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American Pageant Chp. 6-8 Flashcards

3 facts on 33 different items

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472372286Samuel de ChamplainFather of New France Befriends Huron Indians Helped found Quebec
472372287William Pitt"Great Commoner" "Organizer of Victory" focused on Quebec-Montreal area
472372288James Wolfeofficer at 14 takes over Battle of Quebec fell fataly wounded at Quebec
472372289Edward Braddocksent to virginia with strong army of regulars part of force were "buckskins" lost against indians
472372290PontiacOttowa Chief violent campaign to drive british out of ohio overan all but 3 british ports west of Appalaichans
472372291Louis XIVSun King ruled 72 years Louisiana named after him
472372292Benjamin FranklinJoin or Die cartoon Goes to France in non formal attire first library
472372293George WashingtonServed in french and indian war believed to be invincible 1st U.S. president
472372294Seven Years WarFought in America and Europe "Seven Seas War" Bloodiest in Germany
472372295Albany CongressLead by Ben Franklin created scheme for colonial rule wasn't believed to give enough independence
472372296Townshend Acts1767 indirect tax tax on tea
472372297Proclamation of 1763King George III's Proclamation of 1763 no settlement beyond Appalaichans to protect from indians
472372298Paul Reveredid not complete journey made first engraving of boston massacre silversmith
472372299John Hancockbiggest signature of Declaration of Independence had only 500 pound bounty from New England
472372300Lord NorthTory Prime Minister corrupt King Georges "yes man"
472372301Samueal Adamsorganizer of the rebellion leading role in Boston Tea Party organized committees of correspondence
472372302John AdamsDied 50 years after July 4th 1776 peace negotiator sent to Paris 2nd U.S. President
472372303Crispus AttucksAfrican American Died at Boston Massacre Mellato ring leader
472372304Marquis de LafayetteDonated $200,000 of own money French General who helped U.S. win war Major General at 19
472372305MercantalismJustified control of colonies wealth is power export more than import
472372306"Virtual" RepresentationHow colonists were represented wanted direct representation supported by Greenville
472372307Declatory Act"Bind colonies in all ways whatsoever" British could do whatever Made to show Britain still in charge
472372308Boston Massacre11 casualties Crispus Attucks one of first to die Townspeople taunted redcoats
472372309HessiansGermans Paid Mercanairies many remained in america
472372310Loyalists"Tories" colonists loyal to the king often tarred and feathered
472372311Intolerable Actsmeant to punish Boston Boston Port Act Redcoats could lodge anywhere
472372312Benedict ArnoldAmerican General Betrayed Colonists Died in London
472372313Thomas PaineCommon Sense Solde 150,000 copies in six months Independence over reconciliation
472372314Richard Henry Leeproposer of Declaration of Independence Senator from Virginia suggested on June 7, 1776
472372315Treaty of Paris 1783British recognize independence set geographical boundaries stop persecution of loyalists
472372316Bunker Hillfought on Breed's hill colonist ran out of gunpowder British Victory
472372317Battle of SaratogaBritish Surrender made foreign aide possible involved fighting blacks
472372318Battle of YorktownLast major battle U.S. victory trapped british with help of French

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