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Ap American chapters10-12

Identifications for American Pageant 13th Edition Chapters 10-12

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Not called for in the constitution but established by George Washington as advisers to the president.
Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson Secretary of the Treasury: Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War: Henry Knox
The first ten amendments to the Constitution, that safeguard American principles.
Added my Madison, stated that the right's in the constitution are not the only rights that Americans are guaranteed.
Added by Madison, allows all rights unless they are specifically prohibited in the constitution.
Organized the supreme courts, a federal court district, circuit courts, and the office of attorney general.
The federal government would pay off all debts in their full value plus interest.
The site of the federal district. Located on the Potomic river because Virginia payed off Massachusetts debts.
Belief that the constitution should be interpreted liberally.
Belief that the constitution shouldn't be interpreted liberally by means of the elastic( proper and necessary) clause.
Riots that started in Pennsylvania in 1794 when Hamilton placed a heavy tax on whiskey. Similar to the riots from the Stamp Act but Washington gathered an army to put them down because they had representation in government.
Stated that the United States would remain neutral in the war between Britain and France and warned Americans not to support either side.
French Citizen who came to the United States to try and convince American citizens to support France.
1795, the Indian confederacy gave up old northwestern land in return for, $20,000, the right to hunt, and recognized status.
Chief Justice John Jay went to London in 1794 to end their impressment of American soldiers, and evacuate their forts. Britain agreed to pay for damages of ships and evacuate some forts but they would not promise to stop attacking ships.
1795, Treaty with Spain that gave Americans free usage of the Mississippi River and the territory north of Florida.
Toward War peoples headed by Alexander Hamilton
President Adams appointed three men to meet with Tallyrand, the French prime minister, but were met by three unknown men, X Yand Z, who demanded a $25,000 bribe to see Tallyrand. America refused to pay the bribe.
France agreed to end their pact created in the Franco-American alliance if America payed for their own ship damages.
Gave the president the power to deport or imprison foreigners.
Stated that anyone who criticized the president or any other government official would be subject to fine or imprisonment.
Written by Madison and Jefferson, stated that the federal regime had done more than constitutionally allowed by passing the Alien Sedition acts.
refusal to accept a law.
Insisted that no social class would receive special privileges, especially agricultural farmers.
Ran for vice president in the 1800 election and tied with Jefferson but the electoral college still chose Jefferson as president. Burr killed Hamilton his political rival.
Created 16 new federal judges. Filled by the midnight judges as a scandal to fill the courts with federalists.
Appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by John Adams.
Learned that he was supposed to receive a position as one of the midnight judges, but was denied his job by Madison. He then sued for his commission.
Marshal ruled that the Judiciary Act was unconstitutional and gave the Supreme Court the power to determine constitutionality, judicial review.
Explorers sent by Jefferson to explore the northern part of the Louisiana purchase.
A Shoshoni woman who helped Lewis and Clark by establishing peaceful relations with the Indians.
Trekked to the head of the Mississippi river and the southern part of the Louisiana purchase. He also found the Colorado peak.
1806, closed European ports under French control to foreign shipping after France seized all ships at British ports.
Forcing sailors to work on a different ship.
1807, Forbade all exporting from the United States.
1809, Forbade exporting goods with Britain and France.
Opened trade to all the world if Britain/France removed their shipping restrictions.
federalists who wanted another war with England to end the impressment of American sailors.
Indian war chief who sided with the British the war of 1812 because he didn't want to give up his land to white men.
Prophet of the Shawnee Indians, who fought Harrison's army at Tippecanoe.
Governor of the Indian territory, who gathered an army and defeated Tecumseh and his army becoming a war hero.
Battle between the Indians and Harrison, in which America was victorious.
1813, battle between the Americans and the British, where Tecumseh died.
American naval officer who built a fleet of ships on lake Eerie where he captured a British fleet.
American who was aboard a British ship during the fight at Fort McHenry when he wrote "The Star Spangled Banner"
Andrew Jackson defeated the Indians who lived in the Southwest.
1814, Treaty between Britain and America after the war of 1812 in which both sides agreed to stop fighting, no gains or losses.

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