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AMSCO AP US History Chapter 16 Flashcards

AMSCO United States History 2015 Edition, Chapter 16 The Rise of Industrial America, 1865-1900

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5753899927nation's first big businessRailroads created a nationwide market for goods. This encouraged mass production, mass consumption, and economic specialization.0
5753899928Cornelius VanderbiltHe merged local railroads into the New York Entral Railroad, which ran from New York City to Chicago.1
5753899929Eastern Trunk LinesIn the early days of the railroads, from 1830s to the 1860s, railroad lines in the east were different incompatible sizes which created inefficiencies.2
5753899930transcontinental railroadsDuring the Civil War, Congress authorized land grants and loans for the building of the first transcontinenal railroad. Two new companies were formed to share the task of building the railroad. The Union Pacific started in Omaha, Nebraska, and the Central Pacific started in Sacramento, California. On May 10, 1869, at Promontory Point, Utah, a golden spike was driven into the rail ties to mark the completion of the railroad.3
5753899931Union Pacific and Central PacificTwo railroad companies, one starting in Sacramento, California and the other in Omaha, Nebraska were completed in Utah in 1869 to create the first first transcontinental railroad.4
5753899933standard time zonesThe United States was divided into four of these by the railroad industry.5
5753899935Jay Gould, watering stockEntered railroad business for quick profits. He would sell off assets inflate the value of a corporation's assets and profits before selling its stock to the public.6
5753899936rebates and poolsIn a scramble to survive, railroads offered rebates (discounts) to favored shippers, while charging exorbitant freight rates to smaller customers. They also created secret agreements with competing railroads to fix rates and share traffic.7
5753899940Andrew CarnegieA Scottish emigrant, in the 1870s he started manufacturing steel in Pittsburgh. His strategy was to control every stage of the manufacturing process from mining the raw materials to transporting the finished product. His company Carnegie Steel became the world's largest steel company.8
5753899941vertical integrationA business strategy by which a company would control all aspects of a product from raw material, mining, to transporting the finished product. Pioneered by Andrew Carnegie.9
5753899942U.S. SteelIn 1900, Andrew Carnegie sold Carnegie Steel to a group headed by J. P. Morgan. They formed this company, which was the largest enterprise in the world, employing 168,000 people, and controlling more than three-fifths of the nation's steel business.10
5753899943John D. RockefellerHe started Standard Oil in 1863. By 1881, Standard Oil Trust controlled 90 percent of the oil refinery business. His companies produced kerosene, which was used primarily for lighting at the time. The trust that he created consisted of various acquired companies, all managed by a board of trustees he controlled.11
5753899944horizontal integrationOwnership by the same firm of a number of companies that exist at the same point on a commodity chain. This strategy was used by John D. Rockefeller to build Standard Oil Trust.12
5753899945Standard Oil TrustIn 1881, the name of John D. Rockefeller's company, which controlled 90 percent of the oil refinery business in the United States.13
5753899946interlocking directoratesThe term for the same directors running competing companies.14
5753899947J. P. MorganA banker who took control and consolidated bankrupt railroads in the Panic of 1893. In 1900, he led a group in the purchase of Carnegie Steel, which became U.S. Steel.15
5753899949Second Industrial RevolutionThe term for the industrial revolution after the Civil War. In the early part of the 19th century producing textiles, clothing, and leather goods was the first part of this revolution. After the Civil War, this second revolution featured increased production of steel, petroleum, electric power, and industrial machinery.16
5753899950Bessemer processIn the 1850s, Henry Bessemer discovered this process. By blasting air through molten iron you could produce high-quality steel.17
5753899951transatlantic cableIn 1858 and 1866, Cyrus W. Field's invention allowed messages to be sent across the oceans.18
5753899952Alexander Graham BellIn 1876, he invented the telephone.19
5753899953Thomas EdisonPossibly the greatest inventor of the 19th century. He established the first modern research labratory, which produced more than a thousand patented inventions. These include the phonograph, first practical electric light bulb, dynamo for electric power generation, mimeograph machine, and a motion picture camera.20
5753899954Menlo Park Research LabThe first modern research laboratory, created in 1876, by Thomas Edison in New Jersey.21
