"Ancient Greece: Greek Mythology" (ReadWorks)
"Ancient Greece: The Cyclopes" (ReadWorks)
"Ancient Greece: The Ancient Greeks" (ReadWorks)
"Ancient Greece: Greek Drama" (ReadWorks)
992368024 | myth | a story that people made up a long time ago to explain how something in nature happens, because they didn't have the science to understand it e.g. why it rains, why the sun sets, why it snows | 1 | |
992368025 | ancient | very, very old or a very long time ago | 2 | |
992368026 | dis- | a prefix that means "not" | 3 | |
995316984 | e.g. | means "for example" | 4 | |
1001103273 | chaos | no order; total confusion | 5 | |
1001103274 | prefix | a word part that goes in FRONT of a root word that totally changes its meaning e.g. misunderstand (mis- is the ______ and understand is the root word) | 6 | |
1005341637 | genre | a kind of writing like fiction, nonfiction, poetry, fantasy, fable, interview, or biography | 7 | |
1005347692 | root word | a word that can stand on its own, or it can have a prefix or suffix added to it in order to change its meaning e.g. beautiful (beauty is the ____ and -ful is the suffix) | 8 | |
1005388229 | -ology | a suffix that means "the study of" | 9 | |
1005409465 | suffix | a word part that goes at the END of a root word that totally changes its meaning e.g. prettier (pretty is the root word and -er is the ______) | 10 | |
1086052165 | overthrow | defeat; get rid of | 11 | |
1086052166 | Cyclops | figures in Greek mythology with one huge eye who were trapped in the underworld because the rulers of the universe hated them; Zeus freed them and they gave him gifts of thunderbolts | 12 | |
1086052167 | Zeus | ruler of the universe; freed the Cyclops from the underworld | 13 |