202945982 | a | without | |
202945983 | ab | away from | |
202945984 | acu | sharp | |
202945985 | acou | hearing | |
202945986 | ad | toward | |
202945987 | adeno | gland | |
202945988 | af | toward | |
202945989 | agri | field,soil | |
202945990 | al | relating to | |
202945991 | alb | white | |
202945992 | alg | pain | |
202945993 | amphi | on both sides, in two ways | |
202945994 | amyl | starch | |
202945995 | an | without | |
202945996 | andro | male | |
202945997 | angi, angio | vessel | |
202945998 | ante | before | |
202945999 | anti | against | |
202946000 | antero | front | |
202946001 | antho | flower | |
202946002 | apse | to touch | |
202946003 | aqua | water | |
202946004 | archaeo | ancient | |
202946005 | arter, arterio | artery | |
202946006 | arthr, arthro | joint | |
202946007 | as | upward | |
202946008 | ase | enzyme | |
202946009 | aster, astr | stars | |
202946010 | auto | oneself | |
202946011 | baro | pressure | |
202946012 | bath | depth | |
202946013 | bene | well/good | |
202946014 | bi | two or twice | |
202946015 | bil, bili | bile | |
202946016 | bio | life | |
202946017 | blast | germ or forming | |
202946018 | brachi | arm | |
202946019 | branchi | fins | |
202946020 | brev | short | |
202946021 | bronch | windpipe | |
202946022 | bucc | cheek | |
202946023 | callosum | hard | |
202946024 | calor | heat | |
202946025 | capillus | a hair or minute tube | |
202946026 | carcin | cancerous | |
202946027 | carn | meat | |
202946028 | cardi | heart | |
202946029 | carp | fruit | |
202946030 | carpal | wrist | |
202946031 | cauda | tail | |
202946032 | cell | storeroom/chamber | |
202946033 | cene | recent | |
202946034 | centi | 100th | |
202946035 | cephal | head | |
202946036 | cereb | the brain | |
202946037 | cervic | neck | |
202946038 | chi | x | |
202946039 | chlor | green | |
202946040 | chol, chole | bile | |
202946041 | chondr | cartilage | |
202946042 | chrom | color | |
202946043 | cidal | killing | |
202946044 | cili | hair | |
202946045 | circum | around | |
202946046 | clast | to break | |
202946047 | co | with/together | |
202946048 | coel | hollow | |
202946049 | coll | glue | |
202946050 | com | with | |
202946051 | con | with | |
202946052 | contra | opposite | |
202946053 | cortex | outer part | |
202946054 | cost | rib | |
202946055 | cotyl | cup | |
202946056 | crani | skull | |
202946057 | crypt | hidden | |
202946058 | cule | small | |
202946059 | cut | skin | |
202946060 | cyst | bladder | |
202946061 | cyt | cell | |
202946062 | dactyl | finger | |
202946063 | deca | 10 | |
202946064 | deci | 1/10 | |
202946065 | dendr | tree | |
202946066 | dent | tooth | |
202946067 | derm | skin | |
202946068 | di | two | |
202946069 | din | terrible | |
202946070 | dis | undo or away from | |
202946071 | dorm | sleep | |
202946072 | dors | back | |
202946073 | dura | hard | |
202946074 | dyn | power | |
202946075 | dys | bad, disorder | |
202946076 | echin | spiny/prickly | |
202946077 | eco | house | |
202946078 | ecto | on the other side | |
202946079 | ectomy | to cut out | |
202946080 | edem | swelling | |
202946081 | en | in | |
202946082 | endo | inside | |
202946083 | enter | intestine | |
202946084 | epi | above or upon | |
202946085 | equus | horse | |
202946086 | erythro | red | |
202946087 | esthes | feel | |
202946088 | eu | well/good | |
202946089 | ex | out of | |
202946090 | extra | beyond | |
202946091 | ferro | iron | |
202946092 | fibr | fiber | |
202946093 | flor | flower | |
202946094 | form | shape | |
202946095 | fovea | small pit | |
202946096 | fract | break | |
202946097 | ganglion | swelling or enlargement | |
202946098 | gastro | stomach | |
202946099 | geo | earth | |
202946100 | gen | originate | |
202946101 | glob | ball | |
202946102 | gloss, glosso | tongue | |
202946103 | gnosis | knowledge | |
202946104 | gram | recording | |
202946105 | graph | written record | |
202946106 | gymno | naked | |
202946107 | gyn | woman | |
202946108 | hem, hemat, hemo | blood | |
202946109 | hemi | half | |
202946110 | hepato | liver | |
202946111 | herb | grass | |
202946112 | hetero | varied | |
202946113 | hex | six | |
202946114 | hibern | winter | |
202946115 | hipp | horse | |
202946116 | hist | tissue | |
202946117 | holo | whole/entire | |
202946118 | homo | same | |
202946119 | hydro | water | |
202946120 | hyper | above | |
202946121 | hypo | below | |
202946122 | hyster | womb | |
202946123 | ic | pertaining to | |
202946124 | ichthy | fish | |
202946125 | in | in, negative | |
202946126 | infer | below | |
202946127 | infra | below | |
202946128 | inter | between | |
202946129 | intra | inside | |
202946130 | is, iso | equal | |
202946131 | itis | inflammation | |
