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American History Part Two

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161665273Continental ArmyThe official army of the colonies, created by second continental congress and led by George Washington
161665274allynation that works with another nation for a common purpose
161665275Treaty of Paris, 1783Treaty Between England and the Colonies , formally ended the American Revolutionary War
161665276RepublicA form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting
161665277Articles of Confederationthis document, the nations first constitution, was adopted by the second continental congress in 1781 during the revolution. the document was limited because states held most of the power, and congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage
161665278Northwest Territorypart of the land given to the Americans by the British in the treaty of Paris
161665279Northwest OrdinanceThe 1787 Northwest Ordinance defined the process by which new states could be admitted into the Union from the Northwest Territory. He ordinance forbade slavery in the territory but allowed citizens to vote on the legality of slavery once statehood had been established. The Northwest Ordinance was the most lasting measure of the national government under the Articles of Confederation
161665280Virginia PlanVirginia delegate James Madison's plan of government, in which states got a number of representatives in Congress based on their population
161665281New Jersey PlanOpposite of the Virginia Plan, it proposed a single-chamber congress in which each state had one vote. This created a conflict with representation between bigger states, who wanted control befitting their population, and smaller states, who didn't want to be bullied by larger states.
161665282Great CompromiseCompromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house
161665283Three Fifths Compromiseagreement at the constitutional Convention that 3/5 of the slaves in any state be counted in its population
161665284FederalistsSupporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. They firmly believed the national government should be strong. They didn't want the Bill of Rights because they felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution.
161665285Anti-FederalistsOpposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution b/c it gave too much power to the national govt at the expense of the state govts and it lacked a bill of rights
161665286Bill of RightsThe first ten amendments to the Constitution
161665287PreambleIntroduction to the Constitution
161665288Legislative Branchthe branch of government that makes the laws.
161665289Executive Branchthe branch of government that carries out or enforces laws
161665290Judicial BranchThe branch of government that interprets laws
161665291Cabinetpersons appointed by the president to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers
161665292tariffa government tax on imports or exports
161665293Whiskey Rebelliona protest caused by tax on liquor; it tested the will of the government, Washington's quick response showed the government's strength and mercy
161665294XYZ Affairincident of the late 1790s in which French secret agents demanded a bribe and a loan to France in lieu of negotiating a dispute John Adams was president
161665295Alien and Sedition ActsA series of laws that sought to restrict the activities of people who opposed Federalist policies during John Adams presidency
161665296Marbury vs. MadisonCase in which the supreme court first asserted th power of Judicial review - Supreme court can declare laws unconsitutional
161665297Judicial Reviewthe power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional
161665298Louisiana Purchaseterritory in western United States purchased from France in 1803 for $15 million during Jefferson's Presidency
161665299Lewis and Clark Expeditionan expedition sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the northwestern territories of the United States
161665300impressmentBritish practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service

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