Key terms, people, and events from Chapter 16 of the 13th edition of the American Pageant.
1624763313 | Oligarchy | Government rule by a few people | 0 | |
1624763314 | William Lloyd Garrison | Staunch abolitionist, created The Liberator | 1 | |
1624763315 | Harriet Beecher Stowe | Abolitionist, wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, from Cincinnati | 2 | |
1624763316 | Frederick Douglass | Former slave, gained freedom at 21. Leading abolitionist, published The North Star. | 3 | |
1624763317 | Stono Rebellion | 1739, South Carolina slaves fled to Florida, were unsuccessful | 4 | |
1624763318 | Gag Resolution | All anti-slavery appeals were forbidden to be discussed in Congress. Later repealed with help of John Quincy Adams | 5 | |
1624763319 | Denmarck Vesey | Planned the largest revolt, but was foiled. He and 30 others were hanged | 6 | |
1624763320 | Free Soilers | Those that opposed slavery in Western territories | 7 | |
1624763321 | Nat Turner | Led rebellion in which 60 Virginians were killed, mostly women and children. As a result, the South implemented harsher laws | 8 |