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AMSCO AP US History Chapter 25 Flashcards

AMSCO United States History 2015 Edition, Chapter 25 Diplomacy and World War II, 1929-1945

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5811788483Good Neighbor PolicyPresident Franklin Roosevelt's foreign policy of promoting better relations with Latin America by using economic influence rather than military force in the region. (p. 523)0
5811788484Pan-American conferencesIn 1933, the United States attended a conference in Montevideo, Uruguay, in which we pledged to never again intervene in the internal affairs of any Latin American country. At a second conference in 1936, the U.S. agreed to the cooperation between the U.S. and Latin American countries to defend the Western Hemisphere against foreign invasion. (p. 523)1
5811788485Soviet Union recognizedThe Republican presidents of the 1920's had refused to grant diplomatic recognition to the Communist regime that ruled the Soviet Union. President Franklin Roosevelt promptly changed this policy by granting recognition in 1933. (p. 524)2
5811788486Independence for PhilippinesIn 1934, President Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass the Tydings-McDuffie Act which provided independence for the Philippines by 1946. (p. 524)3
5811788487reciprocal trade agreementsIn 1934, Congress enacted a plan that would reduce tariffs for nations that reciprocated with comparable reductions for U.S. imports. (p. 524)4
5811788488Japan takes ManchuriaIn September 1931, Japanese troops invaded Manchuria, on China's eastern seaboard. The League of Nations passed a resolution condemning the action but did not take action. (p. 521)5
5811788489Stimson DoctrineIn 1932, Secretary of State Henry Stimson said the United States would not recognize territorial changes resulting from Japan's invasion of Manchuria. (p. 522)6
5811788490fascismA political system in which people glorify their nation and their race through an aggressive show of force. Economic hardships led to the rise of military dictatorships, first in Italy, then in Japan and Germany. (p. 524)7
5811788491Italian Fascist partyIn 1922, they seized power in Italy. They attracted dissatisfied war veterans, nationalists, and those afraid of rising communism. They marched on Rome and installed Mussolini in power. (p. 524)8
5811788492Benito MussoliniHe founded the Italian Fascist Party, and sided with Hitler and Germany in World War II. In 1945, he was overthrown and assassinated by the Italian Resistance. (p. 524)9
5811788494German Nazi partyThis party arose in 1920's Germany in reaction to deplorable economic conditions after war and national resentments over the Treaty of Versailles. By 1933, the party under leader Adolph Hitler, had gained control of the German legislature. (p. 524)10
5811788496Axis PowersAlliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.11
5811788497Spanish Civil WarIn 1936, a rebellion erupted in Spain after a coalition of Republicans, Socialists, and Communists was elected. General Francisco Franco led the rebellion. The revolt quickly became a civil war, by 1939 Franco had established a military dictatorship. (p. 525)12
5811788498Francisco FrancoIn 1936, he plunged Spain into a Civil War. By 1939, Franco's Fascist had established a military dictatorship. (p. 525)13
5811788499RhinelandIn 1936, Adolf Hitler invaded this region. This was in violation of the Treaty of Versailles which had declared the area a demilitarized zone. (p. 526)14
5811788500SudetenlandIn 1938, Hitler insisted Germany had the right to take over an area in western Czechoslovakia. (p. 526)15
5811788501MunichA 1938 conference, at which European leaders attempted to appease Hitler by turning over the Sudetenland to him in exchange for promise that he would not expand Germany's territory any further. (p. 526)16
5811788502appeasementA policy of making concessions to an aggressor in the hopes of avoiding war. In the years 1935 to 1938, a series of military actions by Fascist dictatorships made Britain, France, and the United States nervous, but they did nothing to stop the actions. * 1935 - Italy invades Ethiopia * 1936 - German troops invade the Rhineland * 1937 - Japan invades China * 1938 - Germany takes the Sudetenland (p. 526)17
5811788503Poland; blitzkriegOn September 1, 1939, Germany invaded this country using overwhelming air power and fast-moving tanks, a term of warfare called lightning war. Britain and France then declared war against Germany. (p. 528)18
5811788504isolationismA policy of non-participation in international economic and political relations. A 1934 committee led by Senator Gerald Nye concluded the main reason for participation in World War I was because of the bankers and arm manufacturers greed. This caused the U.S. public to be against any involvement in the early stages of World War II. (p.. 525)19
