Version 12, important identifications for chapters 28, 29, and 30. (1900-1920)
145785116 | Theodore Roosevelt | Became President in 1901 after McKinley's assassination. Progressive Republican who built the Panama Canal. 1901-1908, busted 45 bad trusts and campaigned for regulation in meatpacking and protection of the consumer. | |
145785117 | The Square Deal | For capital labor and the public at large; the 3-C's. Control of Industry (Corporations,) Consumer Protection, and Conservation of Resources. | |
145785118 | Henry Demarest Lloyd | Wrote "Wealth Against Commonwealth," in which he attacked Standard Oil. | |
145785119 | Jacob Riis | Reporter for the "New York Sun," who shocked the middle class with how the other half classes live in 1890. He described the dirt, disease, vice, and misery of the slums of New York. | |
145785120 | Ida Tarbell | Most prominent women muckraker and well respected; published an astoundingly factual expose' of Standard Oil, (to whom her father lost his oil business.) | |
145785121 | Lincoln Steffens | New York reporter who launched a series of articles in McCuire's titled "The Shame of the Cities," where he unmasks the ties between the businesses and municipal government. | |
145785122 | David Phillips | Shocked the nation with his series in Cosmopolitan: "The Treason in the Senate" in which he charges 75 of the 90 senates actually represented companies. In 1919 he was shot by a deranged young man. | |
145785123 | Robert M. Lafouete | Governor of Wisconsin who imposed amlio state system that wrestled power away from the trusts and placed it back in the hands of the people. | |
145785124 | Hiram Johnson | California Governor who broke the control of the Southern Pacific Railroad on the government of the state. | |
145785125 | Charles Evan Hughes | Republican Governor of New York who investigated malpractices of gas and insurance trusts. | |
145785126 | Francis Willard | Founder of the WCTU, (Women's Christian Temperance Union,) who would fall to her knees in prayer on bar room floors. | |
145785127 | Upton Sinclair | Wrote "The Jungle." | |
145785128 | William Howard Taft | Teddy Roosevelt's chosen successor. One termer Republican who was fairly conservative. Busted 90 trusts both good and bad. His Cabinet did not include any progressive reformers. Essentially, "Everybody loves a fat man." | |
145785129 | Dollar Diplomacy | Passed in order to pump U.S. investors money into areas of strategic importance to the U.S. | |
145785130 | Initiative | Petition Government. | |
145785131 | Referundum | Citizens vote on laws. | |
145785132 | Recall | Citizens recall representatives not representing reform amendments. | |
145785133 | 16th Reform Amendment | Amendment involving income taxes. | |
145785134 | 17th Reform Amendment | Amendment involving direct election of senators. | |
145785135 | 18th Reform Amendment | Amendment involving the banning of alcohol. | |
145785136 | 19th Reform Amendment | Amendment involving Women's voting rights. | |
145785137 | Elkins Act of 1903 | Act involving railroad rebates. | |
145785138 | Hepburn act Act of 1906 | Railroad free passes. | |
145785139 | Northern Securities Case | President Roosevelt's first trust bust. | |
145785140 | Meat Inspection Act | The inspection of food passed over state lines. | |
145785141 | Pure Food and Drug Act | An act that prohibits the mislabeling of products. | |
145785142 | New lands Reclamation | The Government sold the Western lands and used the profits to fund irrigation projects. | |
145785143 | Payne-Aldrich Act | Intended to lower the national tariff but actually raised it when a bunch of rules were tacked on to it. | |
145785144 | Ballenger-Pinchott Affair | Forrest administrators got into a fight regarding the selling of land to timber companies. President Taft fires on of the men even though he had everyone's best interests at heart. | |
145785145 | Woodrow Wilson | Minority, Republican President. Votes for this election were split between Roosevelt, Taft, and this man. Intelligent pacifist, but haughty and cold. He was a trust fighter and managed to reform the banking system. He didn't want to enter WWI, but eventually felt he had to. | |
145785146 | Herbert Croly | Wrote in 1910, "The PRomise of American Life." Which basically agreed 100% with all of Roosevelt's views. | |
145785147 | Eugene V. Debs | 1912 Socialist candidate. | |
145785148 | Louis D. Brandes | Wrote "Other People's Money and How Bankers Use It," in 1914 and became Jew nominated for the Supreme Court. | |
