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Anatomy - Muscles of The Human Body Pictures! Flashcards

Muscle lab Exam For Tcc
Credits go to Victoria College: thank you for creating a note card set with images
Includes location/action/origin/insertion
Muscles images that are missing from this list-
Musles that Are Missing:
Epicranius (Occipitofrontalis)*
Frontal belly (Frontalis) - raises eyebrows
Occipital belly (Occipitalis) - pulls scalp posteriorly
Erector spinae group - prime mover of back extension
Fibularis (peronius) brevis - plantar flexes and everts foot
Semimembranosus (medial) - extends thigh and flexes knee
Gluteus medius* - abducts and medially rotates thigh
Teres minor- same as infraspinatus to adduct arm
Subscapularis - medial rotator of humerus / stabilizes shoulder
Supraspinatus - shoulder stabilization prevents downward dislocation of humerus
Infraspinatus - stabilizes the shoulder / rotates humerus laterally
Frontal belly (Frontalis) - raises eyebrows
Occipital belly (Occipitalis) - pulls scalp posteriorly
Erector spinae group - prime mover of back extension
Diaphragm - prime mover of inspiration
Subscapularis - medial rotator of humerus / stabilizes shoulder
Supraspinatus - shoulder stabilization prevents downward dislocation of humerus
Infraspinatus - stabilizes the shoulder / rotates humerus laterally
Pronator teres - pronates forearm