5811788505Nye CommitteeIn 1934, a Senate committee led by South Dakota Senator Gerald Nye to investigate why America became involved in World War I. They concluded that bankers and arm manufacturers pushed the U.S. into the war so they could profit from selling military arms. This committee's work pushed America toward isolationism for the following years. (p. 525)20
5811788506Neutrality ActsLaws passed by isolationists in the late 1930s, that were designed to keep the United States out of international wars. (p. 525)21
5811788507America First CommitteeIn 1940, after World War II had begun in Asia and Europe, isolationists became alarmed by President Roosevelt's support for Britain. To mobilize American public opinion against the war, they formed this committee. Charles A. Lindbergh was one of it spokesmen. (p. 525)22
5811788508Charles LindberghIn 1927, this U.S. aviator thrilled the world, by making the first nonstop flight from Long Island to Paris. In 1940, he was a speaker for the isolationist America First Committee. (p. 480, 525)23
5811788509Quarantine speechIn 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made this speech after Japan invaded China. He proposed that democracies act together to "quarantine" Japan. Public reaction to the speech by the American public was negative, and the idea was abandoned. (p. 526)24
5811788510cash and carryPolicy adopted by the United States in 1939 to preserve neutrality, while aiding Great Britain. Great Britain could buy U.S. military arms if it paid in full and used its own ships to transport them. (p. 528)25
5811788511Selective Training and Service ActIn 1940, Roosevelt passed this law requiring all males aged 21 to 36 to register for military service. (p. 528)26
5811788512destroyers-for-bases dealIn September 1940, Roosevelt cleverly arranged a trade that would help Great Britain. The United States gave Britain fifty older but still serviceable US destroyers, in exchange the U.S. was given the right to build military bases on British Islands in the Caribbean. (p. 528)27
5811788514Wendell WillkieFranklin Roosevelt's Republican opponent in the 1940 Presidential election. (p. 529)28
5811788515Four Freedoms speechA speech by President Franklin Roosevelt on January 6, 1941 that proposed lending money to Britain for the purchase of U.S. military weapons. He argued that the U.S. must help other nations defend "four freedoms" (freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear). (p. 529)29
5811788516Lend-Lease ActIn March 1941, this act permitted Britain to obtain all U.S. arms they needed on credit during World War II. (p. 529)30
5811788517Atlantic CharterIn August 1941, U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill met aboard a ship off the coast of Newfoundland. They created this agreement which outlined the principles for peace after the war. (p. 530)31
5811788518escort convoysIn July 1941, the U.S. began to provide protection for British ship carrying U.S. arms being transported to Britain. (p. 530)32
5811788519oil and steel embargoIn September 1940, Japan joined the Axis powers. The United States responded by prohibiting export of steel and scrap iron to Japan and other countries. In July 1941, when Japan invaded French Indochina, the U.S. cut off Japanese access to many vital materials, including U.S. oil. (p. 530)33
5811788521War Production BoardDuring World War II, President Roosevelt established this agency to allocated scarce materials, limit or stop the production of civilian goods, and distribute contracts among competing manufacturers. (p. 531)34
5811788522Office of Price AdministrationThis World War II federal agency regulated most aspects of civilian lives by freezing prices, wages, and rents and rationing commodities in order to control inflation. (p. 532)35
5811788523government spending, debt (WWII)During World War II federal spending increased 1000 percent between 1939 and 1945, and the gross national product grew by 15 percent or more each year. By the war's end, the national debt was $250 billion, five times what it had been in 1941. (p. 532)36
5811788524role of large corporationsDuring World War II, the 100 largest corporations accounted for 70 percent of wartime manufacturing. (p. 532)37
5811788525research and developmentThe United States government worked closely with industrial companies, universities, and research labs to create and improve technologies that could be used to defeat the enemy. (p. 532)38
5811788526Manhattan ProjectCode name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II. (p. 532)39
5811788527Office of War InformationEstablished by the government to promote patriotism and help keep Americans united behind the World War II effort. (p. 533)40
5811788528the Good WarThe term for the unity of Americans supporting the democratic ideals in fighting World War II. (p. 533)41
5811788529wartime migrationDuring World War II, over 1.5 million African-Americans migrated from the South to job opportunities in the North and the West. (p. 533)42
5811788530civil rights, Double V campaignDuring World War II civil rights leaders encouraged African Americans to adopt the Double V slogan - one for victory, one for equality. (p 533)43
