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AP American History Final Flashcards

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50397473Kentucky and Virginia ResolutionsThomas Jefferson and James Madison created legislature supporting states rights and a "contract between states rather than a strong central gov't0
50397474Bank WarJackson destroyed bank and spread federal funds throughout the states1
503974751st National BankCreated by Alexander Hamilton in 1791 to stimulate Northern Businesses2
50397476Monroe Doctrinean American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers3
50397477Abraham Lincoln16th President of the United States4
50397478Kansas-Nebraska ActNebraska and Kansas would be slave or free based on popular sovereignty. Proposed by Stephen Douglass5
50397479American SystemInternal Improvements; Protective Tariff; and 2nd National Bank6
50397480Corrupt BargainHenry Clay, the Speaker of the House of Reps. helped swing the Presidential vote of 1824 to John Q. Adams instead of Jackson in order to become Adams' Sec. of State7
50397481Fort SumterU.S. Navy tried to re-supply Federal Fort in Charleston Harbor but SC fired upon the Fort beginning the Civil War8
50397482Marbury vs. MadisonSupreme Court case in which Judicial Review was est.9
50397483Judicial ReviewSupreme Court has last say on issues of Constitutionality10
50397484Midnight JudgesFederal Judges appointed by Adams on his last night in office in order to maintain Federal power in gov't11
50397485Emancipation Proclamationissued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862, it declared that all slaves in the rebellious Confederate states would be free12
50397486Battle of AntietamMilitary draw because of McClellan's failure to pursue Lee. Caused Lincoln to issue Emancipation Proclamation13
50397487Mexican WarLed to Civil War; provoked by President Polk; caused tension w/ Mexico; gained land in SW U.S.14
50397488William Henry HarrisonThe 9th President (1st Whig) died in office of Pneumonia15
50397489Tariff of Abominations 1828Tariff passed to help Northern businesses but was hated by southerners such as Calhoun. Led to the Nullification Crisis16
50397490Nullification Crisis 1832South Carolina Legislature refuse to pay tariff and was forced to militarily17
50397491Missouri Compromise 1820Missouri would become a slave state, and all new states admitted below the 36°30' line would be slave18
503974922nd National Bankcreated by Henry Clay to go along with his protective tariff and internal improvements19
50397493Panic of 1837over speculation of land by "Wild Cat Banks" in Old Northwest during Jacksonian Era20
50397494Hartford ConventionFederalists of North demanded financial aid for war debts21
50397495Embargo Act 1807passed by congress forbid exports of all goods out of the U.S. in order to hurt Br. and Fr. economy22
50397496Louisiana Purchase 1803Jefferson bought Louisiana Territory from Napoleon23
50397497Judiciary Act 1789est. federal courts and the Supreme Court w/ 5 associate justices and 1 chief justice24
50397498Jamestown, VAfounded in 1607 by the English25
50397499Santa Fefounded in 1610 by the Spanish26
50397500Quebecfounded in 1608 by the French27
50397501Sir Walter Raleighlaunched first attempt to colonize New World at Roanoke28
50397502VA Company of Londonjoint stock company that founded Jamestown29
50397503Captain John Smithleader of Jamestown Colony30
50397504Powhatanleader of the Native Americans around Jamestown31
50397505Anglo-Powhatan Warfight between Native Americans and colonists over land and food32
50397506Lord De La Warrimposed harsh military regime among Jamestown colonists33
50397507Tobaccostaple crop of VA colony; exhausted land;34
503975081619year when first Africans arrived in America35
50397509Catholicmain religion of Maryland colony36
50397510House of BurgessesGovernment in VA colony37
50397511Indentured servitudewhite servants who are free labor for a certain # of years38
50397512African Diasporathe spread of Africans around the New world39
50397513Carolina Colonycreated in 167o; named after King Charles II40
50397514Ricestaple crop of the Carolinas41
50397515James Oglethorpefounded the Georgia colony42
50397516John Wesleyfounded the Methodist Church43
50397517primogenturethe statement that the oldest son received land from his father and younger sons seeked fortunes elsewhere44
