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American Pageant Chapter 12 Vocab Flashcards

Key terms, people, and events from Chapter 12 of the 13th edition of the American Pageant.

Terms : Hide Images
1142792555NationalismPride in one's country; increases drastically after the War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans0
1142792556Monroe DoctrineMessage to European countries to stay out of Western Hemisphere1
1142792557American SystemProposed by Henry Clay, consisted of 3 parts to improve US economy2
1142792558Missouri CompromiseAdmitted Missouri as a slave state, Maine as free state; established the 36˚30' line3
1142792559Treaty of GhentEnded War of 1812, US didn't gain or lose any land4
1142792560Panic of 1819Economic depression caused by land speculation and bank foreclosures of homes5
1142792561Rush-Bagot AgreementAgreement between US and Britain to demilitarize the Great Lakes6
1142792562Land SpeculationPurchasing of land out west in the hopes of selling it at a higher price7
1142792563ArmisticeAgreement to stop fighting8
1142792564Wildcat BanksBanks in the west that were ordered to foreclose on farms and houses9
1142792565Era of Good FeelingsTerm given early 1800s that suggested that times were good because there were not major conflicts involving the United States.10
1142792566Tariff of 1816First tariff ever passed as a protective tariff11
1142792567Cumberland RoadConnected MD to Illinois, first major road constructed by federal government12
1142792568Land Act of 1820Allowed the purchase of 80 acres of land at $1.25 per acre13
1142792569Florida Purchase Act of 1819 (Adams-Onis Treaty)Spain ceded Florida to US in exchange for US giving up claims to Texas14
1142792570Gibbons v. OgdenS.C. case dealing with interstate trade; Congress has sole authority over interstate trade15
1142792571Fletcher v. PeckStates cannot "impair" contracts, S.C. can invalidate state laws16
1142792572McCulloch v. MarylandStates cannot tax federal buildings (bank), federal government is supreme17
1142792573Dartmouth College v. WoodwardIssue over NH trying to change charter of a college, states cannot impair contracts18
1142792574Oliver PerryBuilt a fleet of ships on Lake Erie and captured the British fleet. Boosted the morale of the US military.19
1142792575Andrew JacksonPowerful general during War of 1812, battled Native Americans, future president20
1142792576Henry ClaySpeaker of the House, created The American System which helped stimulate the economy21
1142792577John Quincy AdamsSecretary of State under Madison, future president22
1142792578Daniel WebsterAdvocate for Nationalism, member of the Senate and House of Representatives, fought against Sectionalism and nullification by the South.23

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