12029834756 | a- | without, lack of | 0 | |
12029834757 | inter- | between | 1 | |
12029834758 | ab- | away from | 2 | |
12029834759 | cyt(o)- | pertaining to a cell | 3 | |
12029834760 | abdomi(n)- | abdomen | 4 | |
12029834761 | de- | down from | 5 | |
12029834762 | iso- | equal | 6 | |
12029834763 | acr(o)- | pertaining to an extremity | 7 | |
12029834764 | dermat(o)- | pertaining to the skin | 8 | |
12029834765 | latero- | side | 9 | |
12029834766 | ad- | to, toward | 10 | |
12029834767 | di- | twice, double | 11 | |
12029834768 | leuk(o)- | pertaining to anything white or to leukocytes (white blood cells) | 12 | |
12029834769 | aden(o)- | pertaining to a gland | 13 | |
12029834770 | dia- | through, completely | 14 | |
12029834771 | lith(o)- | pertaining to a stone | 15 | |
12029834772 | an- | without, lack of | 16 | |
12029834773 | dys- | difficult, painful, abnormal | 17 | |
12029834774 | macro- | large | 18 | |
12029834775 | ana- | up, back, again | 19 | |
12029834776 | ect(o)- | out from | 20 | |
12029834777 | mal- | bad or abnormal | 21 | |
12029834778 | angio- | vessel | 22 | |
12029834779 | electro- | pertaining to electricity | 23 | |
12029834780 | medi- | middle | 24 | |
12029834781 | ante- | before, forward | 25 | |
12029834782 | end(o)- | within | 26 | |
12029834783 | anti- | against, opposed to | 27 | |
12029834784 | enter(o)- | pertaining to the intestines | 28 | |
12029834785 | melan- | black | 29 | |
12029834786 | arteri(o)- | artery | 30 | |
12029834787 | epi- | upon, on | 31 | |
12029834788 | mening(o)- | pertaining to a membrane, particularly the meninges | 32 | |
12029834789 | arthro- | pertaining to a joint | 33 | |
12029834790 | erythr(o)- | pertaining to anything red or to erythrocytes (red blood cells) | 34 | |
12029834791 | micro- | small | 35 | |
12029834792 | auto- | self | 36 | |
12029834793 | eu- | easy, good, normal | 37 | |
12029834794 | mono- | one | 38 | |
12029834795 | bi- | two | 39 | |
12029834796 | ex(o)- | outside | 40 | |
12029834797 | myel(o)- | pertaining to the spinal cord, the bone marrow, or myelin | 41 | |
12029834798 | bi(o)- | pertaining to life | 42 | |
12029834799 | extra- | outside, in addition | 43 | |
12029834800 | my(o)- | pertaining to muscle | 44 | |
12029834801 | blast(o)- | germ or cell | 45 | |
12029834802 | gastr(o)- | pertaining to the stomach | 46 | |
12029834803 | nas(o)- | pertaining to the nose | 47 | |
12029834804 | blephar(o)- | pertaining to an eyelid | 48 | |
12029834805 | glyc(o)- | sugar | 49 | |
12029834806 | ne(o)- | new | 50 | |
12029834807 | brady- | slow | 51 | |
12029834808 | gynec(o)- | pertaining to females or the female reproductive organs | 52 | |
12029834809 | nephr(o)- | pertaining to the kidney | 53 | |
12029834810 | calc- | stone; also heel | 54 | |
12029834811 | hemat(o)- | pertaining to blood | 55 | |
12029834812 | neur(o)- | pertaining to a nerve or the nervous system | 56 | |
12029834813 | cardi(o)- | pertaining to the heart | 57 | |
12029834814 | hemi- | half | 58 | |
12029834815 | noct- | night | 59 | |
12029834816 | cephal(o)- | pertaining to the head | 60 | |
12029834817 | hem(o)- | pertaining to blood | 61 | |
12029834818 | olig(o)- | little, deficient | 62 | |
12029834819 | cerebr(o)- | pertaining to the cerebrum, a part of the brain | 63 | |
12029834820 | hepat(o)- | pertaining to the liver | 64 | |
12029834821 | oophor(o)- | pertaining to the ovary | 65 | |
12029834822 | cervic(o)- | pertaining to the neck or the uterine cervix | 66 | |
12029834823 | heter- | other, different | 67 | |
12029834824 | ophthalm(o)- | pertaining to the eye | 68 | |
12029834825 | chole- | pertaining to bile | 69 | |
12029834826 | hom- | same or like | 70 | |
12029834827 | orchid(o)- | pertaining to the testicles | 71 | |
12029834828 | chondr(o)- | pertaining to cartilage | 72 | |
12029834829 | hydr(o)- | water | 73 | |
12029834830 | orchi(o)- | pertaining to the testicles | 74 | |
12029834831 | circum- | around, about | 75 | |
12029834832 | hyper- | over, excessive | 76 | |
12029834833 | oro- | pertaining to the mouth | 77 | |
12029834834 | contra- | against, opposite | 78 | |
12029834835 | hypo- | under, deficient | 79 | |
12029834836 | ortho- | straight or normal | 80 | |
12029834837 | cost(o)- | pertaining to a rib | 81 | |
12029834838 | hyster(o)- | pertaining to the uterus | 82 | |
