McGraw Hill 8th Edition by Sylvia S. Mader.
107589435 | Bivalent | Homologous chromosomes, each having sister chromatids that are joined by a nucleoprotein lattice during meiosis; also called tetrad | |
107589436 | Crossing-over | Exchange of segments between nonsister chromatids of a bivalent during meiosis | |
107589437 | Diploid (2n) number | Cell condition in which two of each type of chromosome are present | |
107589438 | Fertilization | Fusion of sperm and egg nuclei, producing a zygote that develops into a new individual. | |
107589439 | Gamete | Haploid sex cell | |
107589440 | Genetic recombination | Process in which new genetic information is incorporated into a chromosome or DNA fragment | |
107589441 | Haploid (n) number | Cell condition in which only one of each type of chromosome is present | |
107589442 | Homologous chromosome/Homolougue | Member of a pair of chromosomes that are alike and come together in synapsis during prophase of the first meiotic division. | |
107589443 | Independent assortment | Alleles of unlinked genes segregate independently of each other during meiosis so that eh gametes contain all possible combinations of alleles | |
107589444 | Interkinesis | Period of time between meiosis I and meiosis II during which no DNA replication takes place | |
107589445 | Kinetochore | Disk-shaped structure within the centomere of a chromosome to which spindle microtubules become attached | |
107589446 | Life cycle | Recurring pattern of genetically programmed events by which individuals grow, develop, maintain themselves, and reproduce | |
107589447 | Meiosis | Type of nuclear division that occurs as part of sexual reproduction, in which the daughter cells recive the haploid number of chromosomes in varied combinations | |
107589448 | Oogenesis | Production of eggs in females by the process of meiosis; upon completion of meiosis, the oocyte becomes an egg | |
107589449 | Polar body | In oogenesis, a nonfunctional product; two to three meiotic products are of this type | |
107589450 | Secondary oocyte | In oogenesis, the funcitoal product of meiosis I; becomes the egg. | |
107589451 | Sexual reproduction | Reproduction involving meiosis, gamete formation, and fertilization; produces | |
107589452 | Spermatogenesis | Production of sperm in males by the process of meiosis and maturation | |
107589453 | Spore | Asexual reproductive or resting cell capable of developing into a new organism without fusion with another cell, in contrast to a gamete | |
107589454 | Synapsis | Pairing of homolgous chromosomes during meiosis I | |
107589455 | Zygote | Diploid cell formed by the union of two gametes; the product of fertilization |