145785149 | Venustiano Carranza | Opposed Huerta's government and became President of Mexico when Wilson interfered; he didn't like the U.S. getting involved but he settled into an uneasy peace. | |
145785150 | Pancho Villa | Mexican who opposed Huerta and Carranza and continued to rebel and plague all sides of the situation; even a campaign into Mexico and a defeat of his forces didn't yield in his capture. | |
145785151 | Kaiser Wilhem II | German leader that everyone loves to hate. | |
145785152 | New Nationalism | Preached by Roosevelt; government should increase its power to remedy economic and social US | |
145785153 | Underwood Tariff | Brought down the high tariff left since revenue could come in through the 16th amendment. | |
145785154 | Federal Reserve Act | Created the Federal Reserve Board which would oversee 12 areas and the new banks set up to distribute to those areas. Allowed them to issue paper money which could swiftly increase the circulation of paper money. | |
145785155 | Federal Trade Commission | Empowered Presidentially appointed committee to turn a searchlight onto trusts. | |
145785156 | Clayton Anti-trust Act | Extended the Sherman Anti-trust act, legalized peaceful union strikes and pickets, and increased the things which classified bad trusts. | |
145785157 | Jones Act | Anti-Imperialist act which gave the Philippines territorial status and eventual freedom. | |
145785158 | Lusitania | The ship the the Germans sunk killing several British and American passengers. | |
145785159 | Sussex Pledge | Germany promised that they wouldn't attack passenger liners without warning. | |
145785160 | Gavarilo Princip | Serb who killed the archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria essentially starting WWI. | |
145785161 | Von Shleiffen Plan | Germany's war plan of the Eastern and Western war fronts and how to win. | |
145785162 | Creek Committee | Committee of public information meant to boost moral for the war effort. | |
145785163 | Bernard Baruch | Head of the War Industries Board. | |
145785164 | Marshal Foch | French Commander of all allied forces in the trenches of WWI. | |
145785165 | Henry Cabot Lodge | Opposed Wilson's Treaty of Versailles and set up a series of referendums to the treaty, using them to campaign against it. He was from Massachusetts. | |
145785166 | Warred G. Harding | Republican in the 1920's; folksy and charming. His VP was Coolidge. | |
145785167 | James Cox | Democratic candidate of 1920 for the League of Nations; his VP was Franklin D. Roosevelt. | |
145785168 | Normalcy | The state before all the liberal reforms and questionable morality and outrageous idealism. | |
145785169 | Zimmerman Note | A letter from Germany to Mexico saying that if they formed an alliance that Mexico could gain back its lost land; America intercepted the note and was not happy about it-reason for war. | |
145785170 | 14 Points | 14 ideals of peace, all but 4 of which were comprised in the Treaty of Versailles; most prominent of all the ideas was the League of Nations. | |
145785171 | League of Nations | A group of allied nations who met to preserve global and local peace; also met to address world problems. | |
145785172 | Espionage and Sedition Acts | Criticism of the government could be punished and many socialists were prosecuted; it reflected the current fear of foreigners. | |
145785173 | War Industries Board | Headed by Bernard Baruch; it was intended to restore economic order but didn't have enough time or power to do so. Was disbanded days after the war. | |
145785174 | WWI | Germany Vs. everybody else. Starts in Serbia, Bosnia, and Austria with the assassination and moves into trench warfare in France. | |
145785175 | Food Administration | Kept consumers form consuming by making it fun and patriotic. People had wheat-less Wednesday and meatless Thursday; plus more people had gardens. | |
145785176 | Bolshevik Revolution | 1917 Communist leaders overthrow the Czar and kill him and his family; they establish a new communist government with Lenin. | |
145785177 | The Big Four | America, Britain, France, and Italy. | |
145785178 | Treaty of Versailles | Made Germany pay and also gave them no say in the creation of the treaty. Wilson attempted to push his 14 points but had to compromise to get his League of Nations to be a part of it. Eventually caused WWII. | |
145785179 | Irreconcilables | People that would never support the League of Nations. |