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AMSCO AP US History Chapter 24 Flashcards

AMSCO United States History 2015 Edition, Chapter 24 The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1939

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9017097212stock market crashA boom stock market of 1928 led to a sell off starting in October 1929. Within three years the stock market would decline to one-ninth of its peak. (p. 497)0
9017097213Black TuesdayOn October 29, 1929, millions of panicky investors sold, as the bottom fell out of the stock market. (p. 497)1
9017097214Dow Jones indexThe Wall Street stock market index. In September 1929 the index was at a high of 381, in three months it fell to 198. Three years later, the index would finally hit bottom at 41, less than one-ninth of the peak. (p. 497)2
9017097215buying on marginThis purchase method allowed people to borrow most of the cost of the stock, making down payments as low as 10 percent. Investors depended on the price of the stock increasing so they could repay their loans. (p. 497)3
9017097216uneven income distributionWages had risen relatively little compared to the large increases in productivity and corporate profits. Economic success was not shared by all, as the top 5 percent of the richest Americans received over 33 percent of all income. (p. 497)4
9017097217excessive debtConsumers and businesses believed the economic boom was permanent so they increased borrowing, which later led to loan defaults and bank failures. (p. 498)5
9017097218overproductionBusiness growth, aided by increased productivity and use of credit, had produced a volume of goods that workers with stagnant wages could not continue to purchase. (p. 498)6
9017097219Federal ReserveDuring the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve followed a tight money policy. Instead of trying to stabilize banks, the money supply and prices, they tried to preserve the gold standard. (p. 498)7
9017097220postwar EuropeEurope had not recovered from World War I and the U.S. insistence on loan repayment and tariffs weaken Europe and contributed to the Worldwide depression. (p. 498)8
9017097221debts and high tariffsLeading up to the Great Depression, the United States insisted on full World War I loan repayments and high tariffs on imports. This weakened Europe and contributed to the worldwide depression. (p. 498)9
9017097222Gross National ProductThe value of all the goods and services produced by a nation in one year. In 1929, the United States Gross National Product was $104 billion, but it dropped to $56 billion in 1932. (p. 498)10
9017097223unemploymentBy 1933 25% of the workforce, not including farmers, did not have employment. (p. 498)11
9017097224bank failuresDuring the Great Depression 20 percent of all banks failed. (p. 498)12
9017097225poverty and homelessDuring the Great Depression poverty and homelessness increased. (p. 499)13
9017097226Herbert HooverHe was President of the United States at the time of the stock market crash. He thought that prosperity would soon return. He was slow to call for legislative action and he thought public relief should come from the state and local governments, not the federal government. (p. 500)14
9017097227self-reliancePresident Herbert Hoover did not ask Congress for legislative action on the economy until the summer of 1930. He was concerned that government assistance to individuals would destroy their self-reliance. (p. 500)15
9017097228Hawley-Smoot TariffIn June 1930, President Hoover signed into law the highest tariff rates in history, ranging from 31 to 49 percent. In retaliation, European countries enacted their own tariffs. This reduced trade for all nations and worsened the worldwide depression. (p. 500)16
9017097229debt moratoriumSuspension on the payment of international debts. In 1931, President Hoover proposed a suspension of international debt payments. (p. 500)17
9017097230Farm BoardIt was authorized to help farmers stabilize prices by temporarily holding surplus grain and cotton in storage. (p. 500)18
9017097231Reconstruction Finance CorporationIn 1932, Congress funded this government-owned corporation as a measure for propping up faltering railroads, banks, life insurance companies, and other financial institutions. President Hoover thought that emergency loans would stabilize key business and the benefits would "trickle down" to smaller businesses and ultimately bring recovery. (p. 501)19
9017097232Twentieth AmendmentAlso known as the lame-duck amendment, this amendment shortened the period between the presidential election and inauguration. The new president's term would start on January 20. (p. 502)20
