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AP Art History Works

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61019567kouros, c. 600 B.C.E., marble, Greek Archaic
61019568Calf Bearer, c. 560 B.C.E., marble,Greek Archaic
61024175Peplos Kore, c. 530 B.C.E., marble,Greek Archaic
61024176Gods and Giants from the Siphnian Treasury, c. 530 B.C.E., marble,Greek Archaic
61024177Dying Warrior from the Temple of Aphaia, Aegina, c. 500-490 B.C.E., marble,Greek Archaic
61024178Kritios Boy, c. 480 B.C.E., marble, Greek Classical
61024179Athena, Herakles, and Atlas from the Temple of Zeus, c. 470-456 B.C.E.,marble, Greek Classical
61024180The Discus Thrower,Myron, c. 450 B.C.E., marble/ bronze,Greek Classical
61024181Spear Bearer,Polykleitos, c. 450-440 B.C.E., marble/bronze,Greek Classical
61024182Three Goddesses, from the Parthenon, c.438-432 B.C.E., marble,Greek Classical
61024183Nike adjusting Her Sandal, Temple of Athena Nike, c. 410 B.C.E.,marble, Greek Classical
61024184Aphrodite of Knidos,Praxiteles, marble, 350-340 B.C.E., Greek Classical
61024185Hermes and the Infant of Dionysos,Praxiteles, from the Temple of Hera, 340 BC, marble, Greek Classical
61024186Scraper, Lyssipos, 330 BC, marble, Greek Classical
61024187Dying Gaul, 230-220 BC, marble,Hellenistic Greek
61024188Athena Battling Alkyoneos, 175 BC, marble,Hellenistic Greek
61024189Nike of Samothrace, c.190 BC, marble,Hellenistic Greek
61024190Venus de Milo, c.150-125 BC, marble,Hellenistic Greek
61024191Laocoon, Rhodes Sculptors, 1st century,Hellenistic Greek
61024192Iktinos and Kallikrates, The Parthenon, 447-438 BC,Greek
61024193The Erecthion, 421-405 BC,Greek
61024194Theater, Polykleitos, 350 BC, Epidauros, Greek
61024195Pergamon Altar, 175 BC,Greek
61024196Francois Vase, Klietias, 570 BC,Greek
61024197Ajax and Achilles Playing Dice, Exekias, 540-530 BC,Greek
61024198Battle of Issus, 100 BC, National Archaeological,Greek
61024199Tomb of Leopards, 480-470 BC, Etruscan Art
61024200Sarcophagus from Cerveteri, 520 BC, terra-cotta,Etruscan Art
61024201Apollo from Veii, 510 BC, terra-cotta,Etruscan Art
61024202Capitoline Wolf, 500 BC, bronze,Etruscan Art
61030254House of the Vetti, Roman Art
61030255Maison Carree, 1 C.E., Roman Art
61030256Pont du Gard, 16 BC,Roman Art
61030257The Colosseum, 72-80 C.E.,Roman Art
61030258Market of Trajan, 100-112 C.E.,Roman Art
61030259Pantheon, 118-125 C.E.,Roman Art
61030260Hadrian's Villa, 125-128 C.E.,Roman Art
61030261Arch of Constantine, 312-315 C.E.,Roman Art
61030262Aula Palatina,Roman Art
61030263Dionysiac Mystery Frieze, 60-50 BCE, fresco,Roman Art
61030264Still Life with Peaches, 50 CE, fresco,Roman Art
61030265Ixion Room, 70 CE, fresco,Roman Art
61030266Veristic Roman Busts,Roman Art
61030267Augustus of Primaporta, 20 CE, marble,Early Imperial Roman Art
61030268Tellus Relief, 13-9 BCE, marble,Early Imperial Roman Art
61030269Procession from the Ara Pacis, 13-9 BCE, marble,Early Imperial Roman Art
61030270Flavian Woman, 90 CE, marble,Early Imperial Roman Art
61030271Spoils from the Temple of Jerusalem from the Arch of Titus, 81 CE, marble,Early Imperial Roman Art
61030272Column of Trajan, 112 CE, marble, Early Imperial Roman Art
61030273Marcus Aurelius, 175 CE, bronze, Early Imperial Roman Art
61030274Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, 250-260 CE, marble,Roman Art
61030275The Tetrarchs,305 CE, poryphyry,Late Imperial Roman
61030276Constantine, 315-330 CE, marble,Roman Art
61082131Old Saint Peter's, Early Christian Art
61082132Santa Costanza, 337-351,Early Christian Art
61082133Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 425, Ravenna, Italy,Early Christian Art
61082134Good Shepherd, 4th Century, fresco,Early Christian Art
61082135Good Shepherd mosaic from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia,425, Early Christian Art
61082136Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, 359, marble,
61082137Synagogue of Dura Europos, 245-256, fresco, Early Jewish Art
61082138Hagia Sophia, Anthemius and Isidorus,532-537,Byzantine Art