202946132 | kilo | thousand | |
202946133 | kin, kine | movement | |
202946134 | kymo | wave | |
202946135 | lact, lacto | milk | |
202946136 | lacri | tears | |
202946137 | larynge, laryngo | windpipe | |
202946138 | later | side | |
202946139 | leg | law | |
202946140 | lemma | skin | |
202946141 | lep, leps | seizure | |
202946142 | leuco, leuko | white | |
202946143 | lingua | tongue | |
202946144 | lip | fat | |
202946145 | logy | knowledge, or study of | |
202946146 | luna | moon | |
202946147 | lymph | water | |
202946148 | lysis | dissolve | |
202946149 | macro | large | |
202946150 | mal | bad/evil | |
202946151 | malle | hammer | |
202946152 | mamm | breast | |
202946153 | mast | breast | |
202946154 | man | hand | |
202946155 | mania | madness, insane | |
202946156 | mega | great | |
202946157 | melan | dark | |
202946158 | men | month | |
202946159 | mers, meres | parts | |
202946160 | meso | middle | |
202946161 | meta | change | |
202946162 | micro | small | |
202946163 | milli | 1/1000 | |
202946164 | mon, mono | single | |
202946165 | morpho | shape, form | |
202946166 | mot | movement | |
202946167 | multi | many | |
202946168 | myo | muscle | |
202946169 | mycet | fungus | |
202946170 | nas, naso | nose | |
202946171 | necro | death | |
202946172 | neo | new | |
202946173 | nephr | kidney | |
202946174 | neur | nerve | |
202946175 | node | knot | |
202946176 | nomy | the science of | |
202946177 | norm | usual | |
202946178 | nuc | center | |
202946179 | nutri | nourish | |
202946180 | oculo | eye | |
202946181 | odont, dont | tooth | |
202946182 | odyn | pain | |
202946183 | oid | formed like | |
202946184 | oma | swelling | |
202946185 | onco | tumor | |
202946186 | OO | of eggs | |
202946187 | opthalm, opthalmo | eye | |
202946188 | opia | sight | |
202946189 | or | mouth | |
202946190 | orchi | testis | |
202946191 | ortho | straight | |
202946192 | osteo | bone | |
202946193 | osis | morbid, disease | |
202946194 | otomy | cutting into | |
202946195 | ovi | egg | |
202946196 | pachy | thick | |
202946197 | paleo | ancient | |
202946198 | par, para | at the side of | |
202946199 | path, patho | sickenss | |
202946200 | pector | chest | |
202946201 | ped | child | |
202946202 | pent | 5 | |
202946203 | peri | around | |
202946204 | pheno | show | |
202946205 | phago | eat | |
202946206 | pharyng | throat | |
202946207 | phil | loving | |
202946208 | phleb | vein | |
202946209 | phobia | fear | |
202946210 | phon, phono | sound | |
202946211 | photo | light | |
202946212 | phyll | leaf | |
202946213 | phyt | plant | |
202946214 | pius | tender | |
202946215 | plasm, plast | shape | |
202946216 | pleur | rib, side | |
202946217 | pnea | breathing | |
202946218 | pneum | lung | |
202946219 | pod | foot | |
202946220 | poly | many | |
202946221 | post | behind | |
202946222 | pre | before | |
202946223 | pro | before | |
202946224 | pseudo | false | |
202946225 | psych | mind | |
202946226 | pter | wing | |
202946227 | py, pyo | pus | |
202946228 | pulmo | lung | |
202946229 | puls | push | |
202946230 | pyro | fire | |
202946231 | quadr | 4 | |
202946232 | quin | 5 | |
202946233 | radiation | radiation | |
202946234 | rectus | straight | |
202946235 | renal | kidney | |
202946236 | retro | behind, backwards | |
202946237 | rhino | nose | |
202946238 | rhiz | root | |
202946239 | rrhage | bursting forth | |
202946240 | sacchar | sugar | |
202946241 | sarco | flesh | |
202946242 | sclero | hard | |
202946243 | scop | look at | |
202946244 | sect | cut | |
202946245 | semi | half | |
202946246 | sep, sept | decay | |
202946247 | sis | condition | |
202946248 | sol | sun | |
202946249 | solv | loosen | |
202946250 | some | body | |
202946251 | stom | mouth | |
202946252 | strata | layer | |
202946253 | sub | below | |
202946254 | super, supra | above | |
202946255 | sym, syn, sy, syl | with | |
202946256 | tachy | fast | |
202946257 | tele | distance | |
202946258 | tetr | 4 | |
202946259 | therap | treatment | |
202946260 | thermo | heat | |
202946261 | thorac | chest | |
202946262 | thrombo | clot | |
202946263 | tome | cut | |
202946264 | tox | poison | |
202946265 | tracheo | windpipe | |
202946266 | trans | across | |
202946267 | tri | 3 | |
202946268 | trophy | nutrition or growth | |
202946269 | tuber | knob | |
202946270 | troph | growth, nurture | |
202946271 | ultra | beyond | |
202946272 | un | not | |
202946273 | uri | urine | |
202946274 | vesic | bladder | |
202946275 | venter | belly | |
202946276 | viv | life | |
202946277 | vor | eat | |
202946278 | xantho | yellow | |
202946279 | xero | dry | |
202946280 | dur | hard/tough | |
202946281 | poiesis | making |
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