5753899956George WestinghouseHe held more than 400 patents. He invented the high-voltage alternating current transformer, which made possible the nationwide electrial power system. (alternating current)22
5753899957Eastman's Kodak cameraIn 1888, he invented the camera.23
5753899958large department storesR.H. Macy and Marshall Field made these stores the place to shop in urban centers.24
5753899960mail-order companiesTwo companies, Sears Roebuck, and Montgomery Ward, used the improved rail system to ship to rural customers to sell many different products. The products were ordered by mail from a thick paper catalog.25
5753899962packaged foodsBrand name foods created by Kellogg and Post became common items in American homes.26
5753899963refrigeration; canningThese developments in the food industry changed American eating habits.27
5753899964Gustavus SwiftHe changed American eating habits by making mass-produced meat and vegetable products.28
5753899965advertisingThis new technique was important to creating the new consumer economy.29
5753899969Interstate Commerce Act of 1886This act, created in 1886, did little to regulate the railroads.30
5753899971Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890In 1890, Congress passed this act, which prohibited any "contract, combination, in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce." The U.S. Department of Justice secured few convictions until the law was strenghted during the Progressive era. Used against unions.31
5753899975anti-union tacticsEmployers used the following tactics to defeat unions: the lockouts (closing the factory), blacklists (lists circulated among employers), yellow dog contracts (contracts that forbade unions), private guards to quell strikes, and court injunctions against strikes.32
5753899976railroad strike of 1877In 1887, this strike spread across much of the nation and shut down two-thirds of the country's railroads. An additional 500,000 workers from other industries joined the strike. The president used federal troops to end the violence, but more than 100 people had died in the violence.33
5753899977Knights of LaborStarted in 1869 as a secret national labor union. It reached a peak of 730,000 members.34
5753899978Haymarket bombingOn May 4, 1886 workers held a protest in which seven police officers were killed by a protester's bomb.35
5753899979American Federation of LaborThe labor union focused on just higher wages and improved working conditions. By 1901 they had one million members. Skilled labor36
5753899980Samuel GompersHe led the American Federation of Labor until 1924.37
5753899981Pullman StikeIn 1894, workers at Pullman went on strike. The American Railroad Union supported them when they refused to transport Pullman rail cars. The federal government broke the strike.38
5753899982Eugene DebsThe American Railroad Union leader, who supported the Pullman workers. The government broke the strike and he was sent to jail for six months.39
5753899989women clerical workersAs the demand for clerical workers increased, women moved into formerly male occupations as secretaries, bookkeepers, typists, and telephone operators.40
5753899990Protestant work ethicThe believe that hard work and material success are signs of God's favor.41
5753899991Adam SmithIn 1776, this economist wrote "The Wealth of Nations" which argued that business should not be regulated by government, but by the "invisible hand" (impersonal econmic forces).42
5753899992laissez-faire CapitalismIn the late 19th century, american industrialists supported the theory of no government intervention in the economy, even as they accepted high tariffs and federal subsidies.43
5753899994Social DarwinismThe belief that government's helping poor people weakened the evolution of the species by preserving the unfit.44
5753899996survival of the fittestThe belief that Charles Darwin's ideas of natural selection in nature applied to the economic marketplace.45
5753899997Gospel of WealthSome Americans thought religion ideas justified the great wealth of successful industrialists.46
5753899998Horatio Alger Stories self-made manHis novels portrayed young men who became wealth through honesty, hard work and a little luck. In reality these rags to riches stories were somewhat rare.47
5754015422Social GospelLate 19th century movement Protestant movement preaching that all true Christians should be concerned with the plight of immigrants and other poor residents of American cities and should financially support efforts to improve lives of these poor urban dwellers. Settlement houses were often financed by funds raised by ministers of this movement.48
5754023905Gilded AgeA name for the late 1800s, coined by Mark Twain to describe the tremendous increase in wealth caused by the industrial age and the ostentatious lifestyles it allowed the very rich. The great industrial success of the U.S. and the fabulous lifestyles of the wealthy hid the many social problems of the time, including a high poverty rate, a high crime rate, and corruption in the government.49

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