerly
124930693anachronisticout of time or outdated
124930694Chronologytime line
124930695Chronometeranything that measures time
124930696chronicHabitual, happens all the time
124930697Apathy'Not a care' one way or another
124930698PathRoot word: Suffering or disease
124930699Pathosfeelings or emotions evoked from a song, movie, speech or book
124930700sympathyfeel another persons suffering
124930701Empathycrawling into another person's skin and walking around in it
124930702Antipathyfeels strongly and absolutely against something
124930703Psychopathdiseased mind, dangerous criminal
124930704pathologyscience studies the causes of disease or death
124930705PedanticPreachy teachey, overemphasizing adherence to rules.
124930706Flippantdisrespectfully saucy and impertinent
124930707EuphonyGood sound
124930708EuRoot word: Good
124930709EulogyWords spoken at a funeral
124930711EuphoriaNatural high, great feeling
124930712eugenicsscience dealing with improvement of hereditary traits
124930713Euphemismless offensive expression substituted for an offensive one
124930714euthanasiamercy killing
124930715euchymyhealthy blood and body chemistry
124930716Eudaemonangel, good spirit
124930717SettingWhere a story takes place
124930718CharacterPeople or main aspects of a story that conduct the action
124930719Round CharacterFully developed, multifaceted individuals that grows and changes due to experiences
124930720ProtagonistThe character with whom the reader empathizes
124930721Flat charactersminor characters that seem to symbolize one thing. one dimensional stereotypes,predictable, and unchanging
124930722antagonistanother character that works against the protagonist's effort to resolve conflict
124930723Plotsequence of events, patterns of action, which is kicked off by conflict.
124930724Themeuniversal moral or lesson the reader is to learn
124930725point of viewwho is telling the story
124930726dramatic situationopening sequence, paragraph, or chapter establishes a person in a conflict
124930727expositionintroduction or main characters; tells what happened before the story opens; provides background information
124930728Crisismoment of high tension turning point in action
124930729Climaxmoment of greatest tension and the point at which outcome is decided
124930730Denouementoutcome, the unravelling, of all events
124930731foreshadowinga hint of given to the reader of what is to come
124930732flashbackan interruption in the action of a story, play or piece of nonfiction to show an episode that happened at an earlier time
124930733Right of passagestories of initiation experience that lead to a new level of maturity
124930734Epiphanymoment of realization or discovery (aha)
124930735In media resin the midst of; in the middle of it; in the thick of it
124930736Allusionreference to a person, place or event or to another literary passage. to illustrate or enhance a subject
124930737AnaphoraRepetition of words or phrases at the beginning of a successive verse or clause
124930738Apostropheaddressing someone absent, dead or non human as if alive or present
124930739anecdotea brief account of a memorable incident
124930740aphorismwitty, wise, true remark
124930741Antithesisword arrangement to emphasize the contrast and give the effect of balance
124930742chiasmusword order in first phrase is reversed in the second phrase following an 'A-B-B-A'
124930743Conceitextended metaphor
124930744ellipsisomission of a sentence of one or more words needed to express the sense completely
124930745Homilysermon explaining part of the bible
124930746MagiWise men or Kings
124930747iousfull of
124930750pseudofalse or fake
124930752malaisea general feeling of discomfort, illness or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify
124930753Pangaeawhole earth
124930754scathingscalding, hateful; witheringly scornful, severely critical
124930755ominousthreatening, foreboding, impending doom, menacing
124930758razelevel to the ground
124930759omniscientknowing everything
124930760IncarnadineBloody red color
124930761CarnelianFlesh colored
124930762Carnroot word: meat or flesh
124930763carnivalmeat festival celebrated before lent
124930764Marti grasfat Tuesday
124930765carnivoremeat eater
124930766carnagebloody aftermath of war
124930767incarnatein the flesh
124930768reincarnationHindu belief in rebirth into another body
124930769coruscategive off flashes of light
124930770maliceanimosity, evil ill will
124930771malevolentintentionally hateful and spiteful
124930772auguryomen, portents
124930773sapientinsightful, sagacious, perspicacious (tiriesmis)
124930774fructifyto honestly, candidly discuss both sides
124930775Xanthicrusty yellow color
124930776consummatecomplete in every detail, quintessential
124930777epitomecut above the rest or the best
124930778vourto eat
124930779herbivoreplant eater
124930780Omnivoremeat and plant eater
124930781epiroot word: above
124930782tomroot word: to cut
124930783appendectomyto cut ones appendix
124930784tonsillectomycut out ones tonsils
124930785tomebig old book on one subject
124930786quintessentialperfect example of
124930787atonerone who makes amends
124930788fledglingimmature, naive person
124930789loquaciousloud gabby woman talk
124930790loquorroot word: to speak
124930791Grandiloquentlofty pompous overly eloquent talk (G)
124930792Magniloquentlofty pompous overly eloquent talk (M)
