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Ap Art History Prehistoric Flashcards

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4776477536#1 Apollo 11 StonesNamibia, Africa 25,500-25,300 B.C.E Charcoal on stone0
4776477537#2 Great Hall of the BullsLascaux, France Paleolithic Europe 15,000-13,000 B.C.E Rock Painting1
4776477538#3 Camelid Sacrum in shape of a canineTequixquiac, Mexico 14,000-7,000 B.C.E Bone2
4776477539#4 Running Horned WomanTassili n'Ajjer, Algeria 6,000-4,000 B.C.E Pigment on Rock3
4776477540#5 Beaker (Bushel) with ibex motifsSusa, Iran 4,200-3,500 B.C.E Painted terra cotta4
4776477541#6 Anthropomorphic SteleArabian Peninsula 4,000 B.C.E Sandstone5
4776477542#7 Jade CongLiangzhu, China 3,300-2,200 B.C.E Carved Jade (stone)6
4776477543#8 StonehengeWiltshire, UK Neolithic Europe 2,500-1,600 B.C.E Sandstone7
4776477544#9 The Ambum StoneAmbum Valley, Enga Province Papus, New Guinea 1,500 B.C.E Greywacke8
4776477545#10 Tlatilco Female FigurineCentral Mexico, site of Tlatilco 1,200-900 B.C.E Ceramic9
4776477546#11 Terra Cotta FragmentLapita Solomon Islands 1,000 B.C.E Terra Cotta10

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