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AP 6

spanish ap week 6

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217746940el hipohiccup
217746941el hombroshoulder
217746942la hormonahormone
217746943el hospitalhospital
217746944el huracánhurricane
217746945impedir una enfermedadto prevent an illness
217746946la incapacidadincapacity
217746947el incendiofire
217746948el infartoheart attack
217746949el insomnioinsomnia
217746950la inundaciónflood
217746951la inyeccióninjection
217746952el jarabesyrup
217746953la médicafemale doctor (m)
217746954el medicamentomedication
217746955la medicinamedicine
217746956el mordiscoa bite
217746957la muelamolar
217746958el muertodead person
217746959la muletacrutch
217746961el nervionerve
217746962el nódulonodule; node
217746963operarto operate
217746964el/la pacientedoctor's patient
217746965padecerto suffer (p)
217746966palpitarto palpate; to beat
217746967el pánicopanic
217746968las paperasmumps
217746969el pechochest
217746970el/la pedíatrapediatrician
217746971el peligrodanger
217746972la picadurainjection site; shot
217746973la pielskin
217746974el poropore
217746975la presiónpressure
217746976prevenirto prevent
217746977el pronósticoprognosis
217746978el psicólogopsychologist
217746979el/la psiquiatrapsychiatrist
217746980la pubertadpuberty
217746981el pulsopulse
217746982el puspuss
217746983quebrarto break (q)
217746984la quemaduraburn
217746985la muertedeath
217746986mareadoseasick; dizzy; nauseous
217746987el quistecyst
217746988recuperarseto recuperate
217746989recurrirto recur
217746990el reflejoreflex; reflection
217746991la relajaciónrelaxation
217746992relajarto relax
217746993el remedioremedy
217746994el resfriadocold
217746995el riesgorisk
217746996romperto break (r)
217746997la sala de emergenciaER
217746998la salivasaliva
217746999la saludhealth
217747000sangrarto bleed
217747001la sangreblood
217747002el sarampiónmeasles
217747003sebáceooily (skin oil)
217747004seboskin oil
217747005el servicioservice, bathroom
217747007el SIDAAIDS
217747008el síndromesyndrome
217747009el síntomasymptom
217747010la sinusitissinus infection
217747011el/la sobrevivientesurvivor
217747014el sueñodream
217747015el temblortremor
217747016la temperaturatemperature
217747017tener náuseasto be nauseous
217747018el/la terapeutatherapist
217747019el terremotoearthquake
217747020el testigowitness
217747021torcerseto twist
217747022la tormentastorm
217747023el tornadotornado
217747024la toscough
217747025toserto cough
217747026el tratamientotreatment
217747027tropezar conto run into; to trip
217747028la tuberculosistuberculosis
217747029el tumortumor
217747030la varicelachicken pox
217747031el vendajebandage
217747032el veterinariovet
217747033el yesocast

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