50397518Calvinismdominant theology of New England Puritans45
50397519Mayflower Compactpact made by pilgrims stating agreement to self governing in the New World46
50397520Massachusetts Bay ColonyPuritan settlement in New England47
50397521William BradfordPilgrim governor for many years48
50397522John WinthropGovernor of Massachusetts Bay colony for 19 years49
50397523Great Migrationmovement of Europeans to the New world in the 1600's50
50397524Puritanscalvinists who wanted to purify the church of England51
50397525town governmentsclose homes in New England led to this political system52
50397526QuakersPennsylvania settlers; religious society of friends53
50397527Anne Hutchinsondissenter who fled to Rhode Island54
50397528Roger Williamsexiled and founded Rhode Island55
50397529New England ConfederationBoth Massachusetts and both Connecticut colonies came together to help defend from the dutch and NA's56
50397530Dominion of New Englandcreated by London to help enforce Navigation laws57
50397531Glorious Revolutionbloodless revolution in England which began the period of salutary neglect58
50397532salutary neglectvery little British influence in the colonies59
50397533New AmsterdamNew York City; founded by the Dutch60
50397534Dutch Refomed ChurchReligion created by the Dutch in NY61
50397535William Pennfounder of Pennsylvania62
50397536Head right systemColonists would pay for european's trip across Atlantic in return for more land out west63
50397537Bacon's Rebellionfrontiersman in VA rioted against Governor Berkley b/c of his lack of protection from Indians on the Frontier64
50397538Royal African companycompany with a granted charter to transport slaves to the colonies65
50397539middle passagename for the path of the Atlantic slave trade66
50397540Stono RebellionAfrican revolt in SC in 173967
50397541Midwifeassistance with childbirth and other womanly duties68
50397542Scarlet Letterwritten by Nathaniel Hawthorne to describe the affects of adultery in NE69
50397543proprietorsowners of colonies70
50397544Harvard1st American college founded in 163671
50397545William and Mary2nd college founded in 169372
50397546Half way covenantused to increase church membership but decreased the power of the "elect"73
50397547Salem witch trailpeople opposed to the puritan church were accused of witchcraft in order to be hung74
50397548Yankee ingenuityexample is town meeting democracy75
50397549Leisler's Rebellionriot against lordly land holders in NYC76
50397550Molasses Actpassed by Br. parliament in order to stop trade between colonies and the French West Indies77
50397551Great Awakeningreligious movement from 1730-1740 which resulted in new denominations and colleges78
50397552Enlightenmentera of scientific reason which increased democratic ideas and advances in medicine and science79
50397553Jonathan Edwardsreligious evangelical preacher: "sinners of an angry god"80
50397554George WhitefieldEnglish evangelical preacher81
50397555old lightsorthodox clergymen82
50397556new lightsevangelical preachers83
50397557Benjamin FranklinPoor Richards Almanac84
50397558John Peter Zenger TrialMan was accused of overstepping freedom of speech and press by printing bad things bout the royal governor of NY85
50397559Samuel de Champlainsoldier and explore; "father of new France"86
50397560Jesuitsmissionaries who were vital explorers and geographers87
50397561Robert de la Salletraveled down the Mississippi and founded Louisiana88
50397562King Williams WarBr. colonists vs. French fur trappers89
50397563War for Jenkins EarBritish vs. Spanish in the Caribbean Sea90
50397564French and Indian WarBritain vs. France over territory in the New World91
50397565George Washingtonled VA troops to Fort Necessity to begin the French and Indian War92
50397566Join or Dieslogan and propaganda created by Ben Franklin to help unit colonies in French Indian War93
50397567William Pittstrong british leader, "Great Commoner94
50397568Albany Plan of Unioncolonies must unite to win war with Franceq95
50397569Treaty of Parisended the French and Indian War; harsh blow against Indian nations96
50397570Proclamation 1763End of Salutary neglect; colonists couldn' move west of the Appalachain Mts.97
50397571Pontiac's Rebellionattempt by Indians and French to remove British from Ohio R. valley98
