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AP Bio Unit 1 (Ch 1-3) Flashcards

Introduction to Biology
Chemistry of Life
Properties of Water

Terms : Hide Images
197314030PopulationA localized group of organisms that belong to the same species
197314033Hydrogen bondWhen the slight negative charge at one end of one water molecule is attracted to the slight positive charge of another water molecule
197314035HydrophobicNonpolar substances like oils that repel water molecules
197314037BufferA solution that prevents sudden changes in pH
197314039Atomic massNumber of protons plus neutrons for an element
197314040Atomic numberNumber of protons or electrons an element contains
197314041DaltonA unit of mass equivalent to one proton or one neutron, also known as atomic mass unit (amu)
197314042IsotopesAtoms of the same element that contain different numbers of neutrons
197314043Covalent bondChemical bond formed when two atoms share valence electrons
197314044Nonpolar covalent bondChemical bond formed when two atoms that are equally electronegative share valence electrons
197314045Polar covalent bondChemical bond formed when two atoms that have different electronegativities share valence electrons
197314046Van der Waals interactionsForm when electrons are not equally distributed around a molecule
197314047CompoundA molecule consisting of two or more types of atoms in definite proportions (ex. H20)
197314048Trace elementsElements that are necessary for life, but only in very small amounts
197314052StructureThe physical makeup of a biological component
197314053FunctionThe job performed by a biological component
197314054CellThe smallest unit that can perform all the functions of life
197314055ProkaryoticA cell that does not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
197314056EukaryoticA cell that has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
197314057Positive feedbackType of feedback system where an accumulation of the end product speeds up the reaction (ex. mammalian labor and birth)
197314058Negative feedbackType of feedback system where an accumulation of the end product slows down the reaction (ex. temperature regulation)
197314059TaxonomyThe science of naming and classifying organisms
197314060BacteriaDomain of prokaryotic organisms that are found everywhere on Earth
197314061ArchaeaDomain of prokaryotic organisms that are often found in extreme environments on Earth
197314062ProtistaKingdom of microorganisms that can be autrotrophic or heterotrophic
197314063FungiKingdom of eukaryotic organisms that absorb nutrients from their environment
197314064AnimaliaKingdom of multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs that acquire nutrients by consuming other organisms
197314065PlantaeKingdom of eukaryotic organisms that create their own food using sunglight, water, and CO2
197314066EukaryaDomain of organisms that have nuclei and membrane-bound organelles
197314069EvolutionThe idea that organisms living on Earth today are the modified descendants of common ancestors
197314070BiosphereAnywhere on Earth where life exists
197314071TheoryAn explanation that is broad in scope, generates new hypotheses, and is supported by a large body of evidence
197314072ModelA scientific representation of a natural phenomenon
197314073MatterAnything that takes up space and has mass
197314074ElementA substance that cannot be broken down to another substances by chemical reactions
197314075AtomThe smallest unit f matter that still retains the properties of an element
197314076ProtonSubatomic particle with a positive charge and a mass of 1 dalton
197314077NeutronSubatomic particle with no charge and a mass of 1 dalton
197314078ElectronSubatomic particle with a negative charge and a mass of 1/2000 of a Dalton
197314079Valence electronsElectrons found in the outermost energy shell of an atom that are responsible for the reactivity of an atom
197314083CationPositively charged ion
197314084CohesionThe attract between two of the same molecules
197314085AdhesionThe attraction between two different molecules
197314086Specific heatThe amount of heat that must be absorbed for 1 g of that substance to change its temperature by 1 degree celcius
197314088SolutionA liquid that is homogeneous mixture of substances
197314089SolventThe dissolving agent of a solution
197314090SoluteThe substance that is dissolved in a solution
197314091HydrophyllicA substance that can be dissolved in water
197314092AnionNegatively charged ion
197314093IonAn atom with a positive or negative charge
197314094Controlled experimentAn experiment designed to compare two groups that differ only by one factor
197314095EcosystemAll the living and nonliving things in a particular area that interact to make life possible
197314096CommunityAll the living things in an ecosystem
433588937DataRecorded observations
433588938QualitativeData that uses descriptive words (ex. color)
433588939QuantitativeData that uses numbers (ex. height)
433588940HypothesisTentative answer to a scientific question that must be testable and falsifiable
433588941BiologyThe scientific study of life
433588942Potential energyThe energy that matter has because of its location or structure
433588943Chemical reactionThe making and breaking of chemical bonds
433588944ReactantsThe starting molecules of a chemical reaction
433588945ProductsThe final molecules of a chemical reaction
433588946Chemical equilibriumWhen the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal
433588947PolarityWhen the opposite ends of a molecule have slightly different charges
433588948MolarityThe number of moles of a solute per liter of solution
433588949AcidA substance that increases the H+ concentration of a solution and has a pH of less than 7
433588950BaseA substance that reduces the H+ concentration of a solution and has a pH of greater than 7

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