12029834839 | oste(o)- | pertaining to bone | 83 | |
12029834840 | cyan(o)- | blue | 84 | |
12029834841 | infra- | below | 85 | |
12029834842 | ot(o)- | pertaining to the ear | 86 | |
12030603577 | para- | by the side of | 87 | |
12030603578 | pseud(o)- | false | 88 | |
12030603579 | semi- | half or partial | 89 | |
12030603580 | path(o)- | pertaining to disease | 90 | |
12030603581 | psych(o)- | pertaining to the mind | 91 | |
12030603582 | sub- | under, moderately | 92 | |
12030603583 | per- | through | 93 | |
12030603584 | pulm(o)- | pertaining to the lung | 94 | |
12030603585 | super- | above, excessive, or more than normal | 95 | |
12030603586 | peri- | around | 96 | |
12030603587 | pur- | pertaining to pus | 97 | |
12030603588 | supra- | above | 98 | |
12030603589 | phag(o)- | pertaining to eating, ingesting, or engulfing | 99 | |
12030603590 | pyel(o)- | pertaining to the kidney or pelvis | 100 | |
12030603591 | tachy- | fast | 101 | |
12030603592 | pharyng(o)- | pertaining to the throat, or pharynx | 102 | |
12030603593 | py(o)- | pertaining to pus | 103 | |
12030603594 | therm- | pertaining to temperature | 104 | |
12030603595 | phleb(o)- | pertaining to a vein | 105 | |
12030603596 | quadr(i)- | four | 106 | |
12030603597 | thorac(o)- | pertaining to the chest | 107 | |
12030603598 | pneum(o)- | pertaining to respiration, the lungs, or air | 108 | |
12030603599 | quar- | four | 109 | |
12030603600 | trans- | across | 110 | |
12030603601 | poly- | many | 111 | |
12030603602 | quat- | four | 112 | |
12030603603 | tri- | three | 113 | |
12030603604 | post- | after, behind | 114 | |
12030603605 | retr(o)- | backward or behind | 115 | |
12030603606 | uni- | one | 116 | |
12030603607 | pre- | before | 117 | |
12030603608 | rhin(o)- | pertaining to the nose | 118 | |
12030603609 | vas(o)- | vessel | 119 | |
12030603610 | pro- | before, in front of | 120 | |
12030603611 | salping(o)- | pertaining to a tube | 121 | |
12030603612 | proct(o)- | pertaining to the rectum | 122 | |
12030603613 | scler(o)- | hard; also means pertaining to the sclera | 123 | |
12031993168 | -algia | pertaining to pain | 124 | |
12031993169 | -emia | pertaining to the presence of a substance in the blood | 125 | |
12031993170 | -ology | science of | 126 | |
12031993171 | -asthen(o) | weakness | 127 | |
12031993172 | -genic | causing | 128 | |
12031993173 | -oma | tumor | 129 | |
12031993174 | -blast | immature cell | 130 | |
12031993175 | -gram | record | 131 | |
12031993176 | -osis | pertaining to a disease process | 132 | |
12031993177 | -cele | pertaining to a tumor or swelling | 133 | |
12031993178 | -graph | a record or the instrument used to create the record | 134 | |
12031993179 | -ostomy | surgical creation of an opening, or hole | 135 | |
12031993180 | -centesis | pertaining to a procedure in which an organ or body cavity is punctured, often to drain excess fluid or obtain a sample for analysis | 136 | |
12031993181 | -itis | inflammation | 137 | |
12031993182 | -otomy | surgical incision | 138 | |
12031993183 | -cyte | cell | 139 | |
12031993184 | -lysis | decline, disintegration, or destruction | 140 | |
12031993185 | -pathy | disease or a system for treating disease | 141 | |
12031993186 | -ectomy | surgical removal of | 142 | |
12031993187 | -megaly | enlargement of | 143 | |
12031993188 | -phagia | pertaining to eating or swallowing | 144 | |
12031993189 | -phasia | pertaining to speech | 145 | |
12031993190 | -rrhage | abnormal or excessive flow or discharge | 146 | |
12031993191 | -sis | a process, action, or condition | 147 | |
12031993192 | -phobia | pertaining to an irrational fear | 148 | |
12031993193 | -rrhagia | abnormal or excessive flow or discharge | 149 | |
12031993194 | -taxis | order, arrangement of | 150 | |
12031993195 | -plasty | plastic surgery | 151 | |
12031993196 | -rrhaphy | suture of; repair of | 152 | |
12031993197 | -trophic | pertaining to nutrition | 153 | |
12031993198 | -plegia | paralysis | 154 | |
12031993199 | -rrhea | flow or discharge | 155 | |
12031993200 | -uria | pertaining to a substance in the urine or the condition so indicated | 156 | |
12031993201 | -pnea | pertaining to breathing | 157 | |
12031993202 | -scope | instrument for examination | 158 | |
12031993203 | -ptosis | drooping | 159 | |
12031993204 | -scopy | examination with an instrument | 160 | |
