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Anatomy and Physiology - Cell Biology Flashcards

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2208912885ReplicationThe process by which DNA makes a copy of itself, occurs in nucleus 1) Helicase unwinds DNA strand and unzips it down the middle 2) DNA polymerase reads the unwound strands and lays down corresponding nitrogenous bases 3) Helicase zips strands back up and winds them into helix 4) Results in 2 identical DNA strands, half new, half old0
2208912886Cell DivisionThe process by which a cell divides into two new daughter cells. Each daughter cell must be provided with a complete copy of the parental cell DNA1
2208912887Template StrandThe DNA strand that provides the template for ordering the sequence of nucleotides in an RNA transcript.2
2208912888Complimentary StrandThe DNA strand that is created by RNA transcript.3
2208912889Transcription(DNA-->mRNA) Process whereby the DNA sequence in a gene is copied into mRNA, occurs inside nucleus 1) Helicase unwinds and unzips new DNA strand 2) RNA Polymerase copies the DNA template into mRNA, replacing thymine with URACIL 3) mRNA leaves nucleus headed for a ribosome4
2208912890Translation(mRNA-->proteins) Process in which genetic information coded in mRNA codons direct the FORMATION OF SPECIFIC PROTEINS at a ribosome in the cytoplasm, occurs in cytoplasm 1) rRNA in the ribosome reads message from mRNA 2) tRNA brings amino acids that match mRNA codons 3) A chain of amino acid begins to form 4) The completed chain forms a protein5
2208912891mRNAmessenger RNA; type of RNA that carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm6
2208912892tRNAtransfer RNA; type of RNA that carries amino acids to the ribosome -each tRNA is specific to an amino acid (20+)7
2208912893rRNAA globular RNA that is combined with special protein that makes up a ribosome -transcribed from DNA in nucleolus8
2208912894CodonA specific sequence of THREE adjacent bases on a strand of DNA or RNA -each codon provides genetic code information for ONE particular amino acid9
2208912895GeneA specific piece of DNA (series of codons) that codes for a specific protein which has a functional role in our life.10
2208912896RNA PolymeraseAn enzyme that links together the growing chain of RNA nucleotides during transcription, using a DNA strand as a template.11
2208912897PromoterA specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that binds RNA polymerase and indicates where to start transcribing RNA.12
2208912898Stop CodonThe codon that ends all RNA translation (UAG, UAA, or UGA)13
2208912899AnticodonA sequence of three bases of a tRNA molecule that hydrogen bonds with the complementary three-nucleotide codon of an mRNA molecule during translation14
2208912900MutationAny event that changes genetic structure of DNA/RNA15
2208912901Point Mutationmutation that affects a single nucleotide, usually by substituting one nucleotide for another16
2208912902PolysomeA group of ribosomes moving along the same mRNA as they simultaneously translate it.17
2208912903Tay-Sachs DiseaseAn inherited disease in which a DEFICIENTCY OF LYSOSOMES where glycolipid accumulation in brain neurons causes mental retardation, blindness and eventual death18
2208912904Free RibosomesRibosomes suspended in cytoplasm which will function in cytoplasm and not organelles (ex: enzymes)19
2208912905LysosomesA membrane bound sack containing digestive enzymes that can break down macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides20
2208912906Rough Endoplasmic ReticulumSystem of internal membranes within the cytoplasm. Membranes are rough due to the presence of ribosomes. Functions in ASSEMBLY and TRANSPORT of PROTEINS to the golgi apparatus21
2208912907SecretionThe process in which a functionally specialized substance is released from a gland or cell by EXOCYTOSIS22
2208912908MitochondriaAn organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.23
2208912909PeroxisomesAbundant in the liver and kidney where they neutralize free radicals and detoxify alcohol and other drugs. Also break down fatty acids which mitochondria uses for energy.24
2208912910CytoskeletonA network of fibers that holds the cell together, helps the cell to keep its shape, and aids in movement25
2208912911Microfilaments-ACTIN Filaments (made of actin) -Long, thin fibers -Function in the MOVEMENT and support of the cell -Form MICROVILLI -7 nm external diameter (smallest)26
2208912912Intermediate Filaments-A component of the cytoskeleton that includes all filaments intermediate in size between microtubules and microfilaments -Most STABLE of cytoskeleton (make claws and hair) -Function in STRENGTH, stability, compartmentalization -Mechanical support for plasma membrane -12 nm external diameter (middle sized)27
2208912913Microtubules-Hollow rods composed of TUBULIN proteins -Form mitotic spindle during cell division -Play huge role in INTRACELLULAR MOVEMENT -make up part of the cytoskeleton -found in cilia and flagella -25 nm external diameter (largest)28
2208912914FlagellaPlasma membrane extension specialized for locomotion, formed from a core of nine outer doublet microtubules and two inner single microtubules29
