Chapter 27: The Eisenhower Years, 1952-1960
Key Terms
6429738923 | Dwight Eisenhower | Commanded Allied forces in World War II: won election of 1952: delegated authority as president | 0 | |
6429738924 | Richard Nixon | Used campaign funds for personal use: almost was removed from election: persuaded public in debates: Eisenhower's running mate in 1952 | 1 | |
6429738925 | modern republicanism | Focused on a balanced budget: accepted and extended new deal programs: moderate views on national care plans | 2 | |
6429738926 | Oveta Culp Hobby | Head of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW)(founded 1953): first women in Republican cabinet | 3 | |
6429738927 | Soil-bank program | Reduced farm production, which increased farm income | 4 | |
6429738928 | Highway Act (1956) | Interstate highway system: Authorized construction of 42,000 miles of interstate highways linking major cities: created jobs, promoted trucking industry, accelerated the growth of the suburbs, and unified culture: hurt railroads and environment | 5 | |
6429738929 | John foster Dulles | "brinkmanship": Eisenhower's Secretary of State: proposed "brinkmanship": push Communist powers to brink of war to force them to back down | 6 | |
6429738930 | Massive retaliation | Greater reliance on nuclear weapons and air power and spending less on conventional forces. use nuclear weapons as a deterrent. | 7 | |
6429738931 | third World | Countries that recently gained their independence, and weren't industrialized or politically/economically stable | 8 | |
6429738932 | Iran | An oil rich Middle Eastern country: CIA overthrew government and installed Reza Pahlavi, a foreign oil friendly dictator | 9 | |
6429738933 | covert action | Undercover intervention in foreign nations by the CIA and US troops | 10 | |
6429738934 | Indochina | A French colony lost to Japan in World War II, where the French tried to take it back: US supplies were sent, but troops were refused: France surrendered | 11 | |
6429738935 | geneva Conference | Conference held in 1954, where France surrendered Indochina, and it was broken into Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam | 12 | |
6429738936 | Ho Chi Minh | A Vietnamese nationalist and Communist leader who gained power in 1954: formed a Communist dictatorship in North Vietnam | 13 | |
6429738937 | Vietnam | Divided into North and South Vietnam: North is Communist dictatorship: South is democratic: election for united leader never held | 14 | |
6429738938 | Domino theory | Theory that if one nation in Southeast Asia became Communist, it would spread throughout all of them | 15 | |
6429738939 | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (1954) | A regional defense pact signed by the US, Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan: agreed to protect each other's asset in Southeast Asia | 16 | |
6429738940 | Suez Canal crisis (1956) | Nasser of Egypt seized and nationalized the British and French owned Suez Canal. In response, Britain, France, and Israel carried out a surprise attack against Egypt and retook it. This infuriated Eisenhower. Britain and France would never gain play role of major power in world affairs. | 17 | |
6429738941 | Eisenhower Doctrine | Announcement in 1957 that the US would pledge economic and military aid to any Middle Eastern country threatened by Communism | 18 | |
6429738942 | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) | Created in 1960 by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela | 19 | |
6429738943 | "spirit of geneva" | A general atmosphere of both Soviets and Americans wanting peaceful relations after the Geneva Convention | 20 | |
6429738944 | open-skies crisis | A conflict between the United States over the proposal to allow aerial surveillance in both countries to prevent a surprise nuclear attack | 21 | |
6429738945 | Nikita Kruschev | The leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin, who wanted a more peaceful relationship with the West | 22 | |
6429738946 | Peaceful coexistence | The idea that both the Soviets and the Americans could coexist peacefully, with neither ideology attempting to undermine the other | 23 | |
6429738947 | Hungarian revolt | A revolt in Hungary that replaced the Soviet government with a liberal government: wanted to leave Warsaw pact: Soviets sent tanks to crush rebellion: Eisenhower didn't send help | 24 | |
6429738948 | Warsaw Pact | The Communist security organization, similar to NATO | 25 | |
6429738949 | Sputnik | The first satellite launched into orbit: launched by the Soviets in 1957 | 26 | |
6429738950 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | created in 1958: directed the United States efforts to compete with Russians in the Space Race | 27 | |
6429738951 | U-2 incident | A small US spy plane shot down over Russia revealed intelligence operations: ended chance for peace at Paris Summit, after Eisenhower told Krushchev about spy missions | 28 | |
6429738952 | Fidel Castro | A communist revolutionary who overthrew the Cuban government in 1959: nationalized American businesses: drew support from Soviets: formed communist totalitarian state | 29 | |
6429738953 | Cuba | An island nation off the coast of the United States: near Florida | 30 | |
6429738954 | military-industrial complex | The combination of industrial and military forces that continued the arms race | 31 | |
6429738955 | civil rights | The conflict between racist whites, and blacks over racial equality | 32 | |
6429738956 | Jackie Robinson | A black baseball player hired by the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first black player to play for a national team | 33 | |
6429738957 | NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: an organization dedicated to helping blacks achieve civil rights | 34 | |
6429738958 | desegregation | The merging of white and black facilities, so that both groups used the same facilities | 35 | |
6429738959 | Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka | Supreme court case claiming segregated public schools caused psychological damage: Earl Warren ruled separate facilities are unequal, and should end as soon as possible | 36 | |
6429738960 | Earl Warren | The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1954 | 37 | |
6429738961 | Little Rock crisis | The use of National Guards to prevent the segregation of Little Rock Central High School by Arkansas governor Orval Faubus in 1956: Eisenhower used federal troops to force National Guard Aside | 38 | |
6429738962 | Rosa Parks | A black woman who refused to leave her seat in Montegomery, Alabama in 1955, who was arrested | 39 | |
6429738963 | Montgomery bus boycott | A boycott of city buses following Rosa Park's imprisonment: ended when Supreme Court decided segregation laws were unconstitutional in 1956 | 40 | |
6429738964 | MLK, Jr. | Spokesperson for Southern Christian Leadership Conference: leader of movement to achieve nonviolent integration | 41 | |
6429738965 | Civil Rights Act of 1957, 1960 | Provided for a permanent Civil Rights Commission and giving the Justice Department powers to protect the voting rights of blacks | 42 | |
6429738966 | Civil Rights Commission | A commission designed to help to improve civil rights in segregated areas | 43 | |
6429738967 | Southern Christian Leadership Conference | A conference of Southern churches who felt segregation violated the bible's moral code: organized ministers and churches in the South | 44 | |
6429738968 | nonviolent protest | A form of protesting where violence is ignored, and goals are achieved by preventing services from being provided until concessions are made | 45 | |
6429738969 | sit-in movement | Movement dedicated to calling attention to segregated facilities: students would sit in restricted areas, inviting arrest | 46 | |
6429738970 | Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee | A committee formed to organize student sit-ins and nonviolent protests | 47 | |
6429738971 | corporate America | The transition from an industrial society to a service society, where there were more white collar jobs than blue collar jobs: promoted conformity and teamwork | 48 | |
6429738972 | consumer culture | The culture of consumption, where affluence was tied directly with possessions, and mass production produced conformity | 49 | |
6429738973 | David Riesman: The Lonely Crowd | A book criticizing the replacement of individualism with conformity | 50 | |
6429738974 | John Kenneth Galbraith: The Affluent Society | A book about the failure of wealthy Americans to address the common good by increasing social spending | 51 | |
6429738975 | Beatniks | A group of rebellious writers and intellectuals: led by Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: advocated spontaneity, drugs, and rebellion against societal standards | 52 |