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AP Bio Chapter 29 Vocabulary(Plant diversity part 1)

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46406669Sporopollenina layer of durable polymer that prevents exposed zygotes from drying out
46406670alternation of generationthe life cycle that switches from haploid multicellular organisms to diploid multicellular organisms
46406994gametophytesmulticellular haploid organisms
46406995sporophytesmulticellular diploid organisms
46406996sporesreproductive cells that can develop into a gametophyte
46406997placental transfer cellsenhance the transfer of nutrients from parent to embryo through elaborate ingrowths of the wall surface
46406998embryophytesdependent embryo of land plants, derived traits that land plants are also known as...
46406999sporangiaa sporophyte's multicellular organs that produces spores
46407000sporocytesdiploid cells, or spore mother, produced in the sporangia
46407001gametangiamulticellular organs that produce gametes
46407002archegoniafemale gametangia
46407003antheridiamale gametangia
46407004apical meristemsgrowth in length is sustained by the activity of________.
46407005cuticleconsists of polyester and wax polymers,the covering of an epidermis
46407006vascular tissuecells jointed into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant body
46407007vascular plantsplants that contain an extensive transport system
46407008bryophytesinformally named nonvascular plants
46407009gradea collection of organisms that share a common level of biological organization or adaptation
46419939footabsorbs nutrients from the gametophyte
46419940setaconducts the nutrients from the gametophytes to the sporangium
46419941peristomeThe upper part of the sporangium often specialized for gradual spore discharge
46419942stomatapores that support photosynthesis by allowing the excahnge pf carbon dioxide and oxygen between the outside air and the sporophyte interior
46419943Xylemvascular tissue that conducts most of the water and minerals
46419944tracheidstube-shaped cells that carry water and minerals up from roots
46419945ligninsubstance in vascular plants that makes cell walls rigid
46419946phloemtissue that has cells arranged into tubes that distribute sugars, amino acids, and other organic products
46419947microphyllssmall, usually spine-shaped leaves supported by a single strand of vascular tissue
46419948megaphyllaleaves w/ a highly branched vascular systems
46419949sporophyllsmodified leaves that bear sporangia
46419950soriclusters of sporangia that are usually on the undersides of sporophylls
46419951strobilia group of sporophylls that form cone-like structure
46419952homosporousproduce one type of spore, which usually develop into a bisexual gametophyte
46419953heterosporousspecies that has two types of sporangia and produce two kinds of spores
46419954megasporesspores that develop into female gametophytes
46419955microsporesspores that develop into male gametophyes

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