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AMSCO AP US History Chapter 27 Flashcards

AMSCO United States History 2015 Edition, Chapter 27 The Eisenhower Years, 1952-1960

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9035349424elections of 1952, 1956In these two presidential elections Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon defeated Adlai Stevenson quite easily. (p. 580-581)0
9035349425Dwight EisenhowerThe United States general who supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany. In the election of 1952 he became the the 34th President of the United States. (p. 579)1
9035349426Adlai StevensonAn Illinois governor and the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956. He lost both elections to Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. (p. 580)2
9035349427Richard NixonHe was vice president under Dwight Eisenhower. In 19868, he would become the 37th President of the United States, but in 1974 he resigned in disgrace after the Watergate scandal. (p. 580)3
9035349428modern RepublicanismPresident Eisenhower's term for his balanced and moderate approach to governing. Claiming he was liberal toward people but conservative about spending money. He helped balance the federal budget and lowered taxes without destroying existing social programs. (p. 580)4
9035349429Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW)In 1953, President Eisenhower consolidated welfare programs under this new department, run by Oveta Culp Hobby, the first woman in a Republican cabinet. (p. 580)5
9035349430soil-bank programPresident Eisenhower created this program as a way to reduce farm production, thereby increasing farm income. (p. 580)6
9035349431Highway Act; interstate highway systemThe most permanent legacy of the Eisenhower administration was this act passed in 1956. It created 42,000 miles of highway linking every major city in the nation. (p. 580)7
9035349432John Foster DullesIn the Eisenhower administration, he was the Secretary of State that pursued a policy of pushing the USSR and China to the brink of war. However, Eisenhower prevented him from carrying his ideas the extreme. (p. 581)8
9035349433brinksmanshipThe principle of pushing Communist nations to the brink of war, thinking they would back down because of American nuclear superiority. (p. 581)9
9035349434massive retaliationThis was Eisenhower's policy, it advocated the full use of American nuclear weapons to counteract even a Soviet ground attack in Europe. (p. 582)10
9035349435decolonizationAfter World War II, dozens of European colonies in Asia and Africa became independent countries. (p. 582)11
9035349436India, Pakistan, IndonesiaFrom 1947 to 1949, these three countries gained their independence. (p. 582)12
9035349437Third WorldTerm applied to a group of developing countries that often lacked stable political and economic institutions. Their need for foreign aid often made them pawns of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. (p. 582)13
9035349438CIA, covert actionUndercover intervention in foreign government by the CIA during Eisenhower's presidency. (p. 582)14
9035349439Iranian overthrowIn 1953, the CIA helped overthrow this government and established a monarch ruler with close ties to the U.S. He provided favorable oil prices and purchased American military arms. (p. 582)15
9035349440Korean armisticeIn July 1953, China and North Korea agreed to an armistice that would divide Korea into North Korea and South Korea near the 38th parallel. (p. 583)16
9035349441IndochinaIn the early 1950s, France was fighting to retake control of their colony in southeastern Asia. The French were defeated in 1954 and they agreed to give up Indochina, which was divided into the nations of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. (p. 583)17
9035349442Ho Chi MinhThe North Vietnam Communist dictator who fought the French until 1954, and South Vietnam until 1975. (p. 583)18
9035349443Geneva ConferenceA 1954 conference between many countries that agreed to end hostilities and restore peace in French Indochina and Vietnam. (p. 583)19
9035349444division of VietnamBy the terms of the Geneva Convention, Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the 17 parallel until a general election could be held. A prolonged war (1954-1975) occurred between the Communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States. (p. 583)20
9035349445domino theoryThe political theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also fall to Communist control. (p. 583)21
9035349446Southeast Asia Treaty OrganizationIn 1954, an international organization for collective defend and block further Communist gains is Southeast Asia. (p. 583)22