12031993205 | acou- | hear | 161 | |
12031993206 | carotid | great arteries of the neck | 162 | |
12031993207 | gest- | carry, produce, congestion | 163 | |
12031993208 | adip- | fat | 164 | |
12031993209 | carpus | wrist | 165 | |
12031993210 | gno- | know | 166 | |
12031993211 | alb- | white | 167 | |
12031993212 | cent- | a fraction in the metric system; one hundredth or 100 | 168 | |
12031993213 | -gram | something written or recorded | 169 | |
12031993214 | alges- | pain | 170 | |
12031993215 | cente- | to puncture (a body cavity) | 171 | |
12031993216 | graph- | write, record | 172 | |
12031993217 | andr- | male | 173 | |
12031993218 | cili- | eyelid | 174 | |
12031993219 | humerus | the bone in the upper arm | 175 | |
12031993220 | aorta | large artery exiting from the left ventricle of the heart | 176 | |
12031993221 | cleid(o)- | clavicle | 177 | |
12031993222 | idi- | separate, distinct | 178 | |
12031993223 | aqua- | water | 179 | |
12031993224 | cubitus | elbow | 180 | |
12031993225 | iod(o)- | iodine | 181 | |
12031993226 | asphyxia | lack of oxygen or excessof carbon dioxide in the body that results in unconsciousness | 182 | |
12031993227 | cycl- | circle or cycle | 183 | |
12031993228 | lact- | milk | 184 | |
12031993229 | asthen- | weak digit finger or toe | 185 | |
12031993230 | lingu- | tongue | 186 | |
12031993231 | audi- | to hear | 187 | |
12031993232 | bronch- | windpipe | 188 | |
12031993233 | -esthesi(o)- | pertaining to sensation or perception | 189 | |
12031993234 | ocul- | eye | 190 | |
12031993235 | bucc- | cheek | 191 | |
12031993236 | febr- | fever | 192 | |
12031993237 | ov- | egg | 193 | |
12031993238 | bursa | pouch or sac | 194 | |
12031993239 | flex | bend | 195 | |
12031993240 | palpate | to examine by touch | 196 | |
12031993241 | callus | hard, thick skin; also a meshwork of connective tissue that forms during the healing process after a fracture | 197 | |
12031993242 | foramen | opening | 198 | |
12031993243 | ped- | child or foot | 199 | |
12031993244 | carcin- | cancer | 200 | |
12031993245 | fract- | break | 201 | |
12031993246 | percuss | to examine by striking | 202 | |
12031993247 | phot- | light | 203 | |
12031993248 | tom- | cut | 204 | |
12031993249 | pleur- | rib, side | 205 | |
12031993250 | sept- | wall, divider; also seven toxic poisonous | 206 | |
12031993251 | pod- | foot serum the clear portion of body fluids, including blood | 207 | |
12031993252 | trich- | hair | 208 | |
12031993253 | pto- | fall | 209 | |
12031993254 | sinus | cavity, channel, or hollow space | 210 | |
12031993255 | ptyal- | saliva | 211 | |
12031993256 | som(a)- | body | 212 | |
12031993257 | varic- | varicose vein | 213 | |
12031993258 | pyr- | fire | 214 | |
12031993259 | spir- | coil | 215 | |
12031993260 | radius | the forearm bone on the thumb side; also a line from the center of a circle or sphere to the edge | 216 | |
12031993261 | stasis | slowing or stopping of the normal flow of a fluid, such as blood | 217 | |
12031993262 | viscer- | internal organs | 218 | |
12031993263 | ren- | kidney | 219 | |
12031993264 | stern(o)- | sternum (breastbone) | 220 | |
12031993265 | xen- | foreign (material) | 221 | |
12031993266 | sangui(n)- | blood | 222 | |
12031993267 | stoma | any small opening on the surface of the body, such as a pore; also, the opening created in the abdominal wall for the passage of urine or feces | 223 | |
12031993268 | xer- | dry | 224 | |
12031993269 | sebum | a fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands | 225 | |
12031993270 | tact- | touch | 226 | |
12031993271 | sect- | cut | 227 | |
12031993272 | tetra- | four | 228 | |
12033117056 | mega | large | 229 | |
14049507245 | cyst(o)- | pertaining to the bladder or any fluid-containing sac | 230 | |
14049515686 | intra- | within | 231 | |
14049523388 | mega- | large | 232 | |
14049541893 | ede- | swelling | 233 | |
14049541894 | men- | month | 234 | |
14049558037 | vertigo | a disordered sensation in which one's own body or the surroundings are perceived as moving | 235 | |
14049808420 | sepsis | the presence of microorganisms or their toxins in the blood; also the toxic condition caused by such presence | 236 | |
14049811525 | stature | height | 237 | |
14049811526 | viscous | sticky | 238 | |
14049820686 | ur- | urine | 239 |
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