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AP Bio Chapter 13 Flashcards

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6791524403hereditytransmission of traits from one generation to the next0
6791525200variationdemonstrated by differences in appearance that offspring show from parents1
6791527558geneticsstudy of heredity and variation2
6791528476genesunits of heredity made up of segments of DNA3
6791529808gametereproductive cell, most DNA is packaged in chromosomes4
6791531285somatic cellall cells except for gametes and their precursurs (46 chromosomes in humans)5
6791534614locusa genes specific position along a chromosome6
6791535577asexual reproductionsingle individual passes all of its genes to its offspring without fusion of gametes7
6791539617clonegroup of genetically identical individuals from the same parent8
6791543211sexual reproductiontwo parents give rise to offspring that have unique combinations of genes inherited from both parents9
6791545487life cyclegeneration-to-generation sequence of stages in reproductive history10
6791560305karyotypeordered display of the pairs of chromosomes from a cell11
6791561063homologous chromosomeshomologs, pair of chromosomes of the same length, shape, centromere position, and staining pattern, carry genes for same characters, not identical12
6791582691sex chromosomedetermine sex of the individual, X or Y (females XX males XY)13
6791585999autosomes22 non sex chromosome pairs14
6791587783diploid cell2n, has two sets of chromosomes15
6791589472haploid celln, a gamete (sperm or egg), single set of chromosomes16
6791600875fertilizationthe union of gamates17
6791600876zygotefertilized egg, one set of chromosomes from each parent, produce somatic cells through mitosis18
6791603718meiosisreductional division, one duplication of chromosomes, two divisions, four daughter cells, n chromosomes in each daughter cell19
6791607446mitosisequational division, one duplication of chromosomes, one division, two daughter cells, 2n chromosomes in each daughter cell20

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