Key terms, people, and events from Chapter 12 of the 13th edition of the American Pageant.
1142792555 | Nationalism | Pride in one's country; increases drastically after the War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans | 0 | |
1142792556 | Monroe Doctrine | Message to European countries to stay out of Western Hemisphere | 1 | |
1142792557 | American System | Proposed by Henry Clay, consisted of 3 parts to improve US economy | 2 | |
1142792558 | Missouri Compromise | Admitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as free state; established the 36˚30' line | 3 | |
1142792559 | Treaty of Ghent | Ended War of 1812, US didn't gain or lose any land | 4 | |
1142792560 | Panic of 1819 | Economic depression caused by land speculation and bank foreclosures of homes | 5 | |
1142792561 | Rush-Bagot Agreement | Agreement between US and Britain to demilitarize the Great Lakes | 6 | |
1142792562 | Land Speculation | Purchasing of land out west in the hopes of selling it at a higher price | 7 | |
1142792563 | Armistice | Agreement to stop fighting | 8 | |
1142792564 | Wildcat Banks | Banks in the west that were ordered to foreclose on farms and houses | 9 | |
1142792565 | Era of Good Feelings | Term given early 1800s that suggested that times were good because there were not major conflicts involving the United States. | 10 | |
1142792566 | Tariff of 1816 | First tariff ever passed as a protective tariff | 11 | |
1142792567 | Cumberland Road | Connected MD to Illinois, first major road constructed by federal government | 12 | |
1142792568 | Land Act of 1820 | Allowed the purchase of 80 acres of land at $1.25 per acre | 13 | |
1142792569 | Florida Purchase Act of 1819 (Adams-Onis Treaty) | Spain ceded Florida to US in exchange for US giving up claims to Texas | 14 | |
1142792570 | Gibbons v. Ogden | S.C. case dealing with interstate trade; Congress has sole authority over interstate trade | 15 | |
1142792571 | Fletcher v. Peck | States cannot "impair" contracts, S.C. can invalidate state laws | 16 | |
1142792572 | McCulloch v. Maryland | States cannot tax federal buildings (bank), federal government is supreme | 17 | |
1142792573 | Dartmouth College v. Woodward | Issue over NH trying to change charter of a college, states cannot impair contracts | 18 | |
1142792574 | Oliver Perry | Built a fleet of ships on Lake Erie and captured the British fleet. Boosted the morale of the US military. | 19 | |
1142792575 | Andrew Jackson | Powerful general during War of 1812, battled Native Americans, future president | 20 | |
1142792576 | Henry Clay | Speaker of the House, created The American System which helped stimulate the economy | 21 | |
1142792577 | John Quincy Adams | Secretary of State under Madison, future president | 22 | |
1142792578 | Daniel Webster | Advocate for Nationalism, member of the Senate and House of Representatives, fought against Sectionalism and nullification by the South. | 23 |