9017097233bonus marchThousands of unemployed World War I veterans marched to Washington, D.C. and set up encampments to demand immediately payment of the bonuses promised to them at a later date. The Army, led by General Douglas MacArthur broke up the encampment. (p. 501)21
9017097234Franklin D. RooseveltThis Democratic candidate won the 1932 presidential election. As a candidate, he promised a "new deal" for the American people, the repeal of Prohibition, aid for the unemployed, and cuts in government spending. (p. 502)22
9017097235Eleanor RooseveltShe was the most active first lady in history, writing a newspaper column, giving speeches, and traveling the country. She served as the president's social conscience and influenced him to support minorities. (p. 502)23
9017097236New DealFranklin D. Roosevelt's plan to help people at the bottom of the economic pyramid. (p. 503)24
9017097237relief, recovery, reformThe New Deal included the three R's: relief for people out of work, recovery for business and the economy, and reform of American economic institutions. (p. 503)25
9017097238Brain TrustFor advice on economic matters, Roosevelt turned to a group of university professors. (p. 503)26
9017097239Frances PerkinsRoosevelt's secretary of labor, she was the first woman to serve in a president's cabinet. (p. 503)27
9017097240Hundred DaysOn March 4, 1933, Franklin Roosevelt started his term and called Congress into a one hundred day session. They passed into law all of Roosevelt's legislation. (p. 503)28
9017097241repeal of ProhibitionIn 1933, the 21st Amendment was passed. It repealed the 18th Amendment. This ended Prohibition. (p. 503)29
9017097242bank holidayPresident Franklin Roosevelt ordered the banks to be closed on March 6, 1933. He made a radio address explaining that the banks would be reopened after allowing enough time for the government to reorganize them on a sound basis. (p. 503)30
9017097243fireside chatsPresident Franklin Roosevelt spoke on the radio to the American people. (p. 504)31
9017097244Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationThis agency guaranteed individual bank deposits. (p. 504)32
9017097245Public Works AdministrationDirected by Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, it allotted money to state and local governments for building roads, bridges, dams, and other public works. (p. 504)33
9017097246Harold IckesPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt's secretary of the interior. (p. 504)34
9017097247Civilian Conservation CorpThis organization employed young men for projects on federal lands and paid their families small monthly sums. (p. 504)35
9017097248Tennessee Valley AuthorityA government corporation that hired thousands of people in the Tennessee Valley, to build dams, operate electric power plants, control flooding, and erosion, and manufacture fertilizer. (p. 505)36
9017097249National Recovery AdministrationDirected by Hugh Johnson, this agency attempted to guarantee reasonable profits for business and fair wages and hours for labor. The complex program operated with limited success for two years before the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional. (p. 505)37
9017097250Schechter v. U.S.In 1935, the Supreme Court declared the National Recovery Administration (NRA) unconstitutional. (p. 505)38
9017097251Securities and Exchange CommissionThis agency was created to regulate the stock market and to place strict limits on the kind of speculative practices that led to the 1929 stock crash. (p. 505)39
9017097252Federal Housing AdministrationIt insured bank loans for building new houses and repairing old ones. (p. 505)40
9017097253Works Progress AdministrationThis agency created in 1935, part of the Second New Deal, it was much more ambitious than earlier efforts. Between 1935 and 1940 up to 3.4 million people were hired to construct bridges, roads, airports, and public buildings. Artists, writers, actors, and photographers were also employed. (p. 506)41
9017097254Harry HopkinsHe headed the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930s. (p. 506)42
9017097255National Labor Relations (Wagner) ActA 1935 act that guaranteed a worker's right to join a union and a union's right to bargain collectively. It outlawed business practices that were unfair to labor. (p. 507)43
9017097256Social Security ActIn 1935, this act created a federal insurance program based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people's working careers. Monthly payments would be made to retired people over the age of 65. (p. 507)44
9017097257election of 1936Franklin D. Roosevelt easily defeated the Republican nominee, Alf Landon. (p. 507)45
