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American Pageant Chapter 16 Flashcards

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1387199313cottonthe product that accounted for half the value of all American exports after 18400
1387199314mountain whitesthe southern whites who lived in the valleys of the Appalachian range that stretched from western Virginia to northern Georgia and Alabama who were independent farmers that hated both the southern aristocrats and their slaves1
1387199315Frederick Douglassthe black abolitionist and self-educated orator who increasingly looked to politics to solve the slavery problem2
1387199316West Africa Squadronthe British Royal Navy force formed to enforce the abolition of the slave trade in 1807 that intercepted hundreds of slave ships and freed thousands of Africans3
1387199317black beltthe area of the Deep South that stretched from South Carolina and Georgia into the new southwest states where most slaves were concentrated by 18604
1387199318Denmark Veseya free black who led a rebellion in Charleston, SC in 1822 which led him and more than thirty followers to be publicly strung from the gallows5
1387199319Nat Turner's Rebellionthe uprising led by a visionary black preacher that slaughtered about sixty Virginians, mostly women and children6
1387199320Amistadthe Spanish slave ship on which enslaved Africans rebelled and attempted to sail back to Africa, but were driven ashore on Long Island and finally secured their freedom with the help of former president John Quincy Adams7
1387199321American Colonization Societythe group founded in 1817 with the purpose of focusing on transporting freed blacks back to Africa8
1387199322Liberiathe republic established on the fever-stricken West African coast for former slaves, with its capital, Monrovia, named after President Monroe9
1387199323Theodore Dwight Weldthe abolitionist, inspired by Charles Grandison Finney, who assembled a potent propaganda pamphlet American Slavery as It Is10
1387199324Lyman Beecherthe abolitionist who ran Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio11
1387199325William Lloyd Garrisonthe abolitionist who published his militantly antislavery newspaper The Liberator and was of the most radical abolitionists12
1387199326American Anti-Slavery Societythe abolitionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison, who advocated the immediate abolition of slavery13
1387199327Wendell Phillipsthe Boston patrician known as "abolition's golden trumpet," and who would eat not cane sugar and wear no cotton cloth, since both were produced by southern slaves14
1387199328David Walkerthe author of Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, which advocated a bloody end to white supremacy15
1387199329Sojourner Trutha freed black woman who fought tirelessly for black emancipation and women's rights16
1387199330Martin Delanyone of the few black leaders to take seriously the notion of the mass recolonization of Africa who visited West Africa's Niger Valley seeking a suitable site for relocation17
1387199331Gag Resolutionthe House's requiring of all antislavery appeals to be tabled without debate18
1387199332Cotton Kingdomthe term for the ante-bellum South that emphasized its economic dependence on a single staple product19
1387199333Uncle Tom's CabinHarriet Beecher Stowe's powerful 1852 novel that focused on slavery's cruel effects in separating black family members from one another20
1387199334free soilersthe northern antislavery politicians, like Abraham Lincoln, who rejected radical immediate abolitionism, but fought to prohibit the expansion of slavery in the western territories21
1387199335Mason-Dixon linethe line across the southern boundary of Pennsylvania that formed the boundary between free states and slave states in the east22
1387199336Lane Rebelsthe group of theology students, led by Weld, who were expelled from their seminary for abolitionist activity and later became leading preachers of the anti-slavery gospel23
1387199337William Wilberforcethe British evangelical Christian reformer who in 1833 achieved the emancipation of slaves in the British West Indies24
1387199338Lewis Tappanthe wealthy New York abolitionist merchant whose hoe was ransacked by a proslavery mob in 183425
1387199339Elijah Lovejoythe Illinois editor whose death at the hands of a mob made him an abolitionist martyr26

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