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Angiosperms Flashcards

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8049950646stamenmale reproductive structures0
8049950647antherproduces pollen1
8049950648filamentsupports the anther2
8049950649sexual reproductionpollen transferred to stigma3
8049950650self-fertilizationpollen transferred to stigma of same plant4
8049950651cross-fertilizationpollen transferred to stigma of different plant5
8049950652flowerplant reproductive structure6
8049950653angiospermsplants that bear fruit and flowers7
8049950654receptaclepart of the branch on which a flower forms8
8049950655sepalsleaf like structure that surround and protect the flower before it blooms9
8049950656petalscolorful part of flowers that attracts insects10
8049950657pistilconsists of stigma, style, and ovary11
8049950658ovules (eggs)stored in ovary until fertilized12
8049950659fruitany structure that encloses and protects a seed13
8049950660seedsfertilized ovules (egg) that have developed14
8049950661wind or watera way for flowers with less or absent petals to be pollinated15

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