9017097258New Deal coalitionFrom the 1930s to 1960s, this political coalition consisted of the Solid South, white ethnic groups in cities, midwestern farmers, labor unions, and liberals. (p. 508)46
9017097259John Maynard KeynesBritish economist, whose theory said that in difficult times government needed to spend well above its tax revenues in order to stimulate economic growth. After the 1937 recession, Roosevelt adopted this strategy, which was successful. (p. 511)47
9017097260recession of 1937In the winter of 1937 the economy went into recession again. The new Social Security tax had reduced consumer spending and at the same time Roosevelt had cut back government spending in hopes of balancing the budget. (p. 511)48
9017097261Father Charles CoughlinA Catholic priest who founded the National Union for Social Justice, which called for issuing inflated currency and nationalizing all banks. His radio program attacks on the New Deal were anti-Semitic and Fascist. (p. 508)49
9017097262Francis TownsendHe proposed a simple plan for guaranteeing a secure income for the elderly. He proposed that a 2 percent federal sales tax be used to create a special fund from which every retired person over the age of 60 would receive $200 a month thus stimulating the economy. (p. 509)50
9017097263Huey LongHe proposed a "Share Our Wealth" program that promised a minimum annual income of $5000 for every American family to be paid for by taxing the wealthy. In 1935 he challenged Roosevelt's leadership of the Democratic party by becoming a candidate for president but was soon assassinated. (p. 509)51
9017097264Supreme CourtIn 1935, they declared two of President Roosevelt's recovery programs unconstitutional. (p. 509)52
9017097265reorganization planPresident Franklin Roosevelt proposed a plan that allowed the president to appoint a new Supreme Court justice for each current justice over the age of 70. Congress refused to pass this legislation. (p. 509)53
9017097266conservative coalitionRepublicans and many Democrats were outraged by President Franklin Roosevelt's plan to reorganize the Supreme Court. (p. 509)54
9017097267Congress of Industrial OrganizationsThis labor union concentrated on organizing unskilled workers in the automobile, steel, and southern textile industries. (p. 510)55
9017097268John L. LewisHe was President of the United Mine Workers Union and Leader of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. (p. 510)56
9017097269sit-down strikeIn 1937 workers at the General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan insisted on the right to join a union by sitting down at the assembly line. (p. 510)57
9017097270Fair Labor Standards ActIn 1938 this act established a minimum wage, a maximum standard workweek with extra pay for overtime, and child labor restrictions. (p. 511)58
9017097271minimum wageEstablish minimum pay for workers, initially set at 40 cents per hour. (p. 511)59
9017097272depression mentalityMillions of people who lived through the Great Depression developed an attitude of insecurity and economic concern that remained throughout their lives. (p. 512)60
9017097273drought, dust bowl, OkiesA severe drought in the early 1930s and poor farming practices led to the Oklahoma dust bowl. High winds away large amounts of topsoil. (p. 512)61
9017097274John Steinbeck, "The Grapes of Wrath"A novelist that wrote about hardships in his classic study of economic heartbreak in 1939, "The Grapes of Wrath". (p. 512)62
9017097275Marian AndersonAn African American singer who had been refused the use of Constitution Hall, she performed a special concert at the Lincoln Memorial. (p. 513)63
9017097276Mary McLeod BethuneOne of the African Americans that was appointed to middle-level positions in federal government. She was a leader of efforts for improving education and economic opportunities for women. (p. 513)64
9017097277Fair Employment Practices CommitteeIt was set up to assist minorities in gaining jobs in defense industries. (p. 513)65
9017097278A. Phillip RandolphHead of Railroad Porters Union who threatened a march on Washington D.C. to demand equal job opportunities for African Americans. (p. 513)66
9017097279Indian Reorganization (Wheeler-Howard) ActIn 1934 Congress repealed the Dawes Act of 1887 and replaced it with this act which returned lands to the control of tribes and supported preservation of Indian cultures. (p. 513)67
9017097280Mexican deportationDiscrimination in the New Deal programs and competition for jobs forced thousands of Mexican Americans to return to Mexico. (p. 513)68

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