Terms : Hide Images
2490548029orbicularis orisKissing/whistling; purses and closes lips0
2490548030orbicularis oculiBlinking and squinting; closes eyes1
2490548031Zygomaticus major and minor74 & 75 "Smiling Muscle". Raises lateral corners of mouth upwards.Muscles of facial expression2
2490548032BuccinatorCompresses cheek (as in whistling or sucking). Holds food between teeth during chewing. Well developed in nursing infants.3
2490548033masseterElevates mandible. Prime mover of jaw closure.4
2490548034temporalisCloses jaw; elevates and retracts mandible; holds position of mandible at rest.5
2490548035sternocleidomastoidprime mover of head and neck flexion6
2490548036trapeziusadducts/elevate scapula shrugging shoulders7
2490548038pectoralis majorprime mover of arm flexion; pulls rib cage up8
2490548039latissimus dorsiprime mover of arm extension9
2490548040deltoidprime mover of arm abduction, antagonist of pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi10
2490548041Teres Minor- same as infraspinatus;synergist of latissimus dorsi ; helps latissimus dorsi medially rotates and adducts humerus adducts arm11
2490548042triceps brachiiForearm extensor and antagonist of arm flexors12
2490548043brachialismajor forearm flexor13
2490548044brachioradialis(location) Synergist in fore arm flexion, stabilize elbow14
2490548045external obliquehelps rectus abdominis flex vertebral column spinal cord also aids rectus abdominis in increasing intra abdominal pressure15
2490548046transverse abdominiscompresses abdominal contents16
2490548047gluteus maximusmajor thigh extensor extension = increase the angle17
2490548048Sartoriusflex, adduct and laterally rotates thigh18
2490548049Tibialis anteriorprime mover of lifting the foot dorsiflexion19
2490548050soleusplantar flexes foot, important in walking and running20
2490548051flexor digitorum longus(location) plantar flexes and inverts foot21
2490548052extensor digitorum longusprime mover of toe extension22
2490548053External intercostalspull ribs toward one another to elevate rib cage23
2490548054Biceps brachiiflexes elbow and supinates forearm24
2490548056External oblique26
2490548058Gluteus maximus28
2490548060Gracilisadducts muscle long strap like that passes from the pubic bone to the ulna flexes knee29
2490548061Semitendinosus2nd hamstring muscle long band like muscle posterior towards medial side also connects to ischium and proximal to tibia30
2490548062iliopsoasprime mover for flexing thigh31
2490548063Internal intercostals32
2490548064Latissimus dorsi- prime mover of arm extension (arm power stroke)33
2490548065Masseter- elevates mandible34
2490548066Orbicularis oculi- blinking, squinting35
2490548067Orbicularis oris- kissing and whistling36
2490548068Pectoralis major- prime mover of arm flexion or pulls rib cage up37
2490548069Rectus femoris- extends knee and flexes thigh at hip38
2490548070vastus lateralisextends and stabilizes knee part of Quadriceps femoris39
2490548071vastus medialispart of quadriceps Quadriceps femoris40
2490548072vastus medialisextends knee and stabilizes patella41
2490548073Rectus abdominisflex and rotate lumbar region of spinal cord42
2490548074Sartoriusflex, adduct and laterally rotates thigh43
2490548075Serratus anterior- important role in abduction and raising of arm movement "boxers muscle"move laterally and upward, essential to raising arm, fixes scapula for arm abduction44
2490548076Tensor fasciae lataeflex and abducts thigh45
2490548077Trapeziusadduct or elevate scapula as in shrugging shoulders46
2490548078Triceps brachiiforearm extensor antagonist of flexors47
2490548079teres minoris a small muscle squeezed between the infraspinatus and teres major. It is located high in the axilla. between 60-6148
2490548080biceps brachii49
2490548081triceps brachii50
2490548084transverse abdominisyellow box is?53
2490548085internal oblique54
2490548086rectus abdominis55
2490548087Brachioradialis- synergist in forearm flexion stabilizes elbow56
2490548088adductor longus57
2490548089Adductor magnus- anterior part adducts and medially rotates or flexes thigh/ posterior part synergist with hamstrings on thigh extension58
2490548090fibularis (peroneus) longusplantar flexes and everts foot59
2490548091Flexor digitorum longus- plantar flexes and inverts foot60
2490548092Frontalislies over the frontal bone #1361
2490548093Temporaliselevates and retracts mandible62
2490548094orbicularis OculiOculi blinking, squinting63
2490548095orbicularis oriskissing and whistling muscle suround the lips64
2490548096Masseterelevates mandible65
2490548097Masseterelevates mandible66
2490548098Buccinator- compresses cheek67
2490548099Trapezius- adduct or elevate scapula as in shrugging shoulders68
2490548100sternocleidomastoidprime mover of head and neck flexionMuscle/function69
2490548101sternocleidomastoidprime mover of head and neck flexion70
2490548103Teres Major72
2490548104Serratus anteriorIdentify what the arrow is pointing to73
2490548105Latissimus Dorsi- prime mover of arm extension74
2490548106Palmaris Longus- tenses skin and fascia of palm during hand movement75
2490548107semitendinosisHamstrings posterior extend thigh, flex knee76
2490548108semimembranosus3rd hamstring muscle posterior most medially located muscle back of thigh also connects to ischium and to tibia77
2490548109Gastrocnemiusplantar flex foot; flex knee78
2490548110fibularis longusa long strap like muscle located on the lateral side of leg79
2490548111Soleusplantar flex foot80
2490548112tibialis anteriordorsiflex and invert foot81
2490548113Brachioradialus- synergist in forearm flexion / stabilizes elbow distal end of humerus insertion - styloid process of radius82
2490548114GracilisPubic symphysis, pubis Insertion - Tibia83
2490548115Rectus femorisIllium Insertion - Patella, tibial tuberosity of tibia84
2490548116Vastus LateralisGreater trochanter & linea aspera Insertion - Patella, tibial tuberosity of tibia85
2490548117Vastus MedialisLinea aspera of femur Insertion - Patella, tibial tuberosity of tibia86
2490548118Vastus intermediusextends knee Body shaft of femur Insertion Patella, tibial tuberosity of tibia87
2490548119Sartoriusflex, adduct and laterally rotates thigh IlliumInsertion - Body of tibia88
2490548120Biceps Femorishas two heads one attached to ischium and the other attaches to the femur hamstrings89
2490548121Semitendinosusischial tuberosity of ischium Insertion Body of tibia medial extends thigh at hip flexes knee90
2490548150pronatormedial rotation Radium shaft Humerus distal end92
2490548152flexor carpi radialisFlex and abducts the wrist and may assist to flex the elbow. Originates on common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus. Insertion on bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals.93

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