50397572Quartering Act of 1765colonies had to provide food and shelter for British troops99
50397573Stamp Act Congressdelegates from 9 colonies who drew up a list of grievances to the King100
50397574Declaratory Actparliaments right to bind the colonies in all cases101
50397575Crispus AttucksAfrican American who was a leader of the mob of the Boston Massacre102
50397576Samuel Adamsmaster propagandist and engineer of rebellion who was a cousin of John Adams103
50397577Boston Tea PartyBostonians dressed as Indians boarded British ships and dumped tea into the harbor104
50397578Intolerable Actslaws taking away chartered rights of colonists105
50397579First Continental Congressmet in 1774 to redress colonial grievances106
50397580Articles of Confederation1st government created by the U.S.; failed107
50397581Mercantilismmother country used colonies to become rich108
50397582Stamp Act of 1765tax on stamps used to increase revenue for Br. Military109
50397583Sons of Libertymale colonial protesters110
50397584Townshend Actstax on goods such as white lead, paper,tea glass adnd paint111
50397585John Adams2nd U.S. president; Federalist112
50397586Abigail Adamswife of John Adams and a very influential person through her husband113
50397587Thomas HutchinsonGovernor of Massachusetts whose house was burned by protesters114
50397588Quebec Act of 1774French were allowed to keep their old customs and institutions115
50397589Declaration of Rightsexpressed loyalty to British116
50397590HessiansHired german soldiers117
50397591Sugar Act of 1764Law that modified the 1733 Molasses Act thus reducing the amount of taxes collected on molasses and sugar, but increasing the measures to enforce the Act (with date)118
50397592virtual representationthe colonies were represented by the government officials in Britain119
50397593Daughters of Libertyfemale colonial protesters120
50397594Boston Massacrea colonial mob terrorized British soldiers with snowballs until he soldiers fired into the mob121
50397595Lord Northprime minister who persuaded parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts122
50397596Committees of Correspondencemeetings whose function was to keep spreading resistance to British policy123
50397597Boston Port Actclosed the Port of Boston until damages had been paid for the Boston Tea Party124
50397598The Associationcalled for a complete boycott of Br. goods; non importation125
50397599Marquis de Lafayettefrench nobleman who joined the colonial army126
50397600Baron von SteubenGerman drillmaster who helped discipline the colonial army127
50397601Thomas Painewrote common sense128
50397602Battle of TrentonGeorge Washington crossed the DE River to fight the Hessians129
50397603Battle of SaratogaThe critical turning point in the Revolutionary War130
50397604Republican Motherhoodthe idea that women would teach democratic ideas into their husbands and sons131
50397605Land Ordinance of 1785provided the land in the Old Northwest to be sold in order to pay off the national debt132
50397606Northwest Ordinance of 1787set the standard for admission of new states into the U.S.133
50397607Shay's Rebellionback country farmers revolted against property takeovers and high taxes. Demanded issuing of paper money134
50397608Constitutional Convention55 reps from 12 states met in Philadelphia to create a Constitution135
50397609George Washington1st president; no party136
50397610Alexander Hamilton1st secretary of the Treasury who proposed the 1st national bank137
50397611Thomas Jefferson3rd President and advocate of states rights138
50397612John Adams2nd President and; federalist139
50397613John JayFederalist Chief Justice of the Supreme Court140
50397614James MadisonFather of the Constitution; 4th President141
50397615VA and NJ planVA fought for the large state plan and NJ fought for the small state plan of Congessional power142
50397616Great Compromisecreation of bicameral houses in congress. Senate and House of Reps.143
503976173/5 compromiseSlaves in the southern states would be counted as 3/5 of a person in population144
50397618Electoral collegemethod of electing the president in directly145
50397619Federalistspolitical party who believed in loose construction of the Constitution146
50397620Anti-federalistspolitical group who would later become the Democratic-Republicans147
50397621Federalist Papersarticles written by men such as James Madison, and John Jay to talk people into agreeing with the Constitution148