2208912915Cillia]Hair-like processes that project from epithelial cells -help propel foreign substances from the respiratory tract -made of microtubules30
2208912916Cellular RespirationProcess that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen31
2208912917Cellular Respiration-Takes place in mitochondria -Requires oxygen -Requires sugar (glucose) -Yields energy! (ATP) STEPS: Step 1) Glycolysis Step 2) Citric Acid Cycle Step 3) Electron Transport Chain32
2208912918GlycolysisStep 1 in Cellular Respiration -1 glucose molecule (6 carbon sugar) --> 2 pyruvate molecules -Does not produce much energy -Takes place in cytoplasm Yields: -2 Pyruvic Acid molecules -2 ATP33
2208912919Pyruvate-Broken down form of glucose -End product of glycolysis -Under aerobic conditions-breaks down to form acetyl CoA -Under anaerobic conditions-turns into lactic acid34
2208912920Pyruvate OxidationStep 2 in Cellular Respiration (Transition Reaction Between Glycolysis and CAC) -Occurs in mitochondrial matrix Yields: -2 ACETYL COA molecules (initiators for CAC) -NADH -CO235
2208912921Citric Acid CycleStep 3 in Cellular Respiration -2 CA cycles for every 1 glucose molecule (one for each of the 2 pyruvic acid/Acetyl CoA molecules) -occurs in mitochondrial matrix 2 Citric Acid Cycles Yield: -2 ATP -4 CO2 -2 FADH2 -6 NADH36
2208912922Electron Transport ChainStep 4 in Cellular Respiration (Final Step) -Involves protein complexes embedded in mitochondrial membrane -Electrons captured from donor molecules and transported through these complexes -Hydrogen ions (protons) pumped outside of membrane, creating gradient -O2 --> H2O -ATP synthase uses this gradient to make 34+ ATP from ADP and phosphate37
2208912923ATP Synthase-A protein enzyme embedded in the membrane of the mitochondria -H+ ions move through ATP synthase as a result of facilitated diffusion -It makes ATP from ADP + inorganic phosphates38
2208912924Aerobic RespirationRespiration in which OXYGEN is CONSUMED and glucose is broken down entirely; water, carbon dioxide, and large amounts of ATP are the final products39
2208912925Anaerobic Respiration-ETC uses electron acceptors other than oxygen -Yields less ATP than aerobic resp40
2208912926MitosisCell's division of the nucleus. Final product is 2 daughter cells that are exactly like the parent cell.41
2208912927ProteasomesFunction: Breakdown and recycling of damaged or abnormal intracellular proteins42
2208912928MetabolismAll of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism43
2208912929AnabolismAll synthesis reactions in a living organism; the building of complex organic molecules from simpler ones44
2208912930CatabolismBiological processes which primarily break down large storage and other chemicals, often releasing energy in the process.45
2208912931Redox Reactions46
2208912932Plasma Membrane-A selectively-permeable phospholipid-bilayer forming the boundary of the cells -Separates cell contents from internal environment47
2208912933CytoplasmA jellylike fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended48
2208912934MicrotubuleA hollow rod composed of tubulin proteins that makes up part of the cytoskeleton in all eukaryotic cells and is found in cilia and flagella.49
2208912935CentrioleFormed from groups of Microtubules, form mitotic spindle during cell division50
2208912936NucleusA part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction51
2208912937NucleoplasmThe fluid contained within the nucleus of a eukaryote in which the chromosomes and nucleoli are found.52
2208912938NucleolusA region within the nucleus where: -rRNA is transribed -ribosomes are partially assembled53
2208912939ChromosomesDNA molecules wraped around proteins and wound tightly54
2208912940ChromatinDNA and the proteins that it associates with. -Forms chromosomes -Site of mRNA synthesis55
2208912941Nuclear EnvelopeDouble-membrane layer that separates nuclear contents from cytoplasm56
2208912942Nuclear PoresOpenings in the nuclear envelope that control the movement of substances between the nucleus and cytoplasm -allow proteins to enter -allow mRNAs to exit57
2208912943Smooth Endoplasmic ReticulumIntracellular membrane system that functions in: -DETOXING of harmful substances -LIPID synthesis58
2208912944Rough Endoplasmic ReticulumAn intracellular membrane system covered with ribosomes where many PROTEINS are assembled for: -secretion -lysosomes -plasma membrane59
2208912945LysosomeAn organelle containing digestive enzymes -hydrolysis of macromolecules60
2208912946Golgi ApparatusA system of membranes that MODIFIES and PACKAGES proteins for export by the cell61
2208912947MitochondriaOrganelle with both an outer and inner membrane, functioning in: -ATP energy synthesis -cellular respiration62
2208912948RibosomeCytoplasmic organelle at which proteins are synthesized.63
2208912949MatrixThe compartment of the mitochondrion enclosed by the inner membrane and containing enzymes and substrates for the citric acid cycle.64
2208912950CristaeInfoldings of the INNER membrane of a mitochondrion that houses the electon transport chain and the enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of ATP.65
2208912951Outer Membrane66
2208912952Inner Membrane67

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