124930793Magna (mega)Root Word: large
124930794Vaniloquentvain, conceited trash talk
124930795soliloquyspeech made aloud to ones self
124930796soliroot word: alone
124930797ventriloquistone who can throw his voice
124930798ventriroot word: stomach
124930799ventralstomach- side of an animal
124930800DorsalBack-Side of an animal
124930801Colloquialinformational, conversational language use with friends
124930802circumlocutiontalk in a roundabout way, and be intentionally in directs i.e. Politicians
124930803Prologuepre story
124930804ParadosChorus (exposition) -> Dramatic question -> Climax -> Denoumax
124930805elegydeath poem
124930806eulogydeath speech
124930807dirgedeath song
124930808nemesisavenger, scourge, revenger
124930809stealthilysurreptitiously, sneakily
124930810unscatheduninjured, unharmed
124930811floutto ignore disrespectfully, scorn
124930813demosRoot Word: People
124930814dauntlessbrave, bold, daring, plucky
124930815preceptorteacher, pedagogue
124930816pedRoot Word: children
124930817agogosRoot Word: leader
124930818intemperaterampant, out of control
124930819portentomen, augory
124930820reprisalinjury for injury, revenge
124930821distraughthysterical, frantic
124930822DisRoot Word: not
124930823CatRoot Word: Down
124930824AstroRoot Word: Star
124930825astronomystudy of the arrangement of stars and planets
124930826equiRoot Word: equal
124930828animuspure hatred
124930829unanimousone spirit
124930831belittlefeel little; ridicule; gossip; malign
124930832celeritySpeed ( think cheetah, celery and rabbit)
124930833simultaneousdone at the same time
124930835obstetriciandelivers babies
124930836acquiesceagree, compromise, 'okay, I see'
124930837calamitydisaster, catastrophe
124930838solventfinancially afloat
124930839cachehiding place
124930840chronRoot Word: time
124930841orthoRoot Word: straighten
124930842BenRoot Word: Eu (Root Word: good)
124930843metreRoot Word: measure
124930844antiRoot Word: against
124930845cardRoot Word: heart
124930846biRoot Word:two
124930847ologyRoot Word:study of
124930848anteRoot Word: before
124930849antebellumbefore the civil war
124930850antediuvianbefore the flood (NOAH)
124930851anteroomman's den
124930852dermRoot Word: skin
124930853nymRoot Word: name
124930854amorRoot Word:love
124930855cowercrouch in fear
124930856manaclehand cuff
124930858lucRoot Word: light
124930859transient (ephemeral)short lived
124930860translucentsee through
124930861misenRoot Word:hate
124930862anthropeRoot Word:man kind
124930863misogynisthates women
124930864gynRoot Word: woman
124930865gynecologydoctor for females
124930867nomosRoot Word: all, many
124930868bulwarkrampart, protective wall
124930870elucidateexplain, expand
124930871misanthropehates people
124930872reprobatemiscreant, villain, delinquent
124930873entrenchedingrained, embedded
124930874venerablehallowed, revered, respected elderly
124930875magnaimousgenerous, large spirited
124930876abdicateoverthrow a ruler or leader
124930878veritablegenuine, very real example of
124930879cowintimidate or bully
124930880curmangy abandoned dog
124930881AMante meridian
124930882PMpost meridian
124930883martinetexcessive, inhuman disciplinarian
124930884sycophantbrown-noser, uses flattery to get in someones good gracestyty
124930885dilettantesuperficial part time dabbler, some skill but doesn't develop ability
124930886tyronovice, beginner, neophyte
124930887virtuosoconsummate artist
124930888chauvinisthas excessive pride and devotion to a single idea
124930889patriotnormally proud and devoted to ones country
124930892patriarchmale ruled
124930893matriarchfemale ruled
124930896patrimonyinheritance from ones father
124930897patronymfathers last name
124930899patricidekill ones father
124930900cideRoot Word: to kill
124930901matricidekill ones mother
124930902fratricidekill ones brother
124930903sorocidekill ones sister
124930904suicidekill yourself
124930905homicidekilling a human being
124930906regicidekill ones leader
124930908uxoricidekill ones wife
124930909infanticidekill of newborn
124930910genocidekilling of whole race or nation
124930911iconoclasta rebel against convention and tradition
124930912iconreligious image
124930913athiestdenies the existance of god
124930914aRoot word: not
124930915theosRoot Word: god
124930916monotheismbelief in one god
124930917polytheismbelief in many gods
124930918pantheismgod is a combination of all forces of the universe/ god is evident in nature
124930919theologythe study of god and religion
124930920theocrasyruled by the church
124930921agnosticsproof of god is unknowable
124930922gnosroot word: to know
124930923diagnosean examination to determine the cause of an illness
124930924prognoseforecast, knowing beforehand
124930926manomaniacobsession with one thing
124930927bipsomaniacobsession with drinking
124930928lyeptomaniacobsession with stealing
124930929pyromaniacmorbid obsession with fire
124930930incendiarysets fire for revenge
124930931arsonistsets fire for money
124930932megolomaniacobsession with power
124930933nymphomaniacfemale who is obsessed with sex
124930934lechermale who is obsessed with sex
124930936claustrophobiafear of enclosed spaces
124930937agoraphobiafear of open space
124930938acrophobiafear of hieghts
124930939introverta shy, quiet person who prefers solitude to socializing
124930940extrovertoutgoing social person who prefers peoples company.
