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Animal Science 101 Flashcards

Animal Science Final Exam Vocab list

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16231170animal welfare actprotects some animals but not all -> care and treatment
16231171avian influenzazoonic disease affecting chicken
16231172barrowcastrated male
16231173berkshiretype of pig known for its quality and palatablity, erect ears
16231174capitol flightcaused a decline in the number of foals born
16231175carcass traitstraits of a carcass (marbling, quality, cutability)
16231176crossbreedingdifferent breeds being bred together
16231177farrowwhen a gild/sow has babies
16231178feed efficiencyfood produced/feed put in
16231179follicle stimulating hormonegonadotrophin
16231180gonadotrophin releasing hormonecauses the pituitary gland to release gonadotrophin
16231182hypothalamuspart of the brain that releases gonadotropin releasing hormone
16231183inbreedingbreeding of animals from the same family
16231184indian gaming actcaused a decline in the number of foals born
16231185line breedingbreeding of animals distantly related
16231186lutenizing hormonegonadotrophin
16231187mating systemsystem of mating
16231188monogastricsimple stomach, one stomach
16231189pituitaryreleases gonadotropin
16231190polygenicmore than one gene
16231191pseudo ruminantboth regular stomach and ruminant stomach (llama)
16231193quantitativenon physical
16231194ruminantmultiple stomach, able to digest grass, (cow)
16231195salmonellabacterium that infects eggs (can be passed to humans)
16231196yorkshiretype of pig known for its sow productivity but not a good mother
16231197zoonoictype of disease, avian influenza
16231198aquaculturefarming of organisms in controlled aquatic enviornments
16231199channel catfish virusswollen belly, bulging eyes and spots (fish)
16231200dressedskinned and deheaded fish
16231201filetsboned sections of fish cut lenghtwise
16231202off-flavorcaused by algae and the fish eating dead fish
16231203steakscross sections of dressed fish
16231204strips and fingerssmaller pieces cut from filets
16231205mortalitydeath rate
16231206prop 2animals must be able to move all limbs freely in all directions (passed 63%)
16231207stress hormonecorticosterone (affects the palatability of the meats)
16231208allelegene mutation
16231209chromosomeDNA that contains genes
16231210genehereditary unit that occupies a specific position
16231211cloneexact replica of parent (down to the genetic code)
16231212genomeall the DNA present in an organism
16231213genomicsstructure, function, and interrelationships of individual genes and the genome in its entirety
16231214heterozygotehave both dominant and recessive genes (rR,Rr)
16231215homozygotehave either both recessive or both dominant genes (RR,rr)
16231216Locusposition within the chromosome
16231217pompe's diseaseglycogen overload causing skeletal, heart and respiratory muscle deterioration
16231218SNPsingle nucleotide polymorphism
16231219spider lamb syndromeskeletal disorder seen in black faced sheep
16231220transgenic animalgenes/parts of genes integrated into animals they normally aren't in
16231221transgenicswhen the genes of one animal are transposed into the body of another
16231222xenotransplationanimal tissues used in humans (heart valves)
16231223acetic acidused to ferment milk into cheese, produces a different taste from lactic acid
16231224bactofugationremoves bacteria and heat resistant spores
16231225casein proteinsprimary component of cheese
16231226clarificationremoves solid impurities
16231227coagulationdepending on the different type, different cheeses are produced (acidification, enzymatic, combination, heat and acid)
16231228culturesdifferent bacteria (mesophyllic, thermophilic, gas producing, mold forming)
16231229curdscoagulated milk, different treatments produce different cheeses
16231230fermentationdairy products mixed with bacterium
16231231homogenizationdisruption of fat globules into smaller sizes (to prevent cream separation)
16231232lactic acidwhat the causes the reaction from milk to cheese (can be replaced with acetic acid for a different tasting cheese)
16231233lactosecarbohydrate in milk, fermented by lactase (disaccharide)
16231234microfiltrationassists in removing bacteria and spores (membrane filtration)
16231235pasteurization161 degrees F for 15 seconds or 145 for 30 minutes (kills pathogens, destroys most spoilage organisms, denatures milk enzymes, but does not chagne chemical, nutritional or physical characteristics)
16231236Q-feveroriginally transmitted in raw milk
16231237ripeningcured cheese left for 1 month to 1 year to "fix" taste
16231238separationseparates cream from milk
16231239standardizationadjusting fat content to desired level
16231240tuberculosisoriginally transmitted in raw milk
16231241typhoid feveroriginally transmitted in raw milk
16231242ultra pasturizaationhigh temperature 125-138 degrees for 2-4 seconds
16231243wheywhey proteins make up whey-stable pH and sensitive to heat
16231244cutabilityamount of lean to fat
16231245dark firm and dry meatDFD- associated with long term stress and a higher pH
16231246dressing percenthot carcass weight/live weight x 100
16231248gradingpredicts the palatability (tenderness, flavor, juiciness)
16231249hot carcass weightweight of carcass (once mud, hide and gut fill has been taken out) before it is chilled
16231250inspectionmaking sure the cow is good or the meat isnt contaminated (USDA)
16231251marblingamount of fat within the muscle
16231252meat tenderizationcaused by protein degration
16231253PSE meatPale Soft and Watery caused by acute stress and rapid pH decline
16231254quality meatsprime, choice, select and standard
16231255yield grades# of closely trimmed boneless retail cuts

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