5811788531FDR's executive order on jobsDuring World War II, President Roosevelt issued an executive order to prohibit discrimination in government and in businesses that received federal contracts. (p. 533)44
5811788532Smith v. AllwrightThis Supreme Court case in 1944 ruled that it was unconstitutional to deny membership in political parties to African Americans as a way of excluding them from voting in primaries. (p. 533)45
5811788533Braceros programA program the American and Mexican governments agreed to, in which contract laborers would be admitted to the United States for a limited time as migrant farm workers (p. 533)46
5811788534Japanese internmentIn 1942, over 100,000 Japanese Americans living on the United States West coast were rounded up and put in internment camps. (p. 534)47
5811788535Korematsu v. U.S.A 1944 Supreme Court case which upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay financial compensation to each survivor. (p. 534)48
5811788536Rosie the RiveterA propaganda character designed to increase production of female workers in industrial jobs in the shipyards and defense plants during World War II. (p. 534)49
5811788537wartime solidarityThe New Deal helped immigrant groups feel more included, and serving together in combat or working together in defense plants helped to reduce prejudices. (p. 534)50
5811788538election of 1944In this presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt replaced his vice president with Harry S. Truman, as they ran against Republican Thomas Dewey. Roosevelt won an unprecedented fourth term, but he died within three months. (p. 534)51
5811788539Harry S. TrumanHe became president on April 12, 1945, when President Franklin Roosevelt died suddenly. In August 1945, he order an atomic bomb be dropped on Hiroshima then on Nagasaki, to end the war with Japan. Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945. (p. 537, 538)52
5811788540Battle of the AtlanticThe protracted naval war to control the shipping lanes in the North Atlantic. (p. 535)53
5811788541strategic bombingUnited States bomber carried out daylight bombing raids on military targets in Europe, but the lines between military and civilian targets became blurred as war went on. (p. 535)54
5811788542Dwight EisenhowerThe United States general who commanded the invasion of Normandy (D-Day), Casablanca and the defeat of Nazi Germany. (p. 536)55
5811788543D-DayOn June 6, 1944 the Allies landed in northern France with the largest invasion by sea in history. By the end of August Paris was liberated from the Nazis, and by September Allied troops had crossed the German border. (p. 536)56
5811788545island-hoppingThe United States strategy in the Pacific, which called for capturing Japanese-held islands in the Pacific and moving on to others to bring the American military closer and closer to Japan itself. (p. 536)57
5811788546Battle of MidwayOn June 4-7, 1942, the U.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet at Midway Island. The Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. The battle marked a turning point in the war in the Pacific. (p. 536)58
5811788547Douglas MacArthurUnited States general who served as chief of staff and commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II. (p. 537)59
5811788548kamikaze attacksJapanese pilots would deliberately crash their planes into American ships, killing themselves, but also inflicting severe damage to the ships. (p. 537)60
5811788549J. Robert OppenheimerAmerican theoretical physicist and professor of physics. He led the top-secret Manhattan Project, which built the world's first atomic bomb. (p. 537)61
5811788550atomic bombA nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission. (p. 537)62
5811788551Hiroshima; NagasakiOn August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Then on August 9, a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. About 250,000 Japanese died as a result. Within a week after the second bomb was dropped, Japan agreed to surrender. (p. 537)63
5811788552Big ThreeThe leaders of the Allies during World War II included: Soviet Union - Joseph Stalin, Great Britain - Winston Churchill, United States - Franklin Roosevelt. (p. 537)64
5811788553Casablanca ConferenceThe conference attended by Roosevelt and Churchill in January 1943, to discuss the strategy to win World War II. The plan called for the invasion of Sicily and Italy by British and American troops. They resolved to accept nothing less than unconditional surrender of Axis powers. (p. 537)65
5811788554unconditional surrenderA surrender with any demands or requests. (p. 538)66
5811788555Tehran, Yalta, PotsdamThe three cities that held conferences for the leaders of the Allied powers, United States, Great Britain, and Soviet Union during World War II. (p. 538)67
5811788556United NationsOn October 24, 1945, this international organization formed after World War II to promote international peace, security, and cooperation. (p. 539)68

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