61082139San Vitale, 526-547,Byzantine Art
61082140Monastery Churches, 10th-11th centuries,Byzantine Art
61082141Saint Mark's Cathedral,1063,Byzantine Art
61082142Saint Basil's Cathedral, Barma and Postnik, 1555-1561,Byzantine Art
61082143Justinian and Attendants, c.547, mosaic,Byzantine Art
61082144Theodora and Attendants, c.547,mosaic,Byzantine Art
61082145David Composing the Psalms from the Paris Psalter,c.950-970,temperea on vellum,Byzantine Art
61082146Pantocrator,1180-1190,mosaic,Byzantine Art
61082147Old Testament Trinity,Andrew Riiblev,c.1410,tempera on wood,Byzantine Art
61082148Saint Michael the Archangel,6th century, ivory,Byzantine Art
61082149Harbaville Triptych,c.950,ivory,Byzantine Art,
61082150Dome of the Rock, c.687-691, Jerusalem, Israel, Islamic Art
61082151Great Mosque, 8th Century, Cordoba,Spain,Islamic Art
61082152Frieze from Mshatta,Jordan, c.740-750,Islamic Art
61082153Alhambra,Hall of the Two Sisters,1354-1391,Granada,Spain,Islamic Art
61082154Mosque of Selim II,Sinan,1568-1575,Edirne,Turkey,Islamic Art
61082155Purse Cover from Sutton Hoo Ship Burial,600-650,gold,Saxon Art
61082156Saint Matthew from the Book of Lindisfarne,700,tempera on vellum,Hiberno-Saxon Art
61082157Chi-Rho-Iota Page from the Book of Kells,800,ink on vellum,Hiberno-Saxon Art
61082158Animal Head Post from Oseberg Ship Burial,834,wood,Viking Art
61082159Lorsch Gatehouse,760,Lorsch Germany,Carolingian Art
61082160Equestarian Statue of a Carolingian Ruler,9th century,bronze,Carolingian Art
61082161Utrecht Psalter,830-832,ink on vellum,Carolingian Art
61082162Palatine Chapel,Odo of Metz,792-805,Carolingian Art
61082163Plan of St. Gall,820,ink on parchment,Carolingian Art
61082164Abbey Church of St.Michael's,1001-1033,Ottonian Art
61082165Bishop Bernward Doors,1015,bronze,Ottonian Art
61082166Gero Crucifix,970,wood,Ottonian Art
61625733Pisa Cathedral, began 1063, Pisa,Italy,Romanesque Art
61625734Saint-Sernin,1070-1120,Toulouse,France,Romanesque Art
61625735Durham Cathedral,1093,Durham,England,Romanesque Art
61625736Creation and Temptation of Adam and Eve,Wiligelmo,1110,marble,Romanesque Art
61625737Last Judgment,Gislebertus,marble,St. Lazare,Autun,France,Romanesque Art
61625738The Morgan Madonna,1150-1200,Romanesque Art
61625739Hildegard von Bigen's Vision,1050-1079,Romanesque Art
61625740Bayeux Tapestry,1070-1080,embroidery,wool on linen,Romanesque Art
61625741Saint-Denis,1140-1144,Saint-Denis,France,Gothic Art
61625742Chartres Cathedral, begun 1134,Gothic Art
61625743Amiens Cathedral, Amiens, France,Gothic Art
61625744Salisbury Cathedral,1220,Gothic Art
61625745Blanche of Castile and Louis IX,1226-1234,manuscript,Gothic Art
61625746Royal Portals,1145-1155,Cathedral,Chartres,France,Gothic Art
61625747Visitation,Reims Cathedral,1230,Gothic Art
61625748Death of the Virgin,1230,Strasbourg Cathedral,Gothic Art
61625749Rottgen Pieta,1300-1325,wood,Gothic Art
61625750Virgin of Paris,early 14th Century,Gothic Art
61644581Entombment, Jacopo de Pontormo, Santa Felicita,Florence 1525-1528,Mannerism
61644582Assumption of the Virgin, Antonio Corregio, Parma Cathedral 1526-1530,Mannerism
61644583Madonna of the Long Neck, Parmigianino, Uffizi, Florence 1535,Mannerism
61644584Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time, Agnolo Bronzino, 1546 National Gallery, London,Mannerism
61644585The Last Supper, Jacopo Tintoretto, Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome 1594,Mannerism
61644586Villa Rotonda, Andrea Palladio, 1566-1570, Vicenza, Italy,Mannerism
61644587San Giorgio Maggiore, Andrea Palladio, Venice 1565,Mannerism
61644588The Burial of Count Orgaz, El Greco, 1586 Santo Tome, Toledo, Spain,Later Renaissance Art
61644589Banqueting House, Inigo Jones, 1619-1622, London, England,Later Renaissance Art
61644590Saint Paul's, Christopher Wren, 1675, London, England,Later Baroque Art
61644591David, Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1623, Borghese Gallery, Rome,Italian Baroque Art
61644592Baldacchino, Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1624-1633, Saint Peter's Rome,Italian Baroque Art
