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Ancient India Flashcards

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204634537Mohenjo- DaroIndus Valley city laid out in a grid pattern. Had a complex irrigation and sewer system, one of the first settlements in India. Had baths used for ceremonian reasons.0
204634538DravidiansDark skinned people who lived south of the Undus River Valley. They got wiped out by Natural Disasters or Invasions.1
204634539The Vedic Age1500-300 the period in which Arya is in control of Northern India.2
204634540Aryan MigrationThey were pastoral (dependent on their cattle). Warriors had horse drawn charriots. Sanskrit was developed and is still not decifered.3
204634541Vedassacred texts in the Hindu religion, they are a set of four collections of hymns and religious ceremonies transmitted by memory through the centuries by Aryan priests4
204634542RigvedaThe most important and longest Veda.5
204634543Rajas and MaharajasTribal leaders for Aryans. They were the princes, Kings, and Greater Kings. They were the Hindu core of beliefs.6
204634544MahabharataWorlds longest poem- 90,000 stanzas. It was part of the Rigveda and included the concept of Dharma, religious prayers, magical spells, and the concept of Karma. It revolved into Hinduism.7
204634545Dharmain Hinduism, the duties and obligations of each caste. It was the code of ethics.8
204634546Karmathe force generated by a person's actions that determines how the person will be reborn in the next life. If you are good, you will follow dharma; if you are bad, you dont follow dharma.9
204634547HinduismA body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to India and characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of many forms and natures. It had 33,000 dieties. Veda came first, where as all other religions, prophets do. It can be mono or poly.10
204634548Upanishadascommentaries on the Vedas11
204634549VarnaThe four major social divisions in India's caste system: the Brahmin priest class, the Kshatriya warrior/administrator class, the Vaishya merchant/farmer class, and the Shudra laborer class. There were also untouchables. Jatis made up each class. At first the classes were divided by skin color.12
204634550JatiSocial mobility within the classes- groups containing hundreds of families. If someone breaks rules, the council of elders expels you and you become an untouchable.13
204634551UntouchablesExpelled people. The three jobs they had were to collect trash, pick up dead bodies and tan leather.14
204634552Satia ritual that required a woman to throw herself on her late husband's funeral pyre or burn herself. This was done gladly and if a woman didn't comply with this she would be disgraced. This followed dharma and in return, she would get reincarnated.15
204634553Mauryan Dynastydynasty established in India established after Alexander's invasion16
204634554Chandragupta MauryaHe founded India's first empire. He was an Indian prince who conquered a large area in the Ganges River valley soon after Alexander invaded western India. He practiced Hinduismand divided his empire into provinces, then destrics for tax assessments (50%) and law enforcement. He unified northern India. He was paranoid about being assassined. He then became a Jain, became vegetarian then vegan then starved to death.17
204634555JainismA religion founded in India in the 6th century BC, whose members believe in ahisma and that everything in the universe has a soul and therefore should not be harmed.18
204634556AbdicateChandragupta gave up his positioin in government and gave it to his son.19
204634557AhismaThe practice of nonviolence to nonliving things.20
204634558AsceticThe practice of extreme self discipline for religious devotion.21
204634559KautilyaChandraguptas advisor who wrote The Treatise of Material Gain of the Arthashastra about gaining political power. He said the ends justifies the means and was a guide for the King and his ministers. It supports royal power, states the evil in society is anarchy and that a single authority is needed to emplay force when necessary. He doesn't care about Karma.22
204634560AsokaHe was Chandragupta's grandson. Religious conversion after the gruesom battle of Kalinga. Dedicated his life to Buddhism. He build extensive roads so people can travel the path of the Buddha. He had rough chambers, rest stops every 9 miles, and stupas.23
204634561Kalingaterritory in eastern India conquered by Ashoka in 261 BCE; 150,000 abducted and 100,000 killed; drove Ashoka to become a Buddhist24
204634562Stupashrine to house a piece of the Buddha.25
204634563Charity, Honesty and JusticeConflict of how to balance Kautilyas's methods of keeping power to Buddha's demands to become a selfless person.26
204634564Law CodeEdicts were scattered in more than 30 places in India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Written mostly in Sanskrit, but one was in Greek and Armanian.27
204634565Asoka's Lion CapitolCarved from a piece of stone and is the modern day symbol of India's republic. The four lions represent strength and power. The lotus is a symbol of Buddhism.28
204634566Scientific ContributionsCreated the numeric system, figured out the rythm to the monsoons. Contacted Arrabs through trade and the Arrabs accepted the system. Europeans took it from the Arrabs during war. Earth is a sphere. Matter is divided into five elements: Earth, air, fire, water, and gas.29
204634567Asoka DiedAfter Asoka died, there was turmoil and a power vacuum with Kushan. Hinduism takes over after Asoka and Buddhism travels east to China."The middle way of wisdon and compassion"30
204634568KushanAfter Ashoka's death, the Mauryan Dynasty was replaced by that of the Kushan who was in the middle of 2 kingdoms. On the west it was the Roman Empire at their peak and the east was Han China.31
2046345693 Jewels of Buddhism1. Buddha himself 2. Buddha's Dharma (Teachings) 3. Sangha: Buddhist Community32
204634570Siddhartha GautamaThe original Buddha. He was a high cast Hindu. His dad was a Maharaja who protected him from the world. He only saw good, no suffereing. His dad organized a parade for when he left his palace and sees a sick and old person. He abandoned his wife and child and became assetic. He meditated for 40 days and became a Buddha.33
204634571DesireThe cause of all suffering.34
204634572Four Noble Truths1. There is suffering in the world. To live is to suffer. 2. The cause of suffering is self-centered desire 3. The solution is to eliminate desire and attachements (Nervana= extinction) 4. To reach Nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path35
204634573Mandala"Sacred circle": Buddhist diagram of the cosmos; sand painting; represents the impermanence of life and is swept away after it is finished to keep people from not getting attached or obsessive.36
204634574Therevada BuddhismOriginally in India. It was the "lesser vehicle". It was a philosophy not a religion- if everyone followed the eightfold path and 4 truths, they can reach nirvana through reincarnation.37
204634575Mahayana BuddhismFat buddha created in northern Asia. "Greater vehicle". Buddha has become a dity because it has become easier to practice. They seeked help from the Bodhisattvas (wise beings) and then became teachers. People chose to be reincarnated.38
204634576Tibetan BuddhismA mixture of Theravada and Mahayana. The Bodhisattvas include Lamas, like the Dalai Lama.39
204634577Zen BuddhismBuddhism practiced in Japan40
204634578DogmaticIn terms of religion- truth, absolute thought41
204634579TotalitarianGovernment has control over all aspects of your life42
204634580AssimilateTo start to conform to customs and attittudes as those around you43
204634581AbolishTo end44
204634582DespotPertains to a ruler who uses their powers appressively45
204634583EgalitarianCharacterized by a beleif in equality- social, economic and political46
204634584AltemiLuster medals into gold47
204634585DestitudeSo poor that you have no food, clothing, or shelter48
204634586PropogandaDeliberate spreading of ideas (can be positive)49
2046345875 Major Religions (In order)Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam50

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