9035349447State of IsraelIn 1948, after a civil war in the British mandate territory of Palestine left the land divided between the Israelis and the Palestinians, this nation was founded. The United Nations oversaw the process and many neighboring countries fought against the creating of this Jewish state. (p. 584)23
9035349448Arab nationalismArab nationalist General Gamal Nasser of Egypt, asked the United States for funds to build the Aswan Dam on the Nile River. (p. 584)24
9035349449Suez Canal CrisisIn July 1956, Egypt sized the British and French owned Suez Canal. Britain and France carried out a surprise attack and retook the canal. The United States sponsored a U.N. resolution condemning the invasion of Egypt. Eventually Britain and France withdrew their troops. (p. 584)25
9035349450Eisenhower DoctrineThis 1957 doctrine, pledged United States economic and military aid to any Middle Eastern country threatened by Communism. (p. 584)26
9035349451Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)In 1960, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela formed this organization of oil-producing nations. (p. 584)27
9035349452atoms for peaceIn 1953, President Eisenhower's proposal to the U.N. to slow down the arms race. (p. 585)28
9035349453spirit of GenevaThe 1955 meeting in Geneva, which produced the first thaw in the Cold War. (p. 585)29
9035349454open-skiesThe Soviets rejected this proposal for open aerial photography of eachothers territory in order to eliminate surprise nuclear attacks. (p. 585)30
9035349455Nikita KhrushchevThe ruler of the USSR from 1958-1964. He reduced government control of Soviet citizens and sought peaceful coexistence with the West. (p. 585)31
9035349456peaceful coexistenceIn early 1956, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, gave a speech in which he denounced the crimes of Joseph Stalin and supported "peaceful coexistence" with the West. (p. 585)32
9035349457Hungarian revoltIn October 1956, Hungary actually succeeded in overthrowing a government backed by Moscow. The Soviets sent in tanks to crush the freedom fighters and restore control over Hungary. The United States took no action in the crisis and gave de facto recognition of the Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. (p. 586)33
9035349458Warsaw PactThis 1945 agreement formed formed an alliance of the Eastern European countries including the USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. (p. 586)34
9035349459SputnikIn 1957, the Soviet Union shocked the United States by launching the first space satellites into orbit around the earth. Fears of nuclear war were intensified since the missiles that launched the satellites could also deliver nuclear warheads anywhere in the world within minutes. (p. 586)35
9035349460NDEA, NASAIn 1958, Congress created the National Defense and Education Act (NDEA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (p. 586)36
9035349461U-2 incidentIn 1960, the Soviet military used a guided missile to shoot down an American U-2 spy plane over Soviet territory, revealing a formerly secret American tactic of the Cold War. (p. 586)37
9035349462Fidel CastroA bearded socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba, only 90 miles from the United States. He nationalized American-owned businesses and the U.S. cut off trade with the country. (p. 587)38
9035349463military-industrial complexIn his farewell address, President Eisenhower warned the nation to "guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence... by the military-industrial complex". (p. 587)39
9035349464Jackie RobinsonThe first African American player in major league baseball. His actions helped to bring about other opportunities for African Americans. (p. 588)40
9035349465causes of movementThe origins of the 1950s civil rights movement was the migration of African Americans to the North where they gained more political power. As the United States battled the Soviets for the hearts and minds of people around the world, it was clear that racial discrimination in the U.S. was a wrong that needed to be corrected. (p. 588)41
9035349466NAACPThe National Association for the Advancement of Colored People tried to protect the constitutional right of African Americans. (p. 588)42
9035349467desegregationThe action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community. (p. 588)43
9035349468Brown v. Board of Education of TopekaIn May 1954, the Supreme Court agreed with Thurgood Marshal and ruled that "separate facilities are inherently unequal" and unconstitutional, and that school segregation should end immediately. (p. 588)44