61644593Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1645-1652, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome,Italian Baroque Art
61644594Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio, 1597-1601, San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome,Italian Baroque Art
61644595Entombment, Caravaggio, 1603 Vatican Museum, Rome,Italian Baroque Art
61644596Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi, Uffizi, Florence,Italian Baroque Art
61644597The Water Carrier of Seville, Diego Velazquez, 1618, Wellington Museum, London,Spanish Baroque Art
61644598The Surrender of Breda, Diego Velazquez, 1634-1635, Prado, Madrid,Spanish Baroque Art
61644599Las Meninas, Diego Velazquez, 1656, Prado, Madrid,Spanish Baroque Art
61644600Central panel of Raising of the Cross, Peter Paul Rubens, 1610-1611, Cathedral, Antwerp,Flemish Baroque Art
61644601Marie de' Medici Cycle, Peter Paul Rubens, 1622-1625, Louvre, Paris,Flemish Baroque Art
61644602Charles I Dismounted, Anthony Van Dyck, 1635, Louvre, Paris,Flemish Baroque Art
61644603Officers of the Haarlem Militia Company of Saint Adrian, Frans Hals, 1627, Frans Hals Museum,Dutch Baroque Art
61644604Self-Portrait, Judith Leyster, 1633, National Gallery, Washington,Dutch Baroque Art
61644605Self-Portrait, Rembrandt van Rijn,Dutch Baroque Art
61644606Night Watch, Rembrandt van Rijn, 1642, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam,Dutch Baroque Art
61644607The Mill, Claude Lorrain, Rome, Italy,1655,French Baroque Art
61644608Engraving after Et in Arcadia Ego, Nicholas Poussin, 1655 Louvre, Paris,French Baroque Art
61644609The Return from Cythera, Jean-Antoine Watteau,1717-1719 Louvre, Paris,French Rococo Art
61644610The Swing, Jean-Honore Gragonard, Wallace Collection, London 1766,French Rococo Art
61644611The Breakfast Scene from Marriage a la Mode, William Hogarth, National Gallery, London 1745,English Rococo Art
61644612Blue Boy, Thomas Gainsborough, Huntington Library, San Morino, National Gallery London 1770,English Rococo Art
61644613Sarah Siddons as a Tragic Muse, Joshua Reynolds, 1783-1784,English Rococo Art
61644614Lord Heathfield Governor of Gibraltar during the Siege of 1779-83, Joshua Reynolds, 1787,English Rococo Art
61644615Oath of the Horatii, Jacques-Louis David, 1784, Louvre, Paris,Neoclassicism
61644616Death of Marat, Jacques-Louis David, Royal Museum, Brussels,Neoclassicism
61644617The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, Francisco de Goya, 1799,Spanish Romanticism
61644618Family of Charles IV, Francisco de Goya, 1800, Prado, Madrid,Spanish Romanticism
61644619Third of May 1808, Francisco de Goya, 1814-1823, Prado, Madrid,Spanish Romanticism
61644620Saturn Devouring One of His Children, Francisco de Goya, Prado, Madrid,Spanish Romanticism
61644621The Grand Odalisque, Jean-Auguste Ingres, 1814, Louvre Paris,French Romanticism
61644622Liberty Leading the People, Eugene Delacroix, 1830, Louvre, Paris,French Romanticism
61644623Burial at Ornans, Gustave Corbet, Musee d' Orsay, Paris,Realism
61644624Narmer Palette, 3000-2920 B.C.E. Egyptian Museum, Cairo,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644625Stepped Pyramid of King Djoser, c. 2630-2611 B.C.E., Saqqara, Egypt,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644626Great Pyramids, c. 2500 B.C.E., Giza Egypt,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644627Great Sphinx, c. 2500 B.C.E., Giza Egypt,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644628Khafre, c. 2500 B.C.E., Egyptian Museum, Cairo,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644629Seated Scribe, c. 2400 ,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644630Ti Watching the Hippopotamus Hunt, c. 2400 B.C.E.,Egyptian Old Kingdom Art
61644631Senusret III, c.1860 B.C.E.,Egyptian Middle Kingdom Art
61644632Rock Cut Tombs of Beni Hasan, c. 1950-1900 B.C.E.,Egyptian Middle Kingdom Art
