AP Bio prefix and suffix (a - caud)
187295390 | A , an | no; lacking; none | |
187295391 | ab | away from; out from | |
187295392 | ac | to; toward | |
187295393 | aceus; aceous | of or pertaining to | |
187295394 | acou | hearing | |
187295395 | acr ; acro | extreme; peak | |
187295396 | ad | to; toward | |
187295397 | adeno | gland | |
187295398 | agri | field, soil | |
187295399 | al | having character of | |
187295400 | alb | white | |
187295401 | algia | pain | |
187295402 | alto | high | |
187295403 | ameb | change; alternation | |
187295404 | amphibi | leading a double life | |
187295405 | ampho ; amb | both | |
187295406 | an | not; without | |
187295407 | ana | up | |
187295408 | andro | masculine; man | |
187295409 | anemo | wind | |
187295410 | angio | vessel | |
187295411 | ante | before; ahead of time | |
187295412 | antero | front | |
187295413 | antho | flower | |
187295414 | anti | against | |
187295415 | anthropo | man | |
187295416 | ap | to; toward | |
187295417 | aqu | water | |
187295418 | archaeo | primitive; ancient | |
187295419 | arthro | joint | |
187295420 | aster ; astr | stars | |
187295421 | ate | used in forming verbs from nouns | |
187295422 | ation | used in forming nouns from verbs | |
187295423 | atom | vapor | |
187295424 | audi | hear | |
187295425 | auto | self | |
187295426 | bactr | stick; club | |
187295427 | barb | beard | |
187295428 | baro | weight | |
187295429 | bath | depth; height | |
187295430 | bene | well; good | |
187295431 | bi | two; twice; double | |
187295432 | bio ; bi | life; living | |
187295433 | blast | sprout; germ | |
187295434 | brachi | having arms | |
187295435 | branchi | having fins | |
187295436 | brev | short | |
187295437 | bronch | windpipe | |
187295438 | calor | heat | |
187295439 | carb | coal; carbon | |
187295440 | cardi | heart | |
187295441 | carn | meat | |
187295442 | carp | fruit | |
187295443 | carpal | wrist | |
187295444 | caud | tail |