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Ancient Greece Flashcards

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222922996Peloponisiamodern day Greece0
222922997Anatoliamodern day Turkey1
222922998Cretefirst powerful Greek society2
222922999olympicshonor zeus3
222923000Knossosthe capitol of Minoan Greece4
222923001Maritime tradeSeatrade that was very successful and had advanced engineering in the Mediterranean Ocean5
222923002Frescopigment that goes inot the plast in the wall. there was a fresco painting in the Queens chamber6
222923003The fall of Minoan GreeceTsunami or Mycenean Invasions7
222923004Trojan WarHelen arrives in Troy, then Agamemnon plans the invasion of Persia to bring back Helen8
222923005AgamemnonPlanned the invasion of Persia9
222923006HomerBlind poet who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey10
222923008Acropolishighest point in Athens11
222923010Polishigh point of every town: political and agricultural12
222923012Agoramarketplace in all of the city states13
222923014Athenshad the strongest navy14
222923016Forms of government1. Monarchy 2. Aristocracy 3. Oligarchy15
222923018Transition TeamTyrants, one at a time, would take control of the government and represented the comon people16
222923021DemocracyWhat Athens evolves into17
222923023DracoFirst lawgiver; written law, rule of law, punitive, modern term "draconian"; favorite punishment was the death penalty18
222923025SolonExpanded Germany, outlawed debt slavery, opened government positions to commoners19
222923026CleisthenesCreated the first democracy, council of 500. Assembly becomes genuine legislature20
222923027Darius was madAfter Darius puts down a rebellion, the Athenians decided to sail across the Mediterrranean to help aid the Ionians21
222923028Marathon26 miles from Athens; It was a win for Athens; city-states came together in times of distress22
222923029*ThermopylaeSparta had the best army23
222923030SalamisName of straight that the Spartans had to pass through in order to get home. The Athenian navy was waiting for the Spartans on the other side of the straight to blow up the Spartan's ships as they were coming out of the straight. The Greeks won 2 out of the 3 battles, so they won the war.24
222923031Dalian LeagueWhen Greece came together so it can protect itself as a whole. The leader of the league was Athens25
222923032Periclesacademic, intellectual, and economic center; after battles and wars, one was picked to give a eulogy and gave a funeral oration; lotted ideas of Athenian democracy; "Some must die so others can go free"26
222923033Parthenonappealing to eye; symmetry; ideal of beauty27
222923034Socratesno written records; socratic method; questioned everything; lived during the Peloponnesian Wars; government saw questioining as a threat and was put to death by using Hecklock poison28
222923035PlatoSocrates' most famous student; thinks Democracy is mob rule; three class society; men surpass women in physical and intellectual tasks29
222923036The Academyschool created by Plate which lasted 800-900 years and was the model for most European universities in the mid 1000s30
222923037AristotlePlato's most famous student; thinks that any government can be good or bad; The golden mean; comes up with logic; scientific method31
222923038Drama TragediansAeschylus, Sophacles (Epidus), Euripides32
222923039PythagorasPythagorean theorem33
222923040Democritusall matter is made up of small atoms34
222923041Hippocrates"Father of Medicine"35
222923042HerodotusHistory of the Persian Wars; be objective; father of history36
222923043ThucydidesHistory of the Peloponnesian Wars; examine the source!37
222923044Spartapowerhouse from 600 BCE- 300 BCE; largest city-state in terms of territory38
222923045Slavesoutnumbered the Spartans in a 200:1 ratio39
222923046HelotsSpartan slaves40
222923047Gerousia28 member council of elders41
222923048ApellaAssembly at the age of 30 which enabled men tohave voting power42
222923049EphorsMade up of 5 selected officials that made many judgements about the war43
222923050Phalanxwhen a group of men come together, put up their shields and create a dome as a form of defense44
222923051Infanticidechildren with disabilities get thrown out of society and left to die on their own45
222923052Peloponnesian Wara war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta after 1/3 of the Athenian population was wiped out by the Athenian plague46
222923053Phillip IIruler of Macedonia; wanted to either control Greece or be accepted by the Greeks as an equal. Alex was his son47
222923054Alexander the GreatWent to school in Greece and was educated by Aristotle; conquers Egypt and all of the Middle East, then India; never lost a battle; always had the Iliad with him; made his generals marry princesses or nobles in order to create alliances48
222923055Hellensic PeriodAlex the Great took control over the Macedonian Empire at age 20; Conquered the entire Persian Empire and capture Persepolis; died at the age of 33 from Malaria; the empire falls apart in North Africa and the entire Middle East49
222923056Alexandria, EgyptBecame the center of the academic world50
222923057Ptolemic, Egyptthe pharaohs ruling there were of Greek heritage and ruled Egypt for 300 years; the last pharaoh was Cleopatra51
222923058DiogenesCynics- ignore social conventions and avoid luxeries; citizens of the world; live a humble, simple life52
222923059EpicurusEpicureans- avoid pain and seek pleasure; all excess leads to pain53
222923060ZenoStoics- live accordingly to reason; ignore pleasure and pain; true happiness is found in great achievement54
222923061Hellenistic Artmore realistic, less ideal then Hellenic art; showed more individual emotions, wrinkles, and age55

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