124930941ambivertboth inward and outward tendencies
124930942insolencerude, snottiness
124930943potentatestrong arm dictator
124930946Egotista person who constantly talks about themselves and their accomplishments (i.e obnoxious)
124930947Egoistperson concerned about himself before anyone else (i.e. Obnoxious)
124930948egocentricperson considers himself the center of the universe. extreme form of egoist (i.e. intolerable)
124930949egomaniacself-interests and desires have become a morbid fascination (i.e. Dangerous)
124930950Altruistsomeone who is deeply concerned about the welfare of others. A good-deed doer
124930951alterRoot Word: other
124930953alternateskip one and take the other
124930954alter egoan old friend that is so close to another person, that they mirror each others thoughts, action/reactions, and temperament
124930955altercationheated verbal argument
124930957enigmapuzzling, mysterious person
124930958lurkskulk (verb)
124930959avowalfrank admission
124930960estrangedalienated from
124930961wranglecowboy brawl
124930962slakequench a serious thirst
124930964succulentmouth watering juicy
124930965gluttongreedy eater, piggy
124930966lumberplod along clumsily
124930967Brickbatsevere criticism
124930968sciaffedhit the ground before hitting the golf ball
124930969iogoleptword maniac, philologist
124930970jargogglebe befuddled or confused
124930971scoonskip a stone across the water
124930972towdieconstipated hen
124930973wafflecranky, disagreeable old person
124930974tragusear bump
124930975league3 miles (deep of water)
124930976light year5.88 trillion miles
124930977twain12 feet (2 fathoms)
124930978fathom6 feet deep (water)
124930979gross144 (12 dozen)
124930980knot1 nautical mile
124930981score20 years
124930982decade10 years
124930983century100 years
124930984fortnight2 two weeks
124930985bakers dozen13
124930986cubitlength of ones forearm
124930987acre4840 square yards
124930988ream500 sheets
124930989opulencewealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
124930990speciousplausible but false
124930991nefariousextremely wicked
124930992reticentreluctant to draw attention to yourself
124930993glibartfully persuasive in speech
124930994ennuithe feeling of being bored by something tedious
124930995badinagefrivolous banter
124930996stoicsomeone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
124930997ignominious(used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
124930998superciliousexpressive of contempt
124930999tenebrousdark and gloomy
124931000pecuniaryrelating to or involving money
124931001panegyrica formal expression of praise
124931002petulanteasily irritated or annoyed
124931003macabreshockingly repellent
124931004tractableeasily managed (controlled or taught or molded)
124931005ubiquitousbeing present everywhere at once
124931006eschewedchhodna, shunned, avoided
124931007vituperativemarked by harshly abusive criticism
124931008perniciousworking or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
124931009prosaiclacking wit or imagination
124931010sanguineconfidently optimistic and cheerful/ alternate def: blood red
124931011insouciantmarked by blithe unconcern
124931013ambidextroususe of both hands
124931014polygamymultiple spouses
124931015bellicosewar-like, pretentious, insolent (no smiles)
124931016alma materplace from which you graduate
124931017gregariousone of the crowd
124931018harridantermagent, virago, shrew, B!#$&
124931019convivalwith life, amicable
124931020astrologystudy of stars
124931021carpe diemsieze the day
124931022viragoharridan, shrew, B&^%$
124931023segregateseparating from the herd
124931024melancholysoft sadness
124931025polyglotcapable of speaking 4 or more languages
124931026wattlesturkey gobblers
124931027incorrigibleincapable of changing
124931028abhorfind repugnant, loathe, detest
124931029psychopathicmentally deranged
124931030notoriousnegatively famous
124931031disparityinequality or difference in some respect
124931032vegetatezone off, mentally shut down, make like a zucchini
124931033frugalspend money wisely and cautiously
124931034enervatedtired, completely wiped out
124931035dubiousdoubtful, questionable
124931036termagantharpy, shrew, virago, harridan
124931037decapitatecut off someones head
124931038asterisk***********<--- This
124931039ascetichermit, monk
124931040obstinateobdurate, pig headed, stubborn
124931042conflagrationinferno, big fire
124931043remunerativelucrative, profitable, money
124931045octegenariana person in their 80's
124931046contentiousdisputations, arguementative
124931047frankhonestly blunt
124931048diaphanoussee through gauzy material
124931049despotabsolute ruler
124931050dinraucous noisely
124931053cachea hidden spot
124931054pseudoRoot Word: false
124931055bellumRoot Word: war
124931056egoRoot Word: self
124931057octRoot Word: 8
124931058phobiaRoot Word: fear
124931059monoRoot Word: one

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