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AP 11 Lit Terms 2

This is the second set of lit terms for Mrs. Summerlee's AP 11 classes. Watch out for figurative language terms; they're tough!

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9242889expository writingwriting that intends to inform, explain, argue; nonfiction
9242890fictionliterary prose based on imagination and not necessarily on fact
9242891figurative languagewriting that goes beyond the literal, original use of the words; aka figure of speech. There are two types: tropes and schemes.
9242892tropewords that MEAN more than what they say directly; one of the two main figures of speech
9242893metaphora comparison of two seemingly unlike objects for the purpose of creating interest in imaginative writing;a type of trope
9242894similea comparison of two seemingly unlike objects using the words LIKE or AS; a type of trope
9242895conceitan elaborate metaphor that drives a whole poem or story; a type of trope
9242896metonymyreferring to something by naming an object closely associated with it; a type of trope
9242897synecdochereferring to something by naming one part of the object; a type of trope
9242898hyperboleexaggeration for emphasis; opposite of understatement; a type of trope
9242899litotesunderstatement done for emphasis by saying what something is not; a type of trope
9242900symbolismusing a literal object to represent an abstract idea; a type of trope
9242901schemeinteresting ARRANGEMENT or play with words, often times to effect the sound; one of the two main figures of speech
9242902alliterationrepetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words; a type of scheme
9242903assonancerepetition of vowel sounds within words; a type of scheme
9242904consonancerepetition of consonant sounds within words; a type of scheme
9242905onomatopoeiawords that imitate the sounds they describe; a type of scheme
9242906parallelismwording ideas of equal importance with a similar sentence structure and often placing them in succesion; a type of scheme
9242907appositivea noun set beside another noun to explain or identify it; a type of scheme
9242908anastropheinverting the natural order of words; a type of scheme (Think Yoda!)
9242909anadiplosisa word or a phrase is repeated twice in a row; it's at the end of one sentence or clause and then again at the beginning of the next sentence or clause; a type of scheme
9242910antithesisthe opposite or contrast of ideas written in similar sentence structure; a type of scheme
9242911foreshadowinghints or clues that prepare the reader for future events
9242912genrea type of literature (be able to name some)
9242913imagerysensory detail
9242914ironythe contrast between expectations and reality; 3 types exist
9242915verbal ironythe character or author says one thing, but means something else
9242916dramatic ironythe audience/ reader sees or knows something that other characters cannot; ensuing events are ironic
9242917situational ironyone event is expected to occur, but something entirely different actually occurs
9242918loaded languageemotionally charged words used to persuade
9242919local colorstyle of writing that brings regional literature alive by detailing dialect, dress, mannerism, customs, character types, and landscapes of a particular area of the country
9242921monologuea speech given by one person; if alone on stage=soliloquy; if alone in a story=interior monologue
9242922motifan idea that resurfaces throughout an individual work
9242923narrativewriting that tells a story; may be true or false or a combination
9242924narrationdescription of actions in a story
9242925nonfictionprose written about real people, events, places, and ideas
9242926novelan extended work of fiction
72422395understatementgiving less credit than something is worth; opposite of hyperbole; a type of trope

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