9035349469Earl WarrenChief Justice of the Supreme Court, who presided over the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case, which overturned Plessy v. Ferguson. (p. 588)45
9035349470Southern ManifestoAfter the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision, 101 members of Congress signed this manifesto condemning the Supreme Court for a "clear abuse of judicial power". (p. 588)46
9035349471Little Rock CrisisIn 1957, Governor Faubus used the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine black students from entering Little Rock Central High School. President Eisenhower sent federal troops to ensure the black students could attend class. (p. 589)47
9035349472Rosa ParksIn 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, a middle aged black woman refused to give up her seat on a bus, which led to her arrest for violating segregation laws. This triggered an African American protest of boycotting the city buses. (p. 589)48
9035349473Montgomery bus boycottRosa Park sparked a massive Afican American protest of the Montgomery, Alabama buses. (p. 589)49
9035349474Martin Luther King Jr.The minister of a Baptist church in Montgomery, Alabama, and a civil rights leader. (p. 589)50
9035349475Civil Rights acts of 1957, 1960The first civil rights laws since Reconstruction, they formed the Civil Rights Commission and provided some protection for the voting rights of blacks. (p. 590)51
9035349476Civil Rights CommissionCreated by civil rights laws of 1957 and 1960. (p. 590)52
9035349477Southern Christian Leadership ConferenceIn 1957, Martin Luther King Jr. organized ministers and churches to create this civil rights organization. (p. 590)53
9035349478nonviolent protestTo call attention to the injustice of segregated facilities students would deliberately invite arrest by sitting in restricted areas. (p. 590)54
9035349479sit-in movementIn February 1960, African American college students in Greensboro, North Carolina created this protest after they were refused service at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. (p. 590)55
9035349480Student Nonviolent Coordinating CommitteeIn 1960, an organization that called attention to the sit-in movement. (p. 590)56
9035349481immigration issuesIn the 1950s, Congress dropped the bans on Chinese and other Asian immigrants and eliminated race as barrier to naturalization. (p. 590)57
9035349482Operation WetbackIn the early 1950s, this program forced an estimated 3.8 million people to return to Mexico. (p. 590)58
9035349483homogeneityA description of American 1950s culture. (p. 590)59
9035349484popular cultureIn the 1950s, white suburbanites conformed to societal norms. (p. 590)60
9035349485paperbacksThis innovation in books, started in the 1950s, and led to the sales of a million copies per day by 1960. (p. 591)61
9035349486televisionA curiosity in the late 1940s, by 1961 there were 55 million of these devices in America. (p. 591)62
9035349487rock and rollTeenagers loved this popular music which was available as inexpensive records during the 1950s. (p. 591)63
9035349488consumer cultureIn the 1950s, consensus and conformity were hallmarks of the American culture. Television, advertising, and the middle-class move to the suburbs, contributed to this culture. (p. 590)64
9035349489fast foodThere was a proliferation of these restaurants in the 1950s. (p. 591)65
9035349490credit cardsA new method of payment in the 1950s. (p. 591)66
9035349491conglomeratesIn the 1950s, large businesses with diversified holdings began to dominate industries such as food processing, hotels, transportation, insurance, and banking. (p. 591)67
9035349492social criticsIn the 1950s, conformity was valued. William Whyte documented the loss of individuality in his book, "The Organization Man" (p. 591)68
9035349493The Lonely CrowdIn 1958, this book by Harvard sociologist David Riesman criticised the replacement of inner direct individuals with other directed conformists. (p. 592)69
9035349494The Affluent SocietyIn 1958, economist by John Kenneth Galbraith wrote this book about the failure of wealthy American to address the need for increased social spending for the common good. (p. 592)70
9035349495The Catcher in the RyeA 1950s book by J. D. Salinger, it provided a classic commentary on phoniness as viewed by a troubled teenager. (p. 592)71
9035349496Catch-22A 1950s book by Joseph Heller that satirized the stupidity of the military and war. (p. 592)72
9035349497beatniksA group of rebellious writer and intellectuals led by Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. They advocated spontaneity, use of drugs, and rebellion against societal standards. (p. 592)73

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