50397622checks and balancesthe idea that all 3 branches of gov't had powers over each other149
50397623Washington's CabinentHamilton- Sec. of Treasury; Jefferson- Sec. of State; Henry Knox- Sec. of War150
50397624Bill of rights1st 10 amendments to the Constitution151
50397625Hamilton's Financial Policybased on national debt, excise tax, national bank, and bolstering the national credit152
50397626Jefferson Hamilton Bargain 1790Hamilton fought Jefferson stating that the Constitution allowed him to create a national bank153
50397627Tariff of 17891st tariff passed by congress154
50397628Whiskey tax of 1791tax on whiskey passed by Congress155
50397629Strict Constructionbelief that the Constitution cannot be changed and is what it is156
50397630Loose constructionbelief that the constitution was a living document and could be changed157
50397631Implied powerspowers not specifically mentioned in the constitution158
50397632elastic clausethe part of the Constitution that permits Congress to make any laws "necessary and proper" to carrying out its powers159
50397633Neutrality Proclamation 1793issued by George Washington, established isolationist policy, proclaimed government's official neutrality in widening European conflicts also warned American citizens about intervening on either side of conflict160
50397634Jay's treaty with Britaindeal with Br, that stated that Br. would pay for damages to recent ships161
50397635Pinckney's Treatyagreement between the united states and spain that changed floridas border and made it easier for american ships to use the port of new orleans162
50397636Talleyrandthe French foreign minister, whom which three American dipolmats seek to reach an agreement with163
50397637XYZ Affairincident of the late 1790s in which French secret agents demanded a bribe and a loan to France in lieu of negotiating a dispute over the Jay Treaty and other issues164
50397638Alien and Sedition actslaws that made it harder to become a citizen and created harsh punishments for people who criticize the government165
50397639Democratic-Republicans and FederalistsAmerica's 1st two political parties166
50397640Albert GallatinJefferson's Secretary of Treasury who was a financial wizard - reduced govt. spending through careful management167
50397641Judiciary Act 1801This Act created 16 federal judgeships, and to make the Supreme Court an appelate court168
50397642John MarshallAmerican jurist and politician who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1801-1835) and helped establish the practice of judicial review.169
50397643Lewis and ClarkTwo explorers sent by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase170
50397644Aaron BurrJefferson's Vice President who dueled Hamilton and mortally wounded him171
50397645Orders in Counciledicts that closed European ports to foreign shipping unless they stopped first in a British port172
50397646Non-Intercourse Act 1809reopened trade with all nations of the world except france and Br.173
50397647Macon's Bill No. 5repealed the embargo and opened all ports to trade174
50397648War Hawkssupporters of the War of 1812175
50397649Tecumsehshawnee chief who formed native american confederation to fight americans176
50397650War of 1812a war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France177
50397651Francis Scott Keywrote poem "Star Spangled Banner" while watching Fort McHerny being bombed September 1814 . Became the National Anthem in 1931178
50397652General Andrew JacksonVictor @ Battle of New Orleans179
50397653Treaty of Ghenttreaty that ended the war of 1812180
50397654Virgina Dynasty4 out of the first 5 presidents were from VA181
50397655Stephen Decaturnational hero of the US; naval lieutenant; fought against Barbary Pirates182
50397656Madison's Vetodeclined federal funding of Erie canal and other internal improvmnets183
50397657Erie Canalfunded by NY and finished in 1825184
50397658Era of Good Feelingsname for President Monroe's two terms: period of strong nationalism, economic growth, territorial expansion, and fewer partisan conflicts185
50397659Panic of 1819A natural post-war depression caused by overproduction and the reduced demand for goods after the war. However, it was generally blamed on the National Bank.186
50397660McCulloch vs. MDfederal banks cannot be effected by state gov't187