61644633Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, c. 1473-1458,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644634Queen Hatshepsut, c.1473-1458 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644635Temple of Ramses II, 1290-1224 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644636Temple of Amen-Re, 1290-1224 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644637Akhenaton, c. 1353-1335 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644638Nefertiti, 1353-1335 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644639King Tutankhamen, c.1323 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644640Judgment before Osiris, c.1290-1280 B.C.E.,Egyptian New Kingdom Art
61644641Cycladic Female Figure, c. 2500 B.C.E.,Cycladic Art
61644642Harpist, c. 2500 B.C.E.,Cycladic Art
61644643Palace at Knossos, c. 1700-1400 B.C.E., Crete,Minoan/Aegean Art
61644644Toreador Fresco, c. 1400 B.C.E., Archaeological Museum,Minoan/Aegean Art
61644645Spring fresco, c. 1650 B.C.E., Athens,Minoan/Aegean Art
61644646Snake Goddess, c. 1600 B.C.E., Boston,Minoan/Aegean Art
61644647Corbelled Gallery, 1400-1200 B.C.E., Tiryns, Greece,Mycenean Art/ Aegean Art
61644648Treasury of Atreus, c. 1300 B.C.E., Mycenae, Greece,Mycenean Art/ Aegean Art
61644649Funerary Mask, c. 1600 B.C.E., National Archaeological Museum,Mycenean Art/ Aegean Art
61651076Bisj Poles,Asmat People,early 20th Century,wood,Asmat Art
61651077Kangaroo,19th-20th century,tree bark, Australia,Aboriginal Art
61651078Maori tattoo, Maori Art
61651079Parewahawaha Marea,20th century,Bulls,New Zealand,Maori Art
61651080Moai,10th-12th century,stone,Easter Island
61651081Great Friday Mosque,13th century,African Art
61651082Great Zimbabwe,14th century,African Art
61651083Nok Head,500-200BC,terra-cotta,African Art
61651084Ife Head,bronze,African Art
61651085Ivory Belt Mask,1550,ivory,iron,African Art
61651086Benin Head of a Woman,16th century,brass,African Art
61651087Kongo Power Figure,1875-1900,wood,nails,blades,shells,African Art
61651088Mende Masks of Sierra Leone,20th century,wood,African Art
61651089Colossal Head,900-400BC,basalt,Olmec Art
61651090Moche ceramic,200-600,Moche Art
61651091Teotihuacan Mask,Teotihuacan Art
61651092Pyramid of the Sun,200,Teotihuacan Art
61651093Mayan Head,250-900,Copan,Honduras,Mayan Art
61651094Castillo,9-13BC,Chichen-Itza,Mexico,Mayan Art
61651095Pueblo Bonito,900-1230,Chaco Canyon,New Mexico,Anasazi Art
61651096Cliff Palace,1150-1300,Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado,Anasazi Art
61651097Great Serpent Mound,1070,Mississipian Art
61651098Coatlicue,15th century,Aztec Art
61651099Machu Picchu,1450-1530,Peru,Incan Art
61651100Walls of the Temple of the Sun,15th Century,Cuzco,Peru,Incan Art
61651101Ise Shrine,1st century,Japan Art
61651102Phoenix Hall,1053,Uji,Japan,Japan Art
61651103The Burning of the Sanjo Palace,13th century,Japan Art
61651104Suzuki Harunobu,woodblock print,Japan Art
61651105The Great Wave,Hokusai,1826-1833,woodblock print,Japan Art
61651106Haniwa Figure,6th century,earthenware,Japan Art
61651107Shaka Triad,Tori Busshi,623,bronze,Nara,Japan,Japan Art
61811068Forbidden City,15th century,Ming Dynasty,Beijing,China,Chinese Art
61811069Bare Willows and Distant Mountains,Ma Yuan,12th Century,ink on silk,Chinese Art
61811070Dwelling in the Qingbian Mountains,Dong QiChang,1617,ink on paper,Ming Dynasty,Chinese Art
61811071Man in a House Beneath a Cliff,Shitao,ink and color on paper,Chinese Art
61811072Bi with Dragons,4th-3rd century,nephrite,Chinese Art
61811073Army of Emperor Shi Huangdi,terra-cotta,210 BCE,Qin Dynasty,Chinese Art
61811074Seating Buddha,460,stone,Chinese Art
62257274Apollo and Daphne, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Baroque Art
62257275The Conversion of St. Paul, Caravaggio, Baroque Art
62257276The Apotheosis of St. Ignatius, Pozzo, Baroque Art
62257277Landscape, Peter Paul Rubens, Baroque Art
62257278The Death of Phocion, Nicolas Poussin, Baroque Art
62257279Portrait of the Board of , Frans Hals, Baroque Art?
62257280Still Life, Willem Heda, Baroque Art
62257281Versailles Palace, Levou,Baroque Art

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