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American Pageant Chapter 16 Vocab Flashcards

Key terms, people, and events from Chapter 16 of the 13th edition of the American Pageant.

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1624763313OligarchyGovernment rule by a few people0
1624763314William Lloyd GarrisonStaunch abolitionist, created The Liberator1
1624763315Harriet Beecher StoweAbolitionist, wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, from Cincinnati2
1624763316Frederick DouglassFormer slave, gained freedom at 21. Leading abolitionist, published The North Star.3
1624763317Stono Rebellion1739, South Carolina slaves fled to Florida, were unsuccessful4
1624763318Gag ResolutionAll anti-slavery appeals were forbidden to be discussed in Congress. Later repealed with help of John Quincy Adams5
1624763319Denmarck VeseyPlanned the largest revolt, but was foiled. He and 30 others were hanged6
1624763320Free SoilersThose that opposed slavery in Western territories7
1624763321Nat TurnerLed rebellion in which 60 Virginians were killed, mostly women and children. As a result, the South implemented harsher laws8

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