50397661Gibbons vs. Ogdengranted the power to control interstate commerce to Congress188
50397662Fletcher vs. Peckofficial contracts must be upheld189
50397663Acquisition of FloridaAndrew Jackson led his forces into Seminole territory and capture their chief190
50397664Russo-American Treaty 1824fixed the northern most point between Russian America and the U.S.191
50397665Minority presidentA president that doesn't win the popular vote192
50397666Andrew Jackson7th president of the US; successfully defended New Orleans from the British in 1815; expanded the power of the presidency193
50397667Spoils systemthe system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power194
50397668Tariff of 1833Henry Clay's force bill or "bloody bill"195
50397669Indian Removal Acttrail of tears. movement of NA's to Oklahoma territory196
50397670Anti-Masonic Party(1832) - 1st third party in the presidential elections - against the Mason order of which Andrew Jackson was a part of - anti-Jackson197
50397671Specie Circularissued by President Jackson July 11, 1836, was meant to stop land speculation caused by states printing paper money without proper specie (gold or silver) backing it.198
50397672Martin Van BurenLittle Magcian199
50397673Stephen AustinOriginal leader of american settlers in Texas who obtained a huge land grant from the Mexican government200
50397674Sam HoustonUnited States politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States (1793-1863)201
50397675Texas Independenceoccurred in 1836 after Sam Houston led a successful revolt to overthrow Mexican control over Texas202
50397676Lone Star RepublicName of Texas before annexed to the United States when Texas was its own country.203
50397677election of 1840Tippecanoe and Tyler too204
50397678Dorthea DixReformer, who worked mightily to improve the treatment of the mentally ill. Appointed superintendant of women nurses for the Union forces.205
50397679Burned over Districtarea of New York State along the Erie Canal that was constantly aflame with revivalism and reform; as wave after wave to fervor broke over the region, groups such as the Mormons, Shakers, and Millerites found support among the residents.206
50397680Peter CartwrightThe most famous Methodist traveling frontier preacher. He traveled around the country preaching to large groups.207
50397681MormonsJoseph Smith created this faith and moved them to Utah208
50397682Education Reform1830ish. Followed temperance movement and set up public schools and minimum requirements. Horace Mann was main component in movement.209
50397683Utopian Communitiesgroups of people who tried to form a perfect society210
50397684TranscendentalismA philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1830's and 1840's, in which each person has direct communication with God and Nature,211
50397685John Brown's Raidraid on federal arsenal @ Harper's Ferry, WV212
50397686Stephen DouglassIllinois Senator, debated Lincoln, Democrat, popular sovereignty, Kansas-Nebraska Act213
50397687Dred Scott DecisionLandmark court decision that ruled that slaves were property and antislavery laws were unconstitutional214
50397688Henry Polk11th president; expansionist; provoked mexican War215
50397689Manifest DestinyThis expression was popular in the 1840s. Many people believed that the U.S. was destined to secure territory from "sea to sea," from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This rationale drove the acquisition of territory.216
50397690Liberty PartyAnti-Slavery Party217
50397691Treaty of Guadalupe HidalgoTreaty which ended the Mexican War218
50397692General Winfield ScottGeneral who captured Mexico City219
50397693General Zachary Taylor12th President, Hero of Buena Vista220
50397694Underground Railroadpath of abolitionist homes which helped lead slaves to freedom221
50397695Harriet TubmanMost famous conductor on the Underground RR222
50397696William Lloyd Garrisonabolitionist who wrote the Liberator223
50397697California Gold RushSutter's Mill,1848224
50397698Compromise of 1850California admitted free; stricter fugitive slave law; slave trade forbid in D.C.; New Mexico admitted by popular sovereignty225
50397699Immortal TrioDaniel Webster; Henry clay; John C. Calhoun226
50397700Gadsden PurchaseArea